Wrapping async moxios call in act callback - reactjs

I am trying to test a react functional component using hooks. The useEffect hook makes a call to a third part API which then calls setState on return.
I have the test working but keep getting a warning that an update to the component was not wrapped in act.
The problem I have is that the expectation is inside a moxios.wait promise and therefore I cannot wrap that in an act function and then assert on the result of that.
The test passes but I know not wrapping code that updates state in an act function could lead to false positives or uncovered bugs. I'm just wondering how I should be testing this.
I've tried using the new async await act function in the react 16.9.0 alpha release as well as numerous suggestions I've found in many github issues like jest setTimers and none seem to solve the issue.
The component
const Benefits = props => {
const [benefits, setBenefits] = useState([])
const [editing, setEditing] = useState(false)
const [editingBenefit, setEditingBenefit] = useState({id: null, name: '', category: ''})
useEffect(() => {
.then(response => {
}, [])
The test
describe('Benefits', () => {
it('fetches the list of benefits from an api and populates the benefits table', (done) => {
const { rerender } = render(<Benefits />)
moxios.wait(() => {
const request = moxios.requests.mostRecent()
status: 200,
response: benefits
}).then(() => {
expect(document.querySelectorAll('tbody > tr').length).toBe(2)
The test passes but I get the following warning
Warning: An update to Benefits inside a test was not wrapped in act(...).
When testing, code that causes React state updates should be wrapped into act(...):
act(() => {
/* fire events that update state */
/* assert on the output */
This ensures that you're testing the behavior the user would see in the browser.
in Benefits (at benefits.spec.js:28)

from react 16.9.0 you can use async/await act
Your code should look like this
describe('Benefits', () => {
it('fetches the list of benefits from an api and populates the benefits table', async() => {
const { rerender } = render(<Benefits />);
await moxios.wait(jest.fn);
await act(async() => {
const request = moxios.requests.mostRecent()
await request.respondWith({
status: 200,
response: benefits
expect(document.querySelectorAll('tbody > tr').length).toBe(2)
I use jest.fn in moxios.wait because it needs callback function


How to return a request function from useQuery in react-query

I have a React hook that returns a request functions that call an API
It has the following code:
export const useGetFakeData = () => {
const returnFakeData = () =>
fetch('https://fake-domain.com').then(data => console.log('Data arrived: ', data))
return returnFakeData
And then I use this hook in component something like this
const getFakeData = useGetFakeData()
useEffect(() => getFakeData(), [getFakeData])
How to achieve this effect in react-query when we need to return a request function from custom hook?
Thanks for any advice!
Digging in docs, I find out that React-Query in useQuery hook provide a refetch() function.
In my case, I just set property enabled to false (just so that the function when mount is not called automatically), and just return a request-function like this
export const useGetFakeData = () => {
const { refetch } = useQuery<void, Error, any>({
queryFn: () =>
fetch('https://fake-domain.com').then(data => console.log('Data arrived: ', data)),
queryKey: 'fake-data',
enabled: false,
return refetch
You can use useMutation hook if you want to request the data using the imperative way. The data returned from the hook is the latest resolved value of the mutation call:
const [mutate, { data, error }] = useMutation(handlefunction);
useEffect(() => {
}, []);
I think you are just looking for the standard react-query behaviour, which is to fire off a request when the component mounts (unless you disable the query). In your example, that would just be:
export const useGetFakeData = () =>
useQuery('fakeData', () => fetch('https://fake-domain.com'))
const { data } = useGetFakeData()
Please be advised that this is just a bare minimal example:
if you have dependencies to your fetch, they should go into the query key
for proper error handling with fetch, you'll have to transform the result to a failed Promise

Maximum update depth exceeded. React useEffect hooks cycle rerander

I'm trying to fix problem on site after previous developer. He use hooks and useEffect in app, but I did not work with that features earlier.
In his code he truing update app state with using async calls in App function.
I think that every state update initiate rerander and rerander initiate state update, but do not now how to fix it
const App = ({
auth: { isAuthenticate },
}) => {
const [isRender, setIsRender] = useState(false);
useEffect(async () => {
await getLastEvents();
await getStatistics();
await getAllEvents();
await getWinners();
}, []);
useEffect(() => {
if (isAuthenticate) getProfile();
}, [isAuthenticate]);
return (...
I would very thankful if you can explain me how to fix it

Using Jest Mock API Calls to SetState

I have an API call which runs whenever a certain component mounts. If this API call is successful the response data is used to update the state of one of my React Hooks.
The issue I am having is either related to asynchronicity or a poorly formatted mock API call, but no matter what I try I cannot get this test to work.
Here is a simplified version of the API:
const getOrg =() => {
axios.get(URL, config)
.then(response => response.data)
.then(data => {
Basically the API is triggered and my setOrgTitle hook is updated from the response.
const [orgTitle, setOrgTitle] = useState("");
Now in my return statement I am displaying the value of orgTitle:
<h1 className={styles.titleText} id="document-folders-h1">
{orgTitle} Folders
Alright, so the component is pretty simple. When I am trying to test things my two ideas were to either set the initial orgTitle hook state in my test or to mock the API. After some research I decided mocking the API was the way to go.
So I have a mockAxios component:
const mockAxios = {
get: jest.fn(() => Promise.resolve({ data: {} }))
module.exports = mockAxios;
And my test file:
import mockAxios from "../../mockTests/DocumentFoldersMock";
it("fetches results for getAdminOrg", () => {
axios.get.mockImplementation(() =>
Promise.resolve({ data: { name: "GETtest" } })
const wrapper = mount(
<DocumentFolders />
const orgTitle = wrapper.find("#document-folders-h1");
expect(orgTitle.text()).toContain("GETtest Folders");
I am mocking the response data, however I am not sure how to run the setOrgTitle function which is called in the .then of my actual axios call. How can I do this from my mock axios call using my mock response?
The result of the Jest test says expected("GETtest Folders") received(" Folders") so I am pretty sure that I am either having an issue with asynchronicity or an issue calling the hook update.

Jest test case for UseEffect hooks in react JS

I am trying to write the Jest-enzyme test case for useEffect react hooks, and I am really lost, I want to write test case for 2 react hooks, one making the async call and another sorting the data and setting the data using usestate hooks, my file is here.
export const DatasetTable: React.FC<DatasetTableProps> = ({id, dataset, setDataset, datasetError, setDataSetError}) => {
const [sortedDataset, setSortedDataset] = useState<Dataset[]>();
useEffect(() => {
setData: setDataset,
setError: setDataSetError
}, [id, setDataset, setDataSetError]});
useEffect(() => {
if(dataset) {
const sortedDatasetVal = [...dataset];
sortedDatasetVal.sort(a, b) => {
const dateA: any = new Date(a.date);
const dateA: any = new Date(a.date);
return dataA - dateB;
}, [dataset])
return (
Enzyme isn't the right library for this kind of testing.
https://react-hooks-testing-library.com/ is what you need.
In your case I would extract all the data fetching to a 'custom hook' and then test this independently from your UI presentation layer.
In doing so you have better separation of concerns and your custom hook can be used in other similar react components.
I managed to get enzyme to work with a data fetching useEffect hook. It does however require that you allow your dataFetching functions to be passed as props to the component.
Here's how I would go about testing your component, considering it now accepts fetchRegistryFunction as a prop:
const someDataSet = DataSet[] // mock your response object here.
describe('DatasetTable', () => {
let fetchRegistryFunction;
let wrapper;
beforeEach(async () => {
fetchRegistryFunction = jest.fn()
.mockImplementation(() => Promise.resolve(someDataSet));
await act(async () => {
wrapper = mount(
// ... other props here
// The wrapper.update call changes everything,
// act seems to not automatically update the wrapper,
// which lets you validate your old rendered state
// before updating it.
afterEach(() => {
it('should display fetched data', () => {
Hope this helps!

Why does react hook throw the act error when used with fetch api?

I keep getting Warning: An update to App inside a test was not wrapped in act(...). in my test suite whenever I make an API request and update the state.
I'm making use of react-testing-library. I also tried using ReactDOM test utils, got the same result. One other thing I tried was wrapping the container in act, still got the same result.
Please note that: My App works and my test passes. I just need to know what I was doing wrong or if it's a bug in the react-dom package that's making that error show up. And it's bad to mock the console error and mute it.
global.fetch = require('jest-fetch-mock');
it('should clear select content item', async () => {
fetch.mockResponseOnce(JSON.stringify({ results: data }));
const { container } = render(<App />);
const content = container.querySelector('.content');
await wait();
Here's the hook implementation:
const [data, setData] = useState([]);
const [error, setError] = useState('');
const fetchInitData = async () => {
try {
const res = await fetch(API_URL);
const data = await res.json();
if (data.fault) {
setError('Rate limit Exceeded');
} else {
} catch(e) {
useEffect(() => {
}, [isEqual(data)]);
It's a known problem, check this issue in Github https://github.com/kentcdodds/react-testing-library/issues/281
For anyone who stumbles upon this more than a year later as I did, the issue Giorgio mentions has since been resolved, and wait has since been replaced with waitFor, as documented here:
That being the case, I believe the solution to the warning now should be something like this:
import { render, waitFor } from '#testing-library/react';
// ...
it('should clear select content item', async () => {
fetch.mockResponseOnce(JSON.stringify({ results: data }));
const { container } = render(<App />);
const content = container.querySelector('.content');
await waitFor(() =>
In my case, I had an App component loading data asynchronously in a useEffect hook, and so I was getting this warning on every single test, using beforeEach to render App. This was the specific solution for my case:
beforeEach(async () => {
await waitFor(() => render(<App />));
To get rid of the act() warning you need to make sure your promises resolve synchronously. You can read here how to do this.
The solution for this is a bit involved:
we polyfill Promise globally with an implementation that can resolve
promises 'immediately', such as promise
transpile your javascript with a custom babel setup like the one in this repo
use jest.runAllTimers(); this will also now flush the promise task queue
I had this problem and gave up using wait and async instead used jest faketimers and so on, so your code should be something like this.
global.fetch = require('jest-fetch-mock');
it('should clear select content item', /*async */ () => {
fetch.mockResponseOnce(JSON.stringify({ results: data }));
const { container } = render(<App />);
const content = container.querySelector('.content');
// await wait();
act(() => {
