How to override a standard link in Salesforce - salesforce

i have to override a standard link in Home Page layout .My screenshot of Home page layout is
i want to open my visualforce page when user click on link on left bottom Approve/Reject link.How to override its functionality please this possible or not ??

Why do you want to override the existing link? You can add fields to the Approval page layout which gets displayed when the approver will click on Approve/Reject button, but you cannot override it.
You will need to create your own approval process if you absolutely need to show visualforce page on the link.


Action not visible in page layout setup

I have created an action to show a lightning component on the contact record:
When I go to the page layout editor I am not able to see the button to add to the page layout.
I tried with global action but that also doesn't seem to be working.
What am I missing?
We are able to see the button in Mobile & Lightning Actions in the Page Layout Edit page

Visualforce page popup window

I have a visualforce page (chat app) in my salesforce classic org. I want to use this as chat popup for every page in salesforce. How can I achieve this?
You can find the one and only solution to open a custom popup on this page :
You can do this only from a Visualforce page, as you need to override a function call with Javascript code.

Adding Custom Button to a Salesforce Standard Page

How can a user that have Developer Account can add custom button to a standard page is there a way to do that. Because I couldn't find editing a button, adding a button or editing button's redirect URL for a standart visualforce edit page. i.e Opportunity creation form.
Your question is unclear :/
Your organisation is a "Developer Edition" (a free one to try out working on platform) or for example "Enterprise Edition" and your user Profile (a set of system permissions) is called "Developer"? In "Developer Edition" you probably are a System Administrator, so you have all the rights. In the later case - check if your profile has "Customize Application" permission for a start.
What do you mean by "standard visualforce edit page", there's no such thing. You mean standard page layout or do you have custom Visualforce Page that's used to edit opportunities?
Best guess answer:
You can go to Setup -> Customize -> Opportunities -> Buttons and Links, create there a "Detail Page Button" and when it's done - add it to the page layout(s) of Opportunities. If you don't see these options - you don't have permission to customize application.
BUT: none of the buttons added that way can be displayed on the "edit" page, which is a standard one with very limited customisation options. Only standard "view" page displays the extra buttons. There are some JavaScript tricks to inject content to "new/edit" (via section headers or sidebar)... But if you want the button to behave reliably best might be
to make a Visualforce page and override the actions.
What exactly this button should do?
You can not delete the standard button but you can edit it and override it with Visualforce page. You can find the all standard buttons for the opportunity are here. Setup-->App Setup --> Customize --> Opportunity --> Buttons and Links.
Form here you can either create any custom button or you can edit the standard button.
Note : If you are overriding standard page with Visualforce page then make sure that the Visualforce page is having standardcontroller as selected object i.e. here in this case is "Opportunity"
To add a custom button to a standard page go to Setup -> Customize -> Opportunity -> Buttons & Links. Click "New" custom button and link button.
Here is a good tutorial for adding javascript actions.
If you wanted to override standard buttons with visualforce pages, create your page first, then on the same buttons and link page from above, select "Edit" on the action you want to override.

Adding VF page

How to add a Vf page to a profile? I am trying to add a VF page to a Vendor user.
Can anybody help me solve this problem.
In Salesforce, just navigate to Setup -> Administration Setup -> Manage Users -> Profiles. Open up your profile, but do not click Edit yet. Scroll all the way to the bottom of the screen, to the section called "Enabled Visualforce Page Access". Click Edit in this area, and you can move pages from the left box to the right one to give that profile access.

Can we make visualforce page as Home page in salesforce?

i want to make my visualforce page as home page in my sandbox.
So is it possible to make visualforce page as home page in salesforce.
I can think of two things that might work for you.
You can embed a Visualforce Page in your home page layout
Similarly, you could create an HTML area home page component with a little javascript that redirects from the home page to the visualforce page:
<script language="JavaScript">
I don't think so.
What you can do is, build a visualforce page, create a tab for that, add that tab to your application and make that as the default tab.
As was mentioned above - one thing you can try is the following:
Create the visualforce page
Create a custom tab for that visualforce page called "Home" (or whatever you want to call it)
Remove the default "Home" tab from the list of tabs a user sees (can be done via customizing the tabs & profile editing)
Add your new Home tab to the user and make it their default tab
I believe that should accomplish what you're wanting to do.
No We can't make visualforce page as home page in classic in Lightning it is possible to make it as a home page.
you want to by click on the tab to display the visualforce page is possible using visalforce tab.
