How edit files with Visual Code remote extension using sudo - vscode-remote

The Visual Code remote SSH extension allows editing any remote file in the embedded terminal just using code <filename> which is super useful.
However when opening a file with sudo e.g. sudo code /etc/fstabs it returns
sudo: code: command not found
Is there any way to allow the use of code to any user?

I don't believe this is possible at the time of writing as it would require the underlying node which is running VSCode server to be running with sudo, which it is not.
I have opened a GitHub Issue here.


Getting snowsql bootstrap could not verify the signature error when initializing snowsql after successful install

I installed snowsql-1.2.17-windows_x86_64.msi from the installer. After install, I am getting the
below error when calling the below command. please advice
snowsql -a XXXXXXX -u YYYYYY
Installing version: 1.2.17 [####################################] 100%
snowsql bootstrap could not verify the signature for the downloaded file. This snowsql command is not legitimate code. Enable the debug log -o log_level=DEBUG.
Failed to download snowsql. Check network connectivity: 1.2.17
I think it's because SnowSQL is trying to automatically update to the latest version but the signature file is still from the installed version.
In your config file under options, add noup=True (default is false which means update when available), and try again. Haven't tested this, but I think you can also add an option on the launch like this:
snowsql -a XXXXXXX -u YYYYYY --noup
Based on Nick's answer, this seems like a bug so let's hope we don't see these errors going forward.
Open cmd as administrator. Execute the command:
snowsql --noup
Close the window and now run snowsql as administrator. It should open, show a bunch of options and close automatically. Your snowsql should run fine now.
Snowflake reviewed the issue and found that the signature file was incorrect. It has been replaced with a correct signature file and you should not see this issue going forward.

How to get vscode-remote-ssh extension connects via git bash in windows?

I have vs code configured to use the git bash as a terminal in windows 7.
"": "C:\Program Files\Git\bin\bash.exe"
I have enabled SSH key based authentication to remotely access a host. All this works fine from within the terminal in VS Code.
However, when using the vscode-remote SSH extension to connect to host I get an error because it tries to connect using "The terminal process command 'cmd.exe'" instead of git bash.
I've checked my terminal settings configuration in vs code and it points to git bash.exe
I've used the terminal extension in vs code and it opens a git bash and successfully connects to the host
Is there a setting that I'm missing to force Remote-SSH to use the git bash for the connection?
JerryL's answer lead me to realize, that I can simply set GIT's ssh path c:\Program Files\Git\usr\bin\ssh.exe in the remote.SSH.path setting of VS Code Preferences:
Then it just worked like a charm.
Just for clarity my VS Code version is: 1.40.0-insider (system setup)
I ran into a similar issue trying to get MS VS Code Studio Remote-SSH working with Putty's Pageant. I had Git for Windows installed and in a Git Bash shell, I could ssh and pick up the Pageant keys and no password was needed.
But VS Code Remote-SSH, while using the Git ssh in C:\Program Files\Git\usr\bin\ssh.exe was using Windows 7 cmd.exe shell which didn't talk to Pageant.
What worked for me on Windows 7, VS Code 1.36.1 with (Remote Development 0.15.0, Remote-SSH 0.44.0) and Git for Windows 2.22:
Start Pageant (C:\Program Files\PuTTY\pageant.exe) and Add key.
Start the ssh agent shim (C:\Program Files\Git\cmd\start-ssh-pageant.cmd). This takes care of the communication between Git ssh, which looks for ssh-agent, and Pageant.
Create the SSH_AUTH_SOCK environment variable
Control Panel / System / Advanced Settings / Environment Variables..
User variables for username / New..:
Variable name: SSH_AUTH_SOCK
Variable value: /tmp/.ssh-pageant-username (e.g. /tmp/.ssh-pageant-bill) (Environment Variable assignment screenshot)
Test ssh:
Open a command prompt: Enter set to view the list of Environment Variables. Is the SSH_AUTH_SOCK variable set correctly to something like /tmp/.ssh-pageant-bill?
Try ssh to your host using Git's ssh.exe: c:\Program Files\Git\usr\bin\ssh.exe user#host If this works, then VS Code Remote-SSH should work.
Finally, I added Pageant and start-ssh-pageant.cmd to my Windows 7 Startup so this persists across reboots.
Hope that helps.
I had a similar problem trying to get VS Code Remote use Putty Pageant.
1. Create .bat file somewhere with the following content:
echo OpenSSH
2. Open VS Code settings, type remote ssh path in search and find Remote.SSH: Path settings
3. Past here path to your .bat file
4. Now VS Code Remote will use Pageant correctly.

How do i resolve "Failed to parse remote port from server"

I'm setting up a new remote host and every time i initiate it i get the following error output: Any feedback or direction on how to resolve this issue?
Pseudo-terminal will not be allocated because stdin is not a terminal.
Linux Destiny 4.9.0-9-amd64 #1 SMP Debian 4.9.168-1 (2019-04-12) x86_64
The programs included with the Debian GNU/Linux system are free software;
the exact distribution terms for each program are described in the
individual files in /usr/share/doc/*/copyright.
Debian GNU/Linux comes with ABSOLUTELY NO WARRANTY, to the extent
permitted by applicable law.
mesg: ttyname failed: Inappropriate ioctl for device
bash: cannot set terminal process group (3202): Inappropriate ioctl for device
bash: no job control in this shell
mesg: ttyname failed: Inappropriate ioctl for device
Downloading with wget
WARNING: tar exited with non-0 exit code
Found running server...
* Reminder: You may only use this software with Visual Studio family products,
* as described in the license (
cat: /root/.vscode-remote/.473af338e1bd9ad4d9853933da1cd9d5d9e07dc9.log: No such
file or directory
Server did not start successfully. Full server log:
cat: /root/.vscode-remote/.X.log51ec4692-
: No such file or directory
"install" terminal command done
Received install output: : No such file or directory
Failed to parse remote port from server output: : No such file or directory
If the server fails to shut down properly, sometimes it leaves dangling lockfiles. This can cause startup to fail and produce the "Failed to parse remote port from server output" error message. In this case the solution is to simply to delete the lockfiles:
Fixed the issue. It appears I had 2 other server agents running incorrectly. I killed both server agents using kill (PID) and removed ".vscode_remote" directory from user home directory. Then i reinitialized remote-ssh from vscode. Successfully connected!
On remote machine you do not have a tar installed. It's in log output
Installing... Downloading with wget
WARNING: tar exited with non-0 exit code
so under a root run:
apt-get install tar
or with sudo, if you have a user with sudoers configured:
sudo apt-get install tar
I also got the same issue and my workaround was to provide proper rights to the home or user folder, so vscode can create a remote folder and do the required installation on it.
Example :
sudo chmod -R 777 home/
In this case, I have provided all rights to my home folder and It worked like a charm for all the users.
I ssh'd onto the remote server (linux) and then deleted both directories as follows:
$ rm -r .vscode-server.backup2022-04-03T16:20:18-05:00
$ rm -r .vscode-server
In case someone else encounters the same issue - I had an instance where remote target had no space left on device. After extending root volume of target machine, connection worked fine.
I had the same issue because vscode was looking for my .vscode-server directory in the wrong location (it was in a custom location due to restrictions on where files can be saved). This can be fixed by using How to change vscode-server directory. Specifically add:
"remote.SSH.lockfilesInTmp": true,
To your settings.json
In my case, it wasn't working because of server asking for new password when starting a session. What I did was to open a new default terminal (not VSC terminal but your OS default terminal like ZSH, CMD, and so on). And I used the ssh command to login. I logged in successfully and changed the password. Then I tried connecting with the new password and it worked because the server didn't asked for password change now.
ssh username#IP
Enter password and you'll get asked to change the password. Change the password and try connecting again with new password using SSH VSC extension.
If yout authorize by ssh-key - also check the value of User parameter in VsCode ssh config. User must have matching key in ~/.ssh/authorized_keys on remote host.
#Sachin's answer directed me in the right direction, VSCode needs permissions in order to create some files, but instead of giving 777 permissions to your home folder (which can be dangerous) you can just chown the user that wants to log in (the user for me was ubuntu):
sudo chown -R ubuntu /home
I also got the same issue and my workaround was to provide proper rights to the home or user folder, so vscode can create a remote folder and do the required installation on it.
Step 1: Add port to your config file :
Host hostname
Port 22
User username
Step 2 : Go to File->Prefrences ->Open settings.json fle
Search for lockfilesInTmp
and check the box next to that

Cygwin ssh - Identity file not accessible

I've been trying to make ssh connection using Cygwin, but it doesn't recognize my id_rsa public key file.
My command lines are as follows:
$ssh XXX#XXX -i /home/XXX/.ssh/id_rsa
Warning: Identity file /home/XXX/.ssh/id_rsa not accessible: No such file or directory.
Permission denied (publickey,XXX).
(Sorry, I used XXX for the private information.)
I copied my .pub file to C:\cygwin\home\XXX.ssh folder. But it still spits out the same error message.
Thank you so much in advance.
Most cygwin executables, map Unix path /home/XXX/.ssh/id_rsa to Windows path C:\cygwin64\home\XXX\.ssh\id_rsa. Except that ssh.exe maps the same Unix path to Windows path C:\home\XXX\.ssh\id_rsa.
That is if you do cat ~/.ssh/id_rsa, it will print out the contents of C:\cygwin64\home\XXX\.ssh\id_rsa, but if you do ssh XXX#XXX -i /home/XXX/.ssh/id_rsa it will try to read the key from C:\home\XXX\.ssh\id_rsa.
I assume this is bug in Cygwin. In any event, this is a workaround that worked for me (on Windows 10 and the latest version of Cygwin as of October 2020).
Open Administrator command prompt. Go to C:\ and issue the command mklink /D home c:\cygwin64\home
That's it.
But for me tat least, once I solved the above problem, I started getting the problem described in this Superuser question I used the solution from the most upvoted answer and ssh finally worked for me.
From your post it looks like SSH is looking for /home/XXX/.ssh/id_rsa and is not finding it. Ensure that the .pub file you copied is named correctly and has the right permissions.
Try putting the option before the hostname...

how to debug application as root in eclipse in Ubuntu?

I'm programming application using libpcap. when I debug the application in normal mode, pcap cannot get the network device. it seems that I have to debug the application in root.
How can I debug the application in root? I have the root password.
I think eclipse has such an option that can add root for the debugging application,but I don't know how to do it.
please help.
Enable your user to run gdb as root without being asked for any
sudo visudo
Add the following line after all other rules:
<youruser> ALL=(root) NOPASSWD:/usr/bin/gdb
Create or modify a debug configuration in eclipse to run gdb as root
e.g. in Run > Debug Configurations > C/C++ Application > YourProject Debug:
change Debugger > Main > GDB debugger from gdb to sudo -u <youruser> gdb
Update (and warning!):
In his comment nategoose pointed out that this answer should come with a warning:
Enabling a user to use sudo for gdb like suggested in my answer in fact gives admin privileges to him/her which in many cases might be an undesired side effect. I therefore consider the answer appropriate in an environment where it's not assumed that the user would try to harm the system (e.g. it's your own personal computer or a virtual machine)
For a multi-(non-trusted)-user environment I think it might be a better idead to utilize unix' file capabilities to enable gdb to debug an application without the need of admin privileges
You can use gdbserver on localhost to attach a existing process, the following is the command line:
sudo gdbserver :<listening port> --attach <pid>
Or you can create a new process using gdbserver:
sudo gdbserver :<listening port> <process executable>
Then you can create a debugging configuration in Eclipse, in the debugger tab, the debugger item, select gdbserver, and input the listening port in the connection tab in the bellow.
Launch Eclipse with sudo (just for completeness:
Update: Follow xmoex solution. If you run Eclipse as root (ie. using sudo) your files will be root-owned... which you probably don't want.
Another solution is to grant you (or the gdb executable) the rights to make some pcap captures as mentioned here. With something like this :
setcap cap_net_raw,cap_net_admin=eip /usr/bin/gdb
you should be able to allow to capture packets to gdb without being root.
Here's how I did it:
Create a C/C++ Remote Application
On the target, make sure your sudo does not prompt for a PW
Look at Debug Configurations → Debugger → Port number
Edit Debug Configurations → Main → Commands to execute before application
Change to:
sudo gdbserver :<port number> <path to application>;exit #
This will basically run the gdbserver that would normally be executed by eclipse inside the sudo, the trailing '#' will keep the eclipse command from executing.
this question was asked a long time ago but if this will help to anybody I open a bug in bugzilla and this short thread solved the problem:
bugzilla bug
From the console in the directory with your executable:
sudo gdb ./my_program
If eclipse supports remote debugging then you could do that even though it is running locally.
From the console:
sudo gdbserver localhost:<port_number> ./my_program
And then tell Eclipse the address (localhost and the port number you chose).
Oh yeah, you said the reason you were doing this was because you were using libpcap, so you may not want to use remote debugging over TCP because you may end up capturing your debugging connection packets in addition to your other network traffic.
In that case you do your remote (but really local) debugging over a serial port. I have never done this on a local machine, but you could use two actual serial ports (attaching them though a null modem) or try using a psudoterminal:
sudo gdbserver /dev/ptmx ./my_program
This will create the psudo-terminal under /dev/pts/ but you'll have to figure out the name of it, and it might also create it with restrictive permissions. You can get around those. Unless you are running lots of terminal windows as root, it is not likely that you have many entries under /dev/pts that belong to root, so take note of the one that does after running the above command and then sudo chmod or sudo chown it to make it usable for your normal user and then tell your debugger to use that as your serial connection to your remote debugging target.
easiest way, try sudo ./eclipse, then debug as usual
