Error : Installation of blur-admin with angularjs - angularjs

I want to install blur admin theme with angular js
I have follow steps to install blur admin theme from below site
I got the error as below ,
I find for solution for that and found below commands to run
npm update
npm install gulp-sass
then again run
gulp serve
but still same error I got
In my system git is installed and my nodejs version is 8.9.4
Please help me to resolve this issue.

Seems like you have not installed gulp-sass module.
Install it by running npm following command
npm install gulp-sass#latest --save-dev
Make sure you have deleted node_modules folder before install module.


How to install and run project in github

Im a newbie in Reactjs. I get project from github but cant run it though i npm install and npm run build it. Here is the project i try to install in my computer:
Thank you very much, << sorry but stackoverflow doesnt allow me post this question so i type some line >>
Try to follow these steps.
Git clone... git clone
Enter into project directory... cd diagonistician-ReactJS-Express-Mongoose-RestAPI
Install npm dependancy npm install
start npm server npm run build
that's all. Now browse to localhost: on browser.

NPM install not downloading Underscore.js and underscore-min files

I am working on angular web application using VS2015 and which is using underscore": "^1.9.0". When i install NPM, underscore.js and underscore-min.js not getting downloaded.
Please let me help me to resolve this problem.
Windows 10 machine.node js installed.
package.json contains "underscore": "^1.9.0".
When i install NPM
Try running npm install and post the log.

npm install deployd –g issue

I need to setup the web server for Angular.js application using Nodejs. Accordingly I installed node.js version 6.11.0 in the path: C:\Program Files\nodejs
Next step is to install module of nodejs using the command:
npm install deployd -g
I am installing it in a path where my node_modules are installed.
When I run the command: npm install deployd –g I get one warning message (please see image for reference)
enter image description here
So I get to know that deployd is installed in the path C:\Program\node_modules\deployd.
Now if I run dpd –V command, it shows that dpd is not recognized as an internal or external command.
Can anybody please help me installing deployd?
I think this could help. It's worked for me.
npm install deployd-cli -g

Error: Cannot find module '#ionic/app-scripts'

I'm new to Ionic. I was following the Ionic documentation "get started", created a project sample named "super". The problem is that when I run the command line ionic serve in the project directory, it threw an error Error: Cannot find module '#ionic/app-scripts'
Try installing app-script from npm
npm i #ionic/app-scripts
To get the latest #ionic/app-scripts, run the following command:
npm install #ionic/app-scripts#latest --save-dev
app-scripts currently compatible with node 6 and 7.
İf you installed node 8, then please uninstall and install node 6 stable version.
This solved error and now i can use ionic 3, angular 4 .
Take care!
do not downgrade the node version, update the version of "app-scripts":
To get the latest #ionic/app-scripts, please run:
npm install #ionic/app-scripts#latest --save-dev
I was facing same issue, here is what I did-
Removed node_modules from directory (Manually).
open project dir
run this command-
npm install
That fixed those errors for me.
See here.
I had this issue , i solved it by deleting node_modules/ folder and ran the command npm installnow my app works
I tried every non-downgrade solution mentioned in this thread, in all kinds of ways and none of them worked. With nothing left to lose, I went down the downgrade route (I used sudo apt-get purge --auto-remove nodejs to remove previous 8.x version and then installed the last stable ver on the 6.x branch using the nodesource ppa).
Still got the same errors trying to run in the original project folders, but then I created a new project and ionic serve worked just fine in that space.
FWIW, I did not need to run npm update or npm i #ionic/app-scripts afterwards, but I did find it necessary to adopt the habit of running commands with sudo in front (or you sudo -s into root account).
I ran into the same issue and i had problems fixing it. However i update my app scripts npm install -g #ionic/app-scripts#latest --save-dev to the latest version and my problem was solved
npm install -g #ionic/app-scripts#latest --save-dev
Error: app-script not found/ app-script not installed/ app-script module is not found
Try this work for me, Your also:
- npm cache clean --force
- npm install #ionic/app-scripts#latest --save-dev
- npm install -g #angular/cli
I had the issue, solved by execute cnpm i #ionic/app-scripts.
Just open a new terminal window/session. I could not figure it out, but it's probably related to env.
None of the options worked for me.
But I could make it work by updating node with
npm update
After this, the problem was solved and the application started.
Good Luck.
I had the same problem and here is what worked for me
I was trying to run the program using VSCode terminal, Instead I used the windows cmd and it ran perfectly. I think the error is in VSCode terminal, it cannot identify the app-scripts module inside the project. Maybe it will be fixed in a later update.
Delete node_modules and package-lock.json
rm -rf node_modules package-lock.json
npm install
After half a day trying to solve this
And after:
python version error
node-sass misconfiguration error
I did the following
Remove node-modules folder
Run "npm audit fix --force"
Downgrade webpack installation "npm uninstall webpack && install webpack#3.12.0"
The last one because ionic build was giving me an error on that package after the audit
In my case, I need to set NODE_ENV to production then it installs successfully
set NODE_ENV=production
npm install #ionic/app-scripts#latest --save-dev
You must create the project as administrator if you have mac or linux uses sudo, if you have windows run the console as administrator and create the project
My issue was solved after run this script:
npm i #ionic/app-scripts

trying to install angular-chartist.js via bower.json

I am using Visual Studio to develop my angular js application and I have run into a problem.
A package I wish to install doesn't support bower anymore, instead it uses npm. On the readme it says that I should add:
"resolvers": [
To the .bowerrc file, which I have done.
I have also updated my npm to the latest by running this command:
npm install -g npm
and then I did the same for bower-npm-resolver:
npm install -g bower-npm-resolver
All installed fine.
When I try to save my bower.json file, Visual Studio throws this error:
MODULE_NOT_FOUND Cannot find module 'bower-npm-resolver'
Does anyone know how I can fix this?
