With GMail API, Is it possible to insert message to INBOX? - gmail-api

With GMail API, it is possible to insert a message to inbox with https://developers.google.com/gmail/api/v1/reference/users/messages/insert
The problem I face is when using insert, messages do not appear in INBOX and user has to go to 'All Mail' in order to see them.
What is the best way to insert messages into INBOX? Import?

You can set the request body based from the documentation:
Request Body: {
"raw": "string" // required property
"labelIds": "["INBOX"]" // add this optional property
"threadId": "string"
Here's the complete list for Type of Message labels.


I use user_ref which get from checkbox plugin opt-in webhook to send a message to a user, I cannot receive prior_message after the user replying us

I write a demo web page which contains Checkbox plugin. I set user_ref for the plugin during every rendering.
An user click the checkbox and submit subscribe request. Then a opt-in webhook has been sent to me with a unique user_ref.
I send a message to the user_ref (set it as recipient) successfully.
After the user replied my message, I get a webhook in this format:
"sender":{ "id":"PSID" }, "recipient":{ "id":"PAGE-ID" }, "timestamp":XXXXX, "message":{ "mid":"mid.145...", "text":"XXXXX" } According to the official document: https://developers.facebook.com/docs/messenger-platform/discovery/checkbox-plugin#implementation The webhook I expected to receive should be in this format: "sender":{ "id":"PSID" }, "recipient":{ "id":"PAGE-ID" }, "timestamp":XXXXXXX, "message":{ "mid":"mid.145...", "text":"XXXX" }, "prior_message": { "source":"checkbox_plugin", "identifier":"USER-REF" }
The parameter "prior_message" is missing
I hope to get the identifier in the prior_message and use the identifier to distinguish the user that replying to us

Azure Logic Apps and Microsoft Forms - Get field descriptors

I have a Logic App that retrieves the responses submitted by the users through Microsoft Forms.
When I see the Logic App Run, I can see the descriptor for each field (MuleSoft, IoT & Integration, Encuesta de tecnologías, ...), for example:
But in the "Show raw outputs" I can't see those fields, I get an identifier (rcb6ccf0fc9e44f74b44fa2715fec4f27, ...):
How I can retrieve those descriptors??
The solution is to add a 'Send an HTTP request to SharePoint' action to get the details of the form.
The Site Address is: https://forms.office.com
The Method is: GET
The Uri is: /formapi/api/forms('')?select=id,title,questions&$expand=questions($expand=choices)
This returns a JSON with all the questions and for each question the ID, Title and more info about the question.
We can implement a loop through these questions and with each ID, extract the response from the Microsoft Forms:
foreach": "#body('Send_an_HTTP_request_to_SharePoint')['questions']"
And Compose the result:
"Compose": {
"inputs": {
"Id": "#{items('For_each')['id']}",
"Name": "#items('For_each')['title']",
"Value": "#{body('Get_response_details')[item()['id']]}"
"runAfter": {},
"type": "Compose"
These are field identifiers. You can retrieve them directly from the Dynamic content of Get response details.
Alternatively, you can build your own JSON body(in your case Get response details) from Compose connector.

Microsoft graph API --> To see if the message is a reply

I am using the graph API to retrieve the mail from mail folders. For example I got a mail, I will change or edit the subject line and store the conversation id for future use. if I got the reply mail for the same email chain I got different conversation id. How to handle this, I need to find out the reply mail.
"subject": "Test",
"conversationId": "AAQkADU1YWM2MjMyLTVkOGQtNDdiMy05YWM4LTE4NTNlYzg1ZWRiNwAQADofdbq8_JtJkY8M5wnunlU=",
reply msg:
"subject": "Re: Test1",
"conversationId": "AAQkADU1YWM2MjMyLTVkOGQtNDdiMy05YWM4LTE4NTNlYzg1ZWRiNwAQAHu3pWtxNmBFjdfyjYaVGKc=",
I need to find this ts reply message.
I'd suggest you use the In-Reply-To header https://wesmorgan.blogspot.com/2012/07/understanding-email-headers-part-ii.html in that way you can relate multiple replies (to the same replied to message) in a Message chain etc. You can either get the In-Reply-To header by requesting the InternetHeaders https://learn.microsoft.com/en-us/graph/api/resources/internetmessageheader?view=graph-rest-1.0 (this will return all the headers) or you can request the extended property to just get that one property eg

How to update the users birthday

I want to update the birthday of a user using the patch request.
Updating other properties works as expected but the moment the birthday property is included, the following error returned:
The request is currently not supported on the targeted entity set
I already tried to update the user to be sure the permissions are fine.
Application permissions are used.
This PATCH request to /V1.0/users/{id} works:
"givenName": "Fridas"
Passing this request body however:
"birthday" : "2014-01-01T00:00:00Z
throws an error
"message":"The request is currently not supported on the targeted entity set",
When I update the birthday separately, I get a 500 error. Print screens below. Updating the user id works fine, birthday does not.
Same user id is used in the request.
I'm not sure why this happens, but a workaround, albeit an annoying one, is to update birthday separately from other attributes.
PATCH https://graph.microsoft.com/v1.0/users/userid
"birthday" : "2014-01-01T00:00:00Z"
Here is a screenshot from MS Graph Explorer:
In fact, this is a limitation in the current system.
User is a composite type. Under the covers some properties in user are mastered by different services, and we currently don't support updates across multiple services.
"birthday" is not mastered by Azure AD. So we can't update it with other properties mastered by Azure AD in the same call.
It is strongly recommended that you update this property separately. I can update it from my side. So you need a backend engineer to track this request for you.
This seems to affect more than Birthday.
Skills[] and Responsibilities[] are also returning 500 Internal Server Error when using PATCH request via REST API with:
{"skills": ["TESTING", "ANOTHER SKILL"]}
Same happens via the GraphServiceClient - except the result is:
Failed to call the Web Api: InternalServerError
Content: {
"error": {"code": "-1, Microsoft.Office.Server.Directory.DirectoryObjectUnauthorizedAccessException",
"message": "Attempted to perform an unauthorized operation.",
"innerError": {
"request-id": "1c2ccc54-0a0c-468f-a18c-6bdfbad4077d",
"date": "2019-08-28T13:23:55"
These requests work on the Graph Explorer page, but not via calls to the API.

How to insert message with Content-Type message/rfc2822 using Gmail API?

I wanna write a small application that copy Gmail messages from one user folder to another. My approach is next:
Get raw message data to temporary placeholder;
Compose message using raw message data from the previous step;
Add message to required folder.
I can get raw message data as RFC 2822 formatted and base64url encoded string using this get request.
Also I can insert message to user mailbox with insert request. As documentation states, I can use one of the next two approaches:
use /upload URL (then I need an uploadType string and I should have a content-type of message/rfc822);
not using /upload URL and simply set message metadata in the request body -
something like the next JSON:
"labelIds": [
"raw": "UmVjZWl2ZWQ6IGZyb20gMjkyODI0MTMyMDgyDQoJ..."
Unfortunately, when I don't use /upload URL (approach (2)) I can't insert message with attachment bigger than 5MB. But if I use /upload URL (approach (1)) I get response with error
"Media type 'message/rfc2822' is not supported. Valid media types: [message/rfc822]".
How can I support insertion of messages to Gmail without restriction on messages attachment size?
