How to select an Estimator (Logistic Regression) in Watson Machine Learning Studio - ibm-watson

enter image description hereI have created a project in IBM Watson Studio. I have added the Watson Machine Learning Model to the Model but at the last step to add the model to the project is to add the Estimator like Logistic Regression but "Add" button is not displayed.I try using different browsers with no luck. I try in IE, Chrome and FireFox.
Thank you,
Linda Jean Baptiste

Reload the page and resize your browser zoom level
Ctrl+ -
You can use 90% or less then again add the Estimator
This worked for me.


How can I change the look of the "Create new table" window in IntelliJ

I am just starting to learn about databases using MariaDB and IntelliJ. The videos I have are using a different style of window, when you create a table and this is driving up the wall as the way it is on my computer is completely different and I can't manage to do what I want.
How it looks on my computer
How I want it to look
I've gone through all the settings I could think of, but didn't manage to find where to change it. Does anyone have an idea how I can do this ?
It was a recent change, DataGrip (Database plugin in IntelliJ IDEA) introduced a new UI for Modify pop-ups:
You can still use an old one by selecting New | Table (Old UI) in Database tool window.

Setting up German language support for Pepper Robot and installing App Launcher

Yesterday we did a factory reset for our Pepper robot and we think it was successful. Now we wish to set up German language support in the robot. I googled some ways of doing that and found that I could set up a second language for the robot from the robot's registered account at Softbank's website which I did as you can see.
But this feature did not reflect on the robot even after the reboot. Can someone please help me with this issue. Thanks in advance.
Once the language has been installed, you need to open the settings of your robot and change the language there.
In my experience, if the update does not trigger for some reason, try installing an arbitrary app from the application store, and then press the "send signal" button under 'manage' to force an update. Sometimes this seems to be needed needed. After the update in triggered and the app and language is installed, the app can be uninstalled.

Using VB based Visual Studio project with AngularJS/HTML5

My goal is to write a desktop application created through Visual Studio which uses HTML5 and AngularJS to display a well put together front end to the user but which also allows for me to use VBscript so I can do read/write items, send things to the printer, and compose/send emails from their outlook automatically.
Can this be done and which options should I select when starting my project? I can not have this run through a traditional web browser since I am doing the above mentioned items which browsers won't let me do.
p.s. I just download VS 2015 community today. I have spent the day researching and finding lots of helpful information but nothing which answers this.
You don't need VBScript
You should check out Electron, with which you can develop desktop applications in Javascript / HTML5, and maybe, an AngularJS - Electron seed project to speed things up.
Now if you consider Electron, you can check out this answer about printing with Electron.
If you want to persist in this (which seems to be the best course of action in my opinion), you can find any informations about how to do this and that with electron by reading the docs, tutorials and basic google searches.
Don't hesitate to come back to SO if you have precise questions regarding code you already have.

Can we use Selenium webdriver for automating MS CRM 2015 based application?

Can we use Selenium webdriver for automating MS CRM 2015 based application?If not, is there any specific reason for that.
Selenium can automate any part of a web page if it is based on HTML. So if you want to check it, open the CRM web application, open the browser console and confirm if all the elements required for your automation test are based on HTML.
The non-HTML components of a web page cannot be accessed by Selenium. You might want to use Image Based testing tools like Sikuli.
Since there is a duplicated question (Does Selenium suports CRM applications) asked recently, I'll provide my answer here.
I have successfully implemented selenium webdriver automation with Dynamics CRM. The main differences between CRM and other websites are:
Use of iframes. Be sure to switch to the correct frame that contains the element you wish to work on, e.g. driver.switchTo().frame(the_frame_id), or better yet, implicitly wait for the frame by using ExpectedConditions.frameToBeAvailableAndSwitchToIt(by)
As mentioned by others, wait for loading times. But instead of hard sleeps or explicit waits, I found that CRM actually displays nice spinning "Loading..." messages while it's loading. So to wait for the message to go away before performing further actions, I've used ExpectedConditions.invisibilityOfElementLocated(locator_of_loading_dialog); or for some trickier ones where the visibility is driven by a different attribute value other than display, try ExpectedConditions.attributeContains(locator, attribute, value) - e.g ExpectedConditions.attributeContains("some_id"), "style", "visibility: hidden") .
Other than that, it's just another web site.
Although it will be lot of work CRM being a SPA but you can get your way out. Here is something i answered for a similar question, in order to avoid copying it over please see it here Selenium Automation testing in crm 2015

Kinect application including a Unity 3D avatar

I am currently working on a Kinect application, its helps the user to do his workout and follow his progress, using Kinect and an avatar that's supposed to be made on unity 3D .
{The avatar replaces the real coch, user follows his coach ( avatar ) and Kinect helps returning an activity report depending on the user's mouvement tracked }
I actually cant find from where to start ! I found that unity/WPF projects integration is possible . BUT I COULDNT FOUND A CLEAR ROADMAP for how is this going to happen.
I am mainly wondering about :
making my ( avatar + animations ) on unity :
Will this be done only on unity, or modeling is done using 3DMax for exemple and animations are hold up with unity..
Integratin on a WPF prject :
which step is this one ? when should the integration happen
AND MAINLY ! how may I continue working on that with the Kinect sensor..
finally, as I dont know which steps to follow I can not estimate the project's time !
how much time does such applications take to developp ?
To integrate Kinect with Unity I can recommend for you this tool from Asset Store.
In my opinion Unity is not the best tool for making 3D objects you should use for example 3DMax to make an avatar and then import it to the Unity.
WPF and Unity are different frameworks and I will not use them both in the same project, you should consider using one of them, these tools have different use cases.
For learning Kinect SDK please visit for example offical forums here.
To estimate this project you should firstly get to know more about those technologies.
