How to install and run project in github - reactjs

Im a newbie in Reactjs. I get project from github but cant run it though i npm install and npm run build it. Here is the project i try to install in my computer:
Thank you very much, << sorry but stackoverflow doesnt allow me post this question so i type some line >>

Try to follow these steps.
Git clone... git clone
Enter into project directory... cd diagonistician-ReactJS-Express-Mongoose-RestAPI
Install npm dependancy npm install
start npm server npm run build
that's all. Now browse to localhost: on browser.


Unable to find expo project - have you run yarn / npm install yet?

I'm Unable to execute the expo start command.
$ expo start
[09:43:39] Starting project at C:\Users\Subrata\Desktop\example-app
[09:43:40] Unable to find expo in this project - have you run yarn / npm install yet?
either you havent installed dependencies yet, which you can do by running npm install, or you might be outside the project folder, in which case just run cd projectName

Error while installing create-react-app globally using npm

I am unable to install react js using NPM. I am getting following error.
Your environment has been set up for using Node.js 12.3.1 (ia32) and npm.
C:\Users\User>npm install create-react-app -g
npm ERR! request to failed, reason:
unable to verify the first certificate
npm ERR! A complete log of this run can be found in:
npm ERR! C:\Users\User\AppData\Roaming\npm-cache_logs\2019-12-14T05_54_58_7
I am form India and I am not using any corporate firewall or VPN.
hey can you try using npx create-react-app ${your project name}
I ran the following command in the command line and worked for me:
npm config set strict-ssl false
Although it's not a great idea.
run this command to turn it on again:
npm config set strict-ssl true
Download Node.js archive
Download latest version of Node.js installable archive file from Node.js Downloads.
After successfully installing NodeJS, we can start installing React upon it using npm. You can install ReactJS in two ways.
- Using webpack and babel.
- Using the create-react-app command.
But I am telling you about Using the create-react-app command:
- Instead of using webpack and babel you can install ReactJS more simply by installing create-react-app.
Browse through the desktop and install the Create React App using command prompt as shown below:
Step 1: go to your specific directory and run below commands inside the folder like as below:
Step 2: d:\reactproject\>npx create-react-app my-app
Step 3: cd my-app
Step 4: npm start
Check if your date is right.
If it's not run this and try again:
sudo date --set="2015-09-30 10:05:59.990"

On npm start npm ERR! A complete log of this run can be found in:

On npm start I am getting
npm ERR! A complete log of this run can be found
How can I solve this, please help me out
Type this command and your problem will be solved.
npm set registry
You should be in the right folder before you start react. Your main folder which includes public,src, package.json files should be targeted with changing directory and then npm start can be used
I was facing the same problem. And this is how I solved it.
Little scenario here.
I downloaded the other's project from GitHub ; did not started from the scratch. I extracted the zip. It created the folder react-stop-watcher with another folder react-stop-watcher.
Initially I hit the npm start command in
It throw the same npm ERR!. We need to get into
instead And then hit
npm install
npm start
And now my project is up and running.
I faced the same problem.
So, first I uninstalled the previous version by using
npm uninstall -g create-react-app
to ensure npx always uses the latest version.
And then reinstalled with the same code procedure:
npx create-react-app my-app
cd my-app
npm start
And it worked!
Most probably I think you are using mysql but you not install mysql or not import the mysql.
I am also getting the same error but i resolve it by installing and importing the mysql.
try this
npm install mysql
import mysql in the file
var mysql = require('mysql');
change the parent name u have give space between them like
"hello world"
"hello_world" folder name should be this.
Basically, the error is just because of a network issue, might be your internet connection off or low internet connection try after some time that definitely works.
# to create project
npx create-react-app projectName
# to run server
npm start
Just follow this code
npm install
npm audit fix
Add SKIP_PREFLIGHT_CHECK=true to a .env file and that's it. Will solve it if you are using react
cd to your project directory(myapp) where you have node_modules, public, src etc and try npm run.
An error is coming coz you are not in the correct directory. Simply use cd(react project name) may case its cd my-app(that I created using npm create-react-app my-app) and then simply run npm start
enter image description here
First You need to Delete all logs files in you Node cash folder
After that delete the package-lock.json file
run npm install and run your project
just type the following in terminal:-
pwd,cd NameOfFolder

Error : Installation of blur-admin with angularjs

I want to install blur admin theme with angular js
I have follow steps to install blur admin theme from below site
I got the error as below ,
I find for solution for that and found below commands to run
npm update
npm install gulp-sass
then again run
gulp serve
but still same error I got
In my system git is installed and my nodejs version is 8.9.4
Please help me to resolve this issue.
Seems like you have not installed gulp-sass module.
Install it by running npm following command
npm install gulp-sass#latest --save-dev
Make sure you have deleted node_modules folder before install module.

I am trying to set up the working enviroment for Rejact JS. When I run npm install in command prompt. Its show this error, any advise?

I am trying to set up the working environment for Rejact JS, but I get this error when I run npm install:
Of course I have my package.json here:
I just run npm install or npm install -d to load the model but the issues is as below here:
npm install error
