Qooxdoo - Mobile Map covers toolbar - qooxdoo

Hi I was using the mobile map demo here: http://demo.qooxdoo.org/devel/mobileshowcase/index.html#%2Fmaps
and I was trying to add a toolbar at the bottom of the map page. It works, but then the map quickly covers it up. After looking at the DOM it looks like the toolbar gets added within the map div.
Is there a way to make it appear on top of the map rather than underneath? This code is all contained in the Application.js file.
var maps = test.page.Maps.getInstance();
var manager = new qx.ui.mobile.page.Manager(false);
var toolbar = this.__toolbar = new qx.ui.mobile.toolbar.ToolBar();
Thanks for the help!

With maps.add(toolbar) you're adding the toolbar to the map, that's why it is added to the map div. I guess you have to go through the page.Manager to add separate elements to the GUI. You might want to revise the mobile tutorial which achieves exactly that, also including a widget derived from NavigationPage like in the maps showcase.

have a look at:
There are several important things in this example.
The methods "_createContent" and "_createScrollContainer()" are overridden.
A NavigationPage creates by default an iScroll container where you can put all widgets into.
But the OpenLayer div is not a qooxdoo widget, of course. It has its own scrolling logic.
That is why, you have to overwrite these methods. Much of the styling of OpenLayer can not be changed. The OpenLayer overlays all contents because its has an absolute positioning.
But there is a solution:
Use this method in initalize() method
Assign a CSS class to your widget through
Change your "styles.css" in resource folder:
.your-class {
z-index: 5000;
position: absolute;
Greetz Christopher


Wagtail: How to render the blocks dynamically on Admin panel?

In wagtail, I need to make a Struct/Stream Block
There is a dropdown on the top of the block(Image/Video)
If editor choose Image, VideoChooserBlock should be hidden.
And if editor choose Video, ImageChooserBlock should be hidden.
class MyBlock(StruckBlock):
category = ChoiceBlock(choices=(("image", "image"),("video", "video")))
image = ImageChooserBlock()
video = videoChooserBlock()
Here, editor should be able to choose only image or video depending on category.
Any help is appriciated.
You may find it useful to review the code of wagtail-link-block which does something similar.
Main files to focus on:
blocks.py for displaying fields conditionally based on a ChoiceBlock
static/link_block/link_block.js and static/link_block/link_block.css to handle the DOM manipulation and styling with JavaScript and CSS
wagtail_hooks.py to insert JS and CSS

Change the location of the messenger bubble

I want to know if it is possible to change the location of the messenger bubble on my site by modifying the CSS code for example.
How to do it exactly if it is possible?
You can modify the .fb-customerchat and .fb_dialog classes to modify the position of the icon and dialog even though not recommended by FB since this may break linked functionalities or cross-browser rendering.
I am using the following code in my main css file to add some padding to the bubble in the mobile view.
.fb_dialog_mobile .fb_dialog_content > iframe {
bottom: 76px !important;
You can inspect element and see the exact class names for the elements as above not be the same case you are looking for. However the element cannot be referenced directly as it doesn't have a class name.

ExtJs - page design with common header and footer section

I am currently using ExtJs 4.2 for developing my web pages. I would like to know whether we can define a template and can reuse the template across the pages..To be little more clear, the page header and footer remains the same across pages and only body component changes.
I mean something similar to tiles in jsp.
My scenario is like this:
I have defined a border layout in which the region="north" contains the header part, region ="south" contains the footer part and region="west" and region="center" have the body content.
All my pages have a similar layout...ie..the content at west/center is only changing across pages...so do we have solution to simplify this without defining the entire layout in all the pages...
Please let me know if further clarifications are required
~Ragesh Ak
I think you will want to use Ext.define, and extend the viewport component, giving it a border layout. See the ExtJS tutorial on creating custom components for how to do that. You will want to give it a border layout, and have static panels/containers/menus/toolbars for you north and south objects.
How you model your content/center and navigation/west components depends on the style of application you are building. If you are following the single page application concept with the Model/Store/View/Controller pattern that ExtJS gives you using Ext.app.Application, then you will want to drop empty containers in those slots since you can't swap out a border layout component. Putting in empty containers will allow you to call the removeAll function and then add your new items when changing views. If you are building a regular site that reloads the page whenever you move between views, you can extend the viewport that you created, and put your content directly into the viewport since it won't ever need to change.
Use define to configure a class that extends container and has the border layout you just described, so you can reuse this new class as you need.

Slider in codenameone

Can any one please tell me how i can add slider and moving form in codename one (with sample lines of code) and also want to know are these features supported by all types of devices?
I think you mean how to animate forms changes
Next, you should handle some "finger slide" event.
To add a slider you can use the following code
Slider jSlider = new Slider();
jSlider.setProgress(50); // Set the starting value
jSlider.setEditable(true); // To it works as a slider instead of a progress bar
Now you have created a slider which you can add to your component like you would in Swing. You can type 'jSlider.' in eclipse to find out which other methods you can use, or you can go to the API: http://codenameone.googlecode.com/svn/trunk/CodenameOne/javadoc/com/codename1/ui/Slider.html
I think min/maxValue are selfexplenatory though :)
If you want to open a new form, simply create a new class extending form or do it in code like
Form form = new Form();
form.animate(); // To make it "slide in"
Also noteworthy, the slider doesn't work with the lumia skin per default, though you can make it work. I actually asked this question on here as well:
Slider doesn't draw (CodeName One) with Windows phone skin

scroll multiselect in extjs

I have a multiselect component in Ext js 3. I have a number of entries in it. Now i want to select an entry and scroll multiselect to make it visible to the user. I am able to select an entry but i cannot scroll multiselect.
I have used dataview component and i do this same function using following:
dataviewObj.container.dom.scrollTop = (42 * index);
but cannot implement this is multiselect.
Can someone please tell me how to achieve this with multiselect????
Thank you a lot for help.
There is no need to edit the Ext extension code itself.
Ext MultiSelect will do scrolling out of the box. You just need to make sure you have added the CSS that it needs:
position:relative; /* for calculating scroll offsets */
The full set of CSS rules to include in your document is here:
Ok, after a lot of hacking I think I've found the solution to this.
Open the Multiselect.js file in an editor.
Goto the onRender method of the Ext.ux.form.MultiSelect class (object).
Find the FieldSet creation block of code (var fs ...)
Add autoScroll:true to the fieldset config options.
I had a multiselect with ~200 items in it and this worked like a charm.
This is a change made to the extension code itself, so if you can't afford to do this you'll have to find a work around -- possibly through multiple extending and polymorphism.
