Change the location of the messenger bubble - facebook-messenger

I want to know if it is possible to change the location of the messenger bubble on my site by modifying the CSS code for example.
How to do it exactly if it is possible?

You can modify the .fb-customerchat and .fb_dialog classes to modify the position of the icon and dialog even though not recommended by FB since this may break linked functionalities or cross-browser rendering.

I am using the following code in my main css file to add some padding to the bubble in the mobile view.
.fb_dialog_mobile .fb_dialog_content > iframe {
bottom: 76px !important;
You can inspect element and see the exact class names for the elements as above not be the same case you are looking for. However the element cannot be referenced directly as it doesn't have a class name.


how do I create a totally different header in a mobile media query? I want to omit some elements from the header that were in the full sized version

I have an element in my header of the full sized version of my webpage. However, in the mobile version I want to omit this element and keep the navigation li's centered.
How can I achieve this?
When I put display:none on the element I want to omit, it still behaves as though the elemennt is there, but just not displaying

In SLDS, why the status bar of lightning datatable covers the date edit panel?

When I use lightning inline editable data table component, the status bar would cover the edit panel.
I think it might is a SLDS bug.
I ran into this problem as well. I agree that I think it is a CSS issue on the SLDS side.
I'm using a lightning:datatable with inline editing, and I noticed that the footer bar div with the Cancel/Save buttons is using the 'slds-docked-form-footer' class, which sets the z-index at 8000.
Crawling up from the datepicker I noticed that the "table cell" contains a section element that has inline styling setting the z-index to 7002. That section element also has a class of "slds-popover_edit", so my workaround solution was to put this into my lightning component's css file:
.THIS section.slds-popover_edit {
z-index: 9999 !important;
Hope this helps, or that you've found a better solution by now. I'm going to test my page to make sure this change didn't have any unintended consequences.

Finite Icon Colors in Draftail Editor

I am trying to implement a finite number of colors (like square icons) on the Draftail editor itself. What will be the best way to approach this?
It should be similar to how Microsoft Word displays the font color or something along those lines.
Thanks in advance.
I'm not sure if it's the best approach but here is what I came up with:
This defines a new inline style which encloses the selected text between <span class="mycustomclass"></span> (change feature_name according to the CSS class you want to use).
Then, you just have to define the corresponding .mycustomstyle CSS class in your frontend as usual:
.mycustomstyle {
color: purple;
You can also modify control['style'] to change the way this style will be displayed in the editor.
You will get 1 icon/label per CSS class, so it's not really like in Word as you won't get a proper selector. I haven't tried it myself, but according to Wagtail docs icon can reference SVG, so you might be able to display color squares instead of labels.
Hope it fits your needs.

Overlay Chrome Extension Angular

I am working on a chrome extension that would display an overlay over any tabs the user is working on. I need it to operate within the full viewport.
I'm using vanilla javascript and content script to inject a full viewport-size div (to the body since I want it to be used on any website) and then append my template to the div I created and injecting them with Angular. It works very well.
The Problem
However, this overlay is somewhat blocking since the div I create has to have a z-index of at least 0 to be seen. Let's imagine you perform a google search, you will be able to search since the google search bar has z-index > 0 but you won't be able able to click on the results ... The problem appears in pretty much any website.
Now I tried to play with z-index: I apply z-index = -1 so I won't see the main overlay div but the problem with that is that the content I append to it seems to inherit the z-index -1 no matter what so I never see my template!
I've followed quite some topics here but I didn't find an answer to my problem!
The Question at last ...!
How do I create a non-blocking chrome overlay ? :)
Remember: I need to be able to interact with the overlay at any given moment, not simply when I click on the icon related with the BrowserAction!
The trick is simply to add the css property
pointer-events: none;
to the main div and
pointer-events: auto;
to the template

Qooxdoo - Mobile Map covers toolbar

Hi I was using the mobile map demo here:
and I was trying to add a toolbar at the bottom of the map page. It works, but then the map quickly covers it up. After looking at the DOM it looks like the toolbar gets added within the map div.
Is there a way to make it appear on top of the map rather than underneath? This code is all contained in the Application.js file.
var maps =;
var manager = new;
var toolbar = this.__toolbar = new;
Thanks for the help!
With maps.add(toolbar) you're adding the toolbar to the map, that's why it is added to the map div. I guess you have to go through the page.Manager to add separate elements to the GUI. You might want to revise the mobile tutorial which achieves exactly that, also including a widget derived from NavigationPage like in the maps showcase.
have a look at:
There are several important things in this example.
The methods "_createContent" and "_createScrollContainer()" are overridden.
A NavigationPage creates by default an iScroll container where you can put all widgets into.
But the OpenLayer div is not a qooxdoo widget, of course. It has its own scrolling logic.
That is why, you have to overwrite these methods. Much of the styling of OpenLayer can not be changed. The OpenLayer overlays all contents because its has an absolute positioning.
But there is a solution:
Use this method in initalize() method
Assign a CSS class to your widget through
Change your "styles.css" in resource folder:
.your-class {
z-index: 5000;
position: absolute;
Greetz Christopher
