Convert Keras model to C - c

I am using Keras (with Tensorflow) to train my RNN model. Does anyone has an idea how can I use it in my C application? Does anyone tried something similar?
I found a similar question here how to use Tensorflow Keras model in C++ here Convert Keras model to C++ but i want to convert it to a C environment.

I never tried, but this can be a way to do it. Firstly, convert the Keras model to Tensorflow, with tools like this one or following this tutorial. After this step, you can use your model with the tf C API.


Can someone please point me to ztabularinputmanager implementation

I need to implement tabular input form in yii (by tabular I mean multiple models at same time)
as I have asked in this question
Is there any user interface available in yii framework for tabular data input?
But after searching internet I found ztabularinputmanager extension of yii as possible solution.
But I am unable to find any good documentation or implementation detail about this extension.
I believe that multimodelform extension for yii might be a better option since it gives you a sample implementation. Here is the link to the extension and to the sample implementation
I think this extension is pretty good and easier to implement than ztabularinputmanager. Also I believe that the creator of the extension is pretty active in Yii's extension forums if you need to ask him something.

Relation between EXTJS and JSON

Am new to EXTJS.
Can anyone explain me the relation between EXTJS and JSON.
From my understanding, this is what I have understood.
EXTJS is a framework and JSON is one of the many programming languages that can be used in that Framework.
Something similar to .net framework where we can use many programming languages like VB, C++, C#, and so on.
Is this right.
ExtJS is a framework indeed but the language it uses is JavaScript. ExtJS can consume objects expressed in JSON but JSON is NOT a programming language, it's a way to express objects, hence the name JavaScript Object Notation, see here for more information:

Methods for organizing/showing algorithm that is coded in C or MATLAB

Is there any recommendations for how to show what your code is doing (C or MATLAB)? Imagine if your code is really long and you have a lot of functions in your program, what is the best way to document the program? I know Java IDEs have a way to ingest comments and spit them back out into a document that shows all the functions, and their inputs and outputs. I don't think C or MATLAB has this feature. At this point, I am thinking comments are the only way to show what is going on in the code, but it may confuse the reader if they have to look through the raw code along side the comments. The second option would be to write out the algorithm in a text editor such as Microsoft Word. Is there an industry standard for doing this?
What Java uses is JavaDoc.
For C, you can use Doxygen.
I also saw this which suggests you can use Doxygen with matlab too!
The mother of all literate programming is
cweb. The father is Knuth.
Recent versions of MATLAB actually do have some features very similar to this. If you implement your MATLAB code in object-oriented classes, MATLAB will auto-generate documentation for you by just typing doc myClassName - it's really quite similar to Doxygen. If you're not using object-oriented code, you can use MATLAB publishing to generate a document from your scripts and functions.
Doxygen's C support is quite good. It supports JavaDoc style and Qt style markup comments, as well as some additional features. See the manual for examples of what the markup looks like. I don't have an example of the output ready to hand, but it's quite customizable.
The Octave project, which implements a language and environment that's effectively a superset Matlab's, uses texinfo to document its functions. You can see an example of the markup in the Documentation Tips section of the manual. I recommend scrolling to the bottom of the page to view a complete markup example rather than reading the lengthy explanation that precedes it. I have little experience with texinfo beyond using help from within Octave, but I believe the online manual was generated from texinfo sources, so it seems sufficiently capable.

Is there any 3D visualization library or toolkit for C? (No C++ please!)

Basically I'm interested in knowing if there exists any openGL 3D visualization toolkit for C for scientific uses?
I don't know about any straight forward libraries, but Vis5D+ ist written in C, iirc. Maybe you can incorporate that into your project.
Edit: Oh, and of course IBM's DX is also there, but also not a library.
Well, currently I'm using Matlab in combination with C by using the MEX interface. It allows me to write performant code in C (where Matlab code only is often too slow for real scientific computing) and visualize it with Matlab.
Check it out!

Modelling C Programs

I have done some research on this question and most answers are a few years old or suggest just using text.
I need to model some C code I have developed for an embedded system. It is not massively complex but there are a great number of functions and UML does not appear to cover it as this is working on the pretense that the language to be modeled is object orientated.
Whilst I have read that it isn't far fetched to modify this and still use it to try and model C I wondered what thoughts people had on this or if anyone had any suggestions for how I could professionally document or model my code?
You should take a look at the Gtk documentation and the GTK-Doc tool:
It is a big API and it is pure C.
