npm install deployd –g issue - angularjs

I need to setup the web server for Angular.js application using Nodejs. Accordingly I installed node.js version 6.11.0 in the path: C:\Program Files\nodejs
Next step is to install module of nodejs using the command:
npm install deployd -g
I am installing it in a path where my node_modules are installed.
When I run the command: npm install deployd –g I get one warning message (please see image for reference)
enter image description here
So I get to know that deployd is installed in the path C:\Program\node_modules\deployd.
Now if I run dpd –V command, it shows that dpd is not recognized as an internal or external command.
Can anybody please help me installing deployd?

I think this could help. It's worked for me.
npm install deployd-cli -g


zsh: command not found: netlify on mac OS

I am trying to deploy basic react-app to netlify. I ran these commands to install and deploy application
npm install netlify-cli -g
netlify deploy
It throws:
zsh: command not found: netlify error.
I am working on mac OS. What is causing this issue?
It basically means your zshrc does not have npm binary directory in the PATH. Make sure that you have that squared away.
Are you using brew or nvm to install npm?
You have to install netlify-cli as well. That gives you the netlify command.
npm install -g netlify-cli
Go to folder:
And delete any files/folders pertaining to Netlify. For exmaple folder named:
Then reinstall the cli using
npm install netlify-cli -g
try this:
step 1: re-run the netlify-cli installation command to get the path where cli is installed
step 2: test the version using the full path where the cli is installed, it'll confirm that netlify-cli is working
step 3: add the npm directory link to your zsh environment variable PATH
Use the main Terminal(not the integrated terminal of your text editor) when installing the netlify-cli.
npm install -g netlify-cli
I had installed it multiple times in the integrated terminal of VS code but all in vain.Success came after using the Terminal.

can't run npm install in laravel project how to fix it

I'm creating a laravel application with react template, when I run npm install
throws an error exception, I also tried changing folder permissions, removed
node_modules then reinstalled it but not working any solutions???
Judging by the error I see in your console:
pngquant failed to build, make sure that libpng-dev is installed
Seems like you don't have a pngquant package installed. Try the following steps:
Install package locally:
sudo apt-get install libpng-dev
Install npm package:
npm install -g pngquant-bin
If you already have node_modules directory in your project, delete it and install node_modules again:
npm install
According to Image Provided, Everything seems to be fine until it hits this missing package causing the exception to be thrown.
The missing package is libpng-dev: A virtual package.
See the Debian policy for a definition of virtual packages.
You can see here for details.
You have to Run this Command
sudo apt-get install libpng-dev
In case you hit an error saying it has been installed before, It means you have installed another build of this package. Hence, you have to reinstall it.
sudo apt-get install --reinstall libpng12-0=1.2.51-0ubuntu3
And then, try running npm install
I hope it works.
I solved similar issue in my localhost environment by moving libraries from devDependencies{} into dependencies{}
You should set global Node environment called NODE_ENV to development
How to set NODE_ENV to production/development in OS X
Environment variables in Node.js. The Right way!

Error : Installation of blur-admin with angularjs

I want to install blur admin theme with angular js
I have follow steps to install blur admin theme from below site
I got the error as below ,
I find for solution for that and found below commands to run
npm update
npm install gulp-sass
then again run
gulp serve
but still same error I got
In my system git is installed and my nodejs version is 8.9.4
Please help me to resolve this issue.
Seems like you have not installed gulp-sass module.
Install it by running npm following command
npm install gulp-sass#latest --save-dev
Make sure you have deleted node_modules folder before install module.

trying to install angular-chartist.js via bower.json

I am using Visual Studio to develop my angular js application and I have run into a problem.
A package I wish to install doesn't support bower anymore, instead it uses npm. On the readme it says that I should add:
"resolvers": [
To the .bowerrc file, which I have done.
I have also updated my npm to the latest by running this command:
npm install -g npm
and then I did the same for bower-npm-resolver:
npm install -g bower-npm-resolver
All installed fine.
When I try to save my bower.json file, Visual Studio throws this error:
MODULE_NOT_FOUND Cannot find module 'bower-npm-resolver'
Does anyone know how I can fix this?

Cannot use grunt on simple Yeoman angular

Trying to just startup a simple angular app via Yeoman, using steps in this guide
and get this error when trying to run grunt or grunt server:
Loading "Gruntfile.js" tasks...ERROR
Error: Cannot find module 'load-grunt-tasks'
Warning: Task "default" not found. Use --force to continue.
Here are my versions:
yo --version && grunt --version && bower --version
grunt-cli v0.1.13
grunt v0.4.4
See screencast of this in action:
I just encountered the same problem today, managed to resolve it with the answers here.
Basically I needed to update npm to latest version,
by using this command (the npm which came with Node-v0.10.29 package was outdated)
npm update npm -g
sudo npm update npm -g (i used this command on my mac)
Then type this command
npm --version (it should show 1.5.0-alpha-4 or later version)
Then type the grunt serve command
grunt serve
If you still have issues, then try running these commands
npm install
sudo npm install (i used this command on my mac)
Then try grunt serve command again,
grunt serve
This time, it worked for me.
If it didn't, then try this command
bower install (i did not have to use this command)
Run the following commands from the directory that has the Gruntfile.js for your project:
npm install
npm install -g bower
bower install
This will install all npm and bower based dependencies for your project.
In the screencast at 1:18 it shows install errors tied to at least multimatch. load-grunt-taskis dependent on multimatch.
Installed "load-grunt-tasks" module locally
npm install load-grunt-tasks
instead of
npm install -g load-grunt-tasks
