Custom Filter control in data studio - google-data-studio

This may be a simple answer , I have a report which has a table of data. One of the columns in the data set is a 'project'. I want to create filter that when clicked will remove any rows with an empty cell in the project column. I can create a filter for the project column but it gives me a list of all projects in data set to filter. I just want a simple Yes/No type filter or button to click to only show data where the project field is populated and then can click back to include all.
I dont want this be a page filter as I want the option for user to include or exclude.

Probably the easiest way is to create a custom dimension to include or exclude the empty projects
WHEN project IS NULL then "Blank Projects"
ELSE "Other Projects"
You could then use this as your filter by unticking the "Blank Projects" to exclude.


How do I populate choices for combo box in powerapps?

Novice business user here: I am trying to build a schedule separated by date in Microsoft PowerApps for Teams. It would look something like the arrival/departure board at an airport. I need my users to be able to change the status of an event on the schedule basically from "no go" to "go."
For my table, I created a table with columns showing the "no go" and "go" choices and set my default choices to "no go".
For my gallery, I created a nested gallery to separate the dates.
In the gallery, I can populate the fields I created in my table with the "no go" default values, but when I click the dropdown arrow in the combo box, I either get irrelevant choices from a different text column, or I don't get any choices at all.
I have tried making different changes to the "text" and "items" properties. I just don't know how to make the choices I created in the table populate in the combo box dropdown.

How can I load a chart table with a default value in Google Data Studio?

I'm working on a Google Data Studio page which pulls data from a Google Sheet.
The use case of this page is to display the data from a row (from the Google Sheet) based on a selection made from a filter (single select dropdown).
When the Google Data Studio page loads, by default, it loads all the data from the source and displays it on the chart tables, however I would like to display a blank page and the data should load only after a selection is made from the filter dropdown.
There is a simple way to solve this problem. In the drop-down filter settings, in the "default selection" field, you can enter text by default that does not match any of the possibilities of the list items will be displayed in the drop-down list. It might be something like "-".
Thus, defining a default selection that does not exist in the list, it will start by default selected and will not correspond with any existing field, causing no information to be displayed in the table.

How do you remove a dimension in a Google Data Studio report?

How do you remove an obsolete column from a GDS PostgreSQL-based report?
I updated my base SQL to remove some columns, but when I click the "Fields->" button to list all columns, it still lists the removed columns/dimensions. And for some reason that I can't determine, the "Remove" option is disabled so I can't even manually remove them
This is a huge problem/bug because if I then click "Create Report", it throws an error message, presumably because it's trying to access a column that no longer exists in my base SQL.
Am I missing something there, or is this just a buggy interface? How do I remove a dimension?
I can remove dimensions and metric by clicking in the right side of the green container, right next to the ellipsis.
Whenever you add/remove any column/field in the data source. You need to click Refresh Fields to refresh data source fields.
When you refresh data source fields:
Removed fields in the data set are removed from the data source.
For more details, visit Data Studio official documentation on Refresh data source fields.

2sxc Dnn.. Add existing content items to module

I have a view of entities which are being displayed based on an entity type filter. I now need to reorder these and would like to use the built in 2sxc functionality to do this, so I have a created a new view of the data using the "module data source" so that the ordering will work.
But how do I now make all of the existing entities of the same type (definition) appear in this new view? The view now displays one item by default and I can replace that one item. But how do I add multiple existing items? I need the Entity ID's to remain the same for Query String usage and SEO.
Thanks, hope the question makes sense.
I believe that you are asking "how can I add many items to an instance (module) manually, so that I can also sort them manually" - is this correct?
If yes, then you must make sure your template supports lists (checkbox in the template settings). This then gives you a [+] button; but you don't want to use that, as it would be for typing in new data. There's another button called "add an empty demo entry" which you'll see as a round (+) after pressing the more ... button once. Pressing this will give you empty entries, into which you can then replace existing items.

Add a user clickable check box in SSRS report

I am creating a report that for the most part is populated automatically by using variables, parameters with my datasource and dataset. I am trying to add in another column that will have a checkbox, where when the user pulls a report he or she can manually go in and click a check box for various rows. The clicked check box is done by the user and there is no need to send or retrieve data with this check box. Is there a simple solution to where I can add a checkbox for the user to check (and uncheck) various boxes?
SSRS does not deliver this kind of functionality. You would need to have a flag for every displayed row somewhere in your database and add two images to your report, a checked and one unchecked "checkbox" image, show those images on each row (source over expression) based on the flag of the row. Add an action to the image, that executes a storedProc and flags or unflags the row (pass an unambiguous id as parameter).
This is rather dirty, but would work.
