Calling parse function in swift fails - arrays

I am working on a food delivery app, which uses parse as its backend. I am facing a problem while calling the placeOrder API through
PFCloud.callFunction(inBackground: PlaceOrder, withParameters: params) { (data, err) in}
Please have a look at the JSON which I need to post below.
"source": "card_1EVYuOEynlyM6L4SHgBMJYRQ",
"userId": "YjSZYSXEp7",
"data": {
"menuItems": [{
"id": "QSYa2JDcIm",
"title": "Rice With Tibss(Beef)",
"menuTitle": "Rice With Tibss",
"submenuItem": [{
"id": "zaOo6G4KSV",
"name": "Beef",
"price": 12,
"desc": "Fillings?"
"price": 24,
"qty": 1,
"storeId": "yqBCDmzaDP",
"storeName": "Ibex Ethiopian Cusine and Bar",
"orderType": "takeout",
"taxState": 0.0925,
"storeInfo": {
"cart_storeId": "yqBCDmzaDP",
"cart_storeName": "Ibex Ethiopian Cusine and Bar",
"cart_storeImage": ",h_199,q_auto,w_270/v1461575640/Ibex_lopx38.jpg",
"cart_storeCuisine": "Ethiopian",
"cart_storeDescription": "We always serve a quality food. We always serve a quality food. We always serve a quality food. We always serve a quality food.",
"cart_storeRating": 3.33,
"cart_storeDelivery": false,
"takeout": true,
"address": "12255 Greenville Ave,Dallas, TX 75243",
"slugname": "TX_DAL_ibex_ethiopian_cuisine_and_bar",
"multiple_location": false,
"cart_storeDeliveryFee": 15,
"cart_storeServes": "Lunch,Dinner",
"busy": false,
"cart_storeSeoSlug": "ibex-ethiopian-cusine-and-bar"
"enable": true,
"voice_read_mi_label": "fbgcb",
"voice_read_mi_option": false,
"menuTypeName": "Standard"
"lastOrderType": "takeout",
"searchedAddress": "takeout",
"timeData": {
"day": "06-05-2019",
"time": "12:55 am",
"tz": "America/Los_Angeles"
"unavailable_option": "restaurant_recommendation"
And below is the Swift code which I have used to make pass it.
let storeInfo: Dictionary = [CartStoreId: self.cartStoreId, CartStoreName: self.cartRestaurantName, CartStoreImage: self.cartStoreImage, CartStoreCuisine: self.cartStoreCuisine, CartStoreDescription: self.cartStoreDescription, CartStoreRating: self.cartStoreRating, CartStoreDelivery: self.cartStoreDelivery, Takeout: self.takeOut, Address: self.address, Slugname: self.slugName, MultipleLocation: self.multipleLocation, CartStoreDeliveryFee: self.cartStoreDelivery, CartStoreServes: self.cartStoreServes, Busy: self.busy, CartStoreSeoSlug: self.cartStoreSeoSlug] as Dictionary
let subMenuItem = ["id": "zaOo6G4KSV", "name": "Beef", "price": 12, "desc": "Fillings?", "voice_read_submi_label":"bf", "voice_read_submi_option":false, "disabled": false] as [String: Any]
let ordersDictionary = [
"id" : "1234",
"title" : "Test",
"menuTitle" : "MenuName",
"price" : 23,
"qty" : 2,
"storeId" : 23,
"orderType" : "standard",
"taxState" : 0.22,
"enable" : true,
"menuTypeName" : "Type Name",
"submenuitem": subMenuItem,
"storeInfo": storeInfo
] as Dictionary
let timeData = ["day" : 17-06-2019, "time": "11:00 AM", "tz": "America/Los_Angeles"] as Dictionary
let data = ["menuItems": ordersDictionary, "lastOrderType": "takeout", "searchedAddress": "takeout", "timeData" : timeData] as Dictionary
let params = [UserId: self.userId, "source":"card_1EVYuOEynlyM6L4SHgBMJYRQ", "data": data, "unavailable_option":"restaurant_recommendation","_ApplicationId":"6EuadToYoFGJhI1sX8XnuFBz9tp9l3yH6HxzzXZO", "_JavaScriptKey":"rQkALu9saFtF2oq9yCibyw6mEcs3PVqct3uuP6vg", "_ClientVersion":"js1.6.14", "_InstallationId":"444ec64d-5fcc-7b8e-596e-6be627892c2a",
"_SessionToken":"r:c966376120c8eca77aa63c29d5bebe1a"] as Dictionary
After all this is done I call the parse function like below.
PFCloud.callFunction(inBackground: PlaceOrder, withParameters: params) { (data, err) in
if err != nil {
} else {
But this gives me error after a few seconds saying
"Error Domain=NSCocoaErrorDomain Code=3840 "JSON text did not start with array or object and option to allow fragments not set." UserInfo={NSDebugDescription=JSON text did not start with array or object and option to allow fragments not set.}"
I have searched the web with the error and made fixes accordingly but still no success. Please help me guys.

I noticed that your params var is not compatible with the JSON you sent, there are more fields and also missing fields. Moreover, menuItems and submenuItem are an Array in your JSON and an Object in your code. It is probably making the cloud code function to fail and you are therefore not receiving back a valid JSON. Try the following and check if it works. In the case it works, just replace the values by your vars.
let params = [
"source": "card_1EVYuOEynlyM6L4SHgBMJYRQ",
"userId": "YjSZYSXEp7",
"data": [
"menuItems": [[
"id": "QSYa2JDcIm",
"title": "Rice With Tibss(Beef)",
"menuTitle": "Rice With Tibss",
"submenuItem": [[
"id": "zaOo6G4KSV",
"name": "Beef",
"price": 12,
"desc": "Fillings?"
"price": 24,
"qty": 1,
"storeId": "yqBCDmzaDP",
"storeName": "Ibex Ethiopian Cusine and Bar",
"orderType": "takeout",
"taxState": 0.0925,
"storeInfo": [
"cart_storeId": "yqBCDmzaDP",
"cart_storeName": "Ibex Ethiopian Cusine and Bar",
"cart_storeImage": ",h_199,q_auto,w_270/v1461575640/Ibex_lopx38.jpg",
"cart_storeCuisine": "Ethiopian",
"cart_storeDescription": "We always serve a quality food. We always serve a quality food. We always serve a quality food. We always serve a quality food.",
"cart_storeRating": 3.33,
"cart_storeDelivery": false,
"takeout": true,
"address": "12255 Greenville Ave,Dallas, TX 75243",
"slugname": "TX_DAL_ibex_ethiopian_cuisine_and_bar",
"multiple_location": false,
"cart_storeDeliveryFee": 15,
"cart_storeServes": "Lunch,Dinner",
"busy": false,
"cart_storeSeoSlug": "ibex-ethiopian-cusine-and-bar"
"enable": true,
"voice_read_mi_label": "fbgcb",
"voice_read_mi_option": false,
"menuTypeName": "Standard"
"lastOrderType": "takeout",
"searchedAddress": "takeout",
"timeData": [
"day": "06-05-2019",
"time": "12:55 am",
"tz": "America/Los_Angeles"
"unavailable_option": "restaurant_recommendation"


Convert json data in simple form - Laravel chat-inbox

I am trying to get latest messages from table 'messages' for inbox
The chat is between user and owner of the item (listed on my portal)
I want to get unique data with item_id
My code is
public function inbox()
// $inbox = ChatMessage::distinct('item_id')->where('incoming_msg_id', auth()->user()->id)->orWhere('outgoing_msg_id', auth()->user()->id)->orderBy('msg_id', 'DESC')->get();
$inbox = Message::where('incoming_msg_id', auth()->user()->id)->orWhere('outgoing_msg_id', auth()->user()->id)->latest('msg_id')->get()->unique('item_id');
return $this->sendResponse($inbox,'Chat');
Result is perfect just i need is non-associative/non-object array.
Current output
"success": true,
"data": {
"0": {
"msg_id": 68,
"incoming_msg_id": 0,
"outgoing_msg_id": 2,
"msg": "ok let me check",
"msg_for": "hadiya",
"item_id": "13",
"msg_at": "1 day ago"
"1": {
"msg_id": 62,
"incoming_msg_id": 0,
"outgoing_msg_id": 2,
"msg": "test msg",
"msg_for": "hadiya",
"item_id": "1",
"msg_at": "2 days ago"
"message": "Chat"
Expected Output
"success": true,
"data": [
"msg_id": 68,
"incoming_msg_id": 0,
"outgoing_msg_id": 2,
"msg": "ok let me check",
"msg_for": "hadiya",
"item_id": "13",
"msg_at": "1 day ago"
"msg_id": 62,
"incoming_msg_id": 0,
"outgoing_msg_id": 2,
"msg": "test msg",
"msg_for": "hadiya",
"item_id": "1",
"msg_at": "2 days ago"
"message": "Chat"
It's simple by following approach you can set the http status code also (optional).
return response()->json(['chat' => $inbox], 200);
I got the solution after lots of revisions.
I got the distinct data in the best json format I was looking for...
$inbox = ChatMessage::select('msg_id','incoming_msg_id','outgoing_msg_id','msg','msg_for','item_id','msg_at')->groupBy('item_id')->where('incoming_msg_id', auth()->user()->id)->orWhere('outgoing_msg_id', auth()->user()->id)->get();
return $this->sendResponse($inbox,'Inbox');
Explanation : In Laravel 8 there is a function known as groupBy() which is use for getting distinct results.
Check the link here for more information.

Array within Element within Array in Variant

How can I get the data out of this array stored in a variant column in Snowflake. I don't care if it's a new table, a view or a query. There is a second column of type varchar(256) that contains a unique ID.
If you can just help me read the "confirmed" data and the "editorIds" data I can probably take it from there. Many thanks!
Output example would be
UniqueID ConfirmationID EditorID
u3kd9 xxxx-436a-a2d7 nupd
u3kd9 xxxx-436a-a2d7 9l34c
R3nDo xxxx-436a-a3e4 5rnj
yP48a xxxx-436a-a477 jTpz8
yP48a xxxx-436a-a477 nupd
"confirmed": {
"Confirmation": "Entry ID=xxxx-436a-a2d7-3525158332f0: Confirmed order submitted.",
"ConfirmationID": "xxxx-436a-a2d7-3525158332f0",
"ConfirmedOrders": 1,
"Received": "8/29/2019 4:31:11 PM Central Time"
"editorIds": [
] ,
"id": "xxxxx5AvGgeSHy8Ms6Ytyc-1",
"messages": [],
"orderJson": {
"EntryID": "xxxxx5AvGgeSHy8Ms6Ytyc-1",
"Orders": [
"DropShipFlag": 1,
"FromAddressValue": 1,
"OrderAttributes": [
"AttributeUID": 548
"AttributeUID": 553
"AttributeUID": 2418
"OrderItems": [
"EditorId": "aC3f5HsJYgWDENLoX",
"ItemAssets": [
"AssetPath": "https://xxxx573043eac521.png",
"DP2NodeID": "10000",
"ImageHash": "000000000000000FFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFF",
"ImageRotation": 0,
"OffsetX": 50,
"OffsetY": 50,
"PrintedFileName": "aC3f5HsJYgWDENLoX-10000",
"X": 50,
"Y": 52.03909266409266,
"ZoomX": 100,
"ZoomY": 93.75
"ItemAttributes": [
"AttributeUID": 2105
"AttributeUID": 125
"ItemBookAttribute": null,
"ProductUID": 52,
"Quantity": 1
"SendNotificationEmailToAccount": true,
"SequenceNumber": 1,
"ShipToAddress": {
"Addr1": "Addr1",
"Addr2": "0",
"City": "City",
"Country": "US",
"Name": "Name",
"State": "ST",
"Zip": "00000"
"orderNumber": null,
"status": "order_placed",
"submitted": {
"Account": "350000",
"ConfirmationID": "xxxxx-436a-a2d7-3525158332f0",
"EntryID": "xxxxx-5AvGgeSHy8Ms6Ytyc-1",
"Key": "D83590AFF0CC0000B54B",
"NumberOfOrders": 1,
"Orders": [
"LineItems": [],
"Note": "",
"Products": [
"Price": "00.30",
"ProductDescription": "xxxxxint 8x10",
"Quantity": 1
"Price": "00.40",
"ProductDescription": "xxxxxut Black 8x10",
"Quantity": 1
"Price": "00.50",
"ProductDescription": "xxxxx"
"Price": "00.50",
"ProductDescription": "xxxscount",
"Quantity": 1
"SequenceNumber": "1",
"SubTotal": "00.70",
"Tax": "1.01",
"Total": "00.71"
"Received": "8/29/2019 4:31:10 PM Central Time"
"tracking": null,
"updatedOn": 1.598736670503000e+12
So, this is how I'd query that exact JSON assuming the data is in column var in table x:
SELECT x.var[0]:confirmed:ConfirmationID::varchar as ConfirmationID,
f.value::varchar as EditorID
LATERAL FLATTEN(input => var[0]:editorIds) f
Since your sample output doesn't match the JSON that you provided, I will assume that this is what you need.
Also, as a note, your JSON includes outer [ ] which indicates that the entire JSON string is inside an array. This is the reason for var[0] in my query. If you have multiple records inside that array, then you should remove that. In general, you should exclude those and instead load each record into the table separately. I wasn't sure whether you could make that change, so I just wanted to make note.

Decode the encoded value directly in view/html

I am submitting a form for job posting and have skills like C# which escape in my rest API. So I encoded the skills and sending to backend.
now when I get back the skills I am doing decodeURIComponent for my skills
$scope.skills = decodeURIComponent(skills);
but this wont work with array of datas, when I want to fetch list of jobs , the datas comes in array , my array has almost 15 key values , which will be used in table some way. Writing a new array and pushing each values into array again pushing decoded skills a big process.
Is any solution to directly decoded the value in view , that is html
I tried {{decodeURIComponent(item.skills) }} but no luck.
sample Data ::
"json": {
"response": {
"statusmessage": "Success",
"count": 59,
"data": [
"employerId": 2,
"employerEmail": "",
"employerName": "SumitKumar",
"companyName": "Infosoftjoin%20pvt%20ltd.",
"jobId": 142,
"jobTitle": "Test%20case%201",
"jobDescription": "<p>ahdu%29%28#*%29*W%29%28*%29E%26%3D--%3D</p>",
"link": "",
"numberOfPositions": 5,
"createdTime": "18-May-2018",
"lastUpdatedTime": "18-May-2018",
"consumedCredits": 44,
"location": {
"city": "North And Middle Andaman",
"state": "Andaman and Nicobar Islands",
"country": "India"
"skills": [
"approved": 1,
"status": "Approved"
"employerId": 2,
"employerEmail": "",
"employerName": "SumitKumar",
"companyName": "Infosoftjoin%20pvt%20ltd.",
"jobId": 130,
"jobTitle": "New%20job",
"jobDescription": "hryuyurfkituo8",
"link": "",
"numberOfPositions": 5,
"createdTime": "16-May-2018",
"lastUpdatedTime": "16-May-2018",
"consumedCredits": 93,
"location": {
"city": "Nicobar",
"state": "Andaman and Nicobar Islands",
"country": "India"
"skills": [
"approved": 1,
"status": "Approved"
encodeURIComponent is a JavaScript built-in function, you can not access it directly in your AngularJs template. Convert that into a $scope function then try accessing from AngularJs template.
I would suggest you to have a filter for the same instead of $scope function.
app.filter('decodeFilter', function() {
return function(input) {
return decodeURIComponent(input);
{{item.skills | decodeFilter}}
If still you want that as $scope function then try below code:
return decodeURIComponent(value);
Also, please check this plunker for sample scenario with the above examples.

How can i access data from a json nested structure having similar name using #Angular

I am learning angular and i came across a problem i want to get data from a json but the problem is the nested data from json data has similar name under torrent that is "URL" now i want to access two url by clicking two separate buttons is it possible.
"status": "ok",
"status_message": "Query was successful",
"data": {
"movie_count": 6025,
"limit": 20,
"page_number": 1,
"movies": [
"id": 6368,
"imdb_code": "tt2364897",
"title": "The Disappointments Room",
"title_english": "The Disappointments Room",
"title_long": "The Disappointments Room (2016)",
"slug": "the-disappointments-room-2016",
"year": 2016,
"rating": 3.9,
"runtime": 85,
"genres": [
"language": "English",
"mpa_rating": "R",
"background_image": "",
"background_image_original": "",
"small_cover_image": "",
"state": "ok",
"torrents": [
"url": "",
"hash": "C9FED33A10E67EB46373CB8F5E6FA6FD6AFD91E8",
"quality": "720p",
"seeds": 800,
"peers": 563,
"size": "678.14 MB",
"size_bytes": 711081329,
"date_uploaded": "2017-03-06 16:03:23",
"date_uploaded_unix": 1488834203
"url": "",
"hash": "285CA3A886E8DE6FCF42D293A2404A8AD8F0CAC4",
"quality": "1080p",
"seeds": 675,
"peers": 462,
"size": "1.4 GB",
"size_bytes": 1503238554,
"date_uploaded": "2017-03-06 17:36:49",
"date_uploaded_unix": 1488839809
"date_uploaded": "2017-03-06 16:03:23",
"date_uploaded_unix": 1488834203
Assuming your json is in object called yourJsonObject then You can loop through this data in JS like this :{
console.log("Torrent URL : " + torrent.url);
If you are trying to do it in view in use ng-repeat directive.
<div ng-repeat="movie in">
<div ng-repeat="torrent in movie.torrents">
Torrent URL : {{torrent.url}} <br />

How to convert JSON Http response to Array in AngularJS 2

I'm doing a Http get in Angular 2 and the response is a JSON. However, i'm trying to use this in a ngFor but i can't because it isn't an Array.
How can I convert JSON to Array in Angular 2? I searched in many websites but didn't discover a effective way to do that.
Edit 1:
The response is like that:
"adult": false,
"backdrop_path": "/fCayJrkfRaCRCTh8GqN30f8oyQF.jpg",
"belongs_to_collection": null,
"budget": 63000000,
"genres": [
"id": 18,
"name": "Drama"
"homepage": "",
"id": 550,
"imdb_id": "tt0137523",
"original_language": "en",
"original_title": "Fight Club",
"overview": "A ticking-time-bomb insomniac and a slippery soap salesman channel primal male aggression into a shocking new form of therapy. Their concept catches on, with underground \"fight clubs\" forming in every town, until an eccentric gets in the way and ignites an out-of-control spiral toward oblivion.",
"popularity": 0.5,
"poster_path": null,
"production_companies": [
"name": "20th Century Fox",
"id": 25
"production_countries": [
"iso_3166_1": "US",
"name": "United States of America"
"release_date": "1999-10-12",
"revenue": 100853753,
"runtime": 139,
"spoken_languages": [
"iso_639_1": "en",
"name": "English"
"status": "Released",
"tagline": "How much can you know about yourself if you've never been in a fight?",
"title": "Fight Club",
"video": false,
"vote_average": 7.8,
"vote_count": 3439
I think if you want to pass from json to array you could do the following command:
var arr = []
for(i in json_object){
Then you have every keys in the even index and every contents in the odd index
Well, I really don't see the point here. Arrays are for operating with lists of similar objects or types, not for complex structures. If you had a bunch of objects similar to the one you show, then it would make sense. Anyways, if you really want an array then you could do it with recursion and create a flat array of the properties.
var flatPropertyArray = [];
function flatten(obj) {
for (var property in obj) {
if (obj.hasOwnProperty(property)) {
if (typeof obj[property] == "object")
pass your JSON into the flatten func.
