Cannot install vtune amplifier command-line interface - intel-vtune

I try to install vtune command line interface on a target machine following the instrument But get the error popup like the screenshot below. Any idea of it?

Met the same error for installing CLI for VTune Amplifier 2019 Update 4.
After some digging with unpacking msi package and dependency walker discovered that msi custom action dll imports functions from amplxe_sampling_utils_3.9.dll. Also this file relies on MS Visual C++ 2013 runtime.
For me it helped taking this dll from the VTune full installation (by default it is located at
C:\Program Files (x86)\IntelSWTools\VTune Amplifier 2019\bin32\amplxe_sampling_utils_3.9.dll
and placing it somewhere under system %PATH% for the installation purposes. I have not found better place than C:\Windows\System32 on a 32-bit target.
After the successful installation this dll can be removed from System32 as it it also installed with command line interface into target directory.


VS2017 Nuget pthread LNK1120 unresolved

I heard that Nuget builds project easier without any configuration.
So, I am trying to add pthreads in my project from Nuget
(Actually I am using windows 10 x64 Visual studio 2017, C language, and my friends use linux OS)
I just search pthreads in Nuget package, click "install" button
But, my project compiles well but fatal error LNK1120 called.
Is there any more configuration after install pthreads from nuget?
The reason why I ask this simple question in stackoverflow is that, there is no more steps in Microsoft official guides.
Is there any more configuration after install pthreads from nuget?
Using Nuget format to install pthread into C++ projects is quite simple and will not manually configure include Directories and additional Dependencies address any more.
But pthread nuget package in VS has a drawback that it does not fully inherit pthread class library. It lost a file called pthreadvc2.lib. You can try my following suggestions to configure it without any settings in project properties.
1) download from this link.
2) unpack this file and then copy pthreadVC2.lib from the file(pthreads-w32-2-9-1-release\Pre-built.2\lib\x86 or x64) into
C:\Program Files (x86)\Microsoft Visual Studio\2017\xxxxx\VC\Tools\MSVC\xxxx.xx.xxxx\lib\x86 or x64.
Note that you should copy the related lib into the related folder, x86 pthreadVC2.lib into x86 folder, x64 pthreadVC2.lib into x64 folder.
3) then add this into your cpp file:
#pragma comment(lib,"pthreadVC2.lib")
Then it will work as expected without any errors.

How do i perform make file in windows

i want to use this library with my C program in codeblocks(windows) but i dont know how to make makefile/cmake on windows.
I dont know how to do it in this particular example. There is only something like "".
Any ideas?
You didn't state what kind of build environment you are using on Windows.
So find below a short description how i built the 32-bit version of json library on Windows 10 using cmake 3.14.3 and Visual Studio 2015. CMake supports several generators for Visual Studio as well as MinGW (see CMake documentation).
Open command window (cmd.exe) change to root directory of json-c library source.
Setup build configuration for 32 bit target in directory "build" using command line "cmake -G "Visual Studio 14 2015" -A Win32 -B build"
Open command window for Visual Studio 2015 x86 environment (link at start menu) and change to build directory created during previous step.
Run "msbuild json-c.sln" to build Debug version of json-c dynamic library
Run "msbuild json-c.sln /p:Configuration=Release" to build Release version of json-c dynamic library
After that you should be able to add the built library to your project.

How to link libraries to OpenCL.lib when pip installing a python package, using developer command prompt?

I am on a Dell Inspiron laptop with an AMD graphics card and am aiming to install a python package named pyviennacl:
I am using Developer Command Prompt for VS 2019.
When I run:
pip install pyviennacl
The following error message is returned:
LINK : fatal error LNK1181: cannot open input file 'OpenCL.lib'
error: command 'C:\Program Files (x86)\Microsoft Visual Studio\2019\Community\VC\Tools\MSVC\14.20.27508\bin\HostX86\x86\link.exe' failed with exit status 1181
Now, I really have no idea how to proceed. I can see what the error is but cannot find any help.
I've tried to install various Intel/AMD OpenCL packages to remedy this issue, however, to be completely honest, I do not know what I'm doing.
did you had a look to this post ?
Also, I resolved the same issue by defining the LIB environment variable to the directory containing the "OpenCL.lib" file (by default at C:\Program Files\NVIDIA GPU Computing Toolkit\CUDA\v10.0\lib\x64 for NVIDIA graphic card. It can be different for AMD or Intel GPU).
In summary, PATH is where your binary will look for .dll files at runtime. To tell link.exe where to look for your .lib libraries you need to configure the LIB environment variable instead. (source here)

I cannot find python35_d.lib

I have downloaded the 3.5 version of python on my windows 7 home premium computer with version 6.1 software. I wish to use a C main program with python library extensions. I have aded the path to the include folder and the library folder to the dev studio c-compiler. I am testing with the supplied test program that prints out the time but I get a compile error. While it can find Python.h, it can't find python35_d.lib. I can't either. Is it missing from the download or is this another name for a one of the libraries in the download? Thanks
Maybe a little too late, but I found a work around for the missing 'python3x_d.lib' : When installing the python with pythoninstaller.exe, choose the advanced setup options in the first command window of the installation wizard, there choose the option "download debug binaries", then the file python3x_d.lib is automatically installed.
I faced this error when trying to build opencv with python bindings

ifort: error #10037: could not find 'link'

I downloaded and installed evaluation software of:
Intel Parallel Studio XE Professional Edition for Fortran Windows. My system is a 64 bit, Windows 7 OS. During its installation I was asked to download and install also: Microsoft Visual C++ 2013 Redistributable(x64)- 12.0.21005 .
I am trying to compile my source files using the command line.
In order for the command ifort to be recognized, I added the directory:
C:\Program Files (x86)\IntelSWTools\compilers_and_libraries_2016.0.110\windows\bin\intel64
to the PATH environment variable . (This folder contains the file ifort.exe).
However, when I try to compile a simple 'Hello World' program by the command:
ifort hello.for
I get the error:
ifort: error #10037: could not find 'link'
The file 'hello.obj' , however, was created.
The steps I tried in order to fix this error (but that made no difference):
1) I tried to add to the PATH environment variable the directory:
C:\Program Files (x86)\IntelSWTools\compilers_and_libraries_2016.0.110\windows\bin\intel64_gfx
This folder contains the file: gfx_linker.exe, which I thought is the needed linker.
2) I tried to change the configuration of Visual Studio to add 64-bit support, according to the 4 steps Steve Lionel (Intel) sugested in (, but the window that appeared (after pressing the change option in the 'Uninstall or change a program utility' of the control panel) showed no 'x64 compiler&tools' checkbox option, only a repair button option, which made no difference.
3) I tried to update the ifort installation, as Tim Prince suggested in ( I tried to do it through the 'Uninstall or change a program utility' in the control panel. But selecting the 'Repair' option in the window that appeared blocked the completion of the process by stating that 'repair cannot be done because no available sources were found', and selecting the 'Modify' option, blocked me in the step of 'selecting components to modify' (nothing I chose enabled the 'next' button).
4) Before calling ifort I tried to execute the cammand:
"C:\Program Files (x86)\IntelSWTools\compilers_and_libraries_2016.0.110\windows\bincompilervars.bat" intel64 vs2013
as Steve Lionel (Intel) suggested in the previous link, but got the error:
ERROR: Visual Studio 2013 is not found in the system.
Right now I'm out of options, and beg for help to show me how to fix this error of ifort not being able to find the 'link'.
You can simply compile your Fortran files from command line using ifort, to do that:
Start menu > programs > Intel parallel studio XE 2O16 > Intel 64 visual studio mode or search for Intel 64 in the start menu
open Intel 64 visual studio mode . Now you can start to use ifort and it will work fine.
If you want to know how to invoke it (the parameters used) then right click over Intel 64 visual mode, from the menu choose open file location.
I uploaded these screenshots, just take a look:
From the second screenshot notice the parameters passed to the batch file.
Note: according to Intel documentation the second argument (vs2013) is optional.
My friend got the same problem. Here was what I advise him to do and it worked. The reason why this happened is that you missed link.exe located in C:\Program Files (x86)\Microsoft Visual Studio 11.0\VC\bin\ and other related folders too. So, you can use a small software called everything to search your computer to find out whether the link.exe is missing in your Microsoft Visual Studio folder. If it is the case, you can copy these files from someone else or just reinstall your visual studio and make sure everything is right in place.
I had the same issue.
First of all add "C:\Program Files (x86)\IntelSWTools\compilers_and_libraries_2016.0.110\windows\bin" to path.
Now, from windows command line run: compilervars.bat intel64
It sets up the environment on the windows command line.
now you can access the "ifort" commands without getting the linking errors.
I'm going to start by pointing out the required steps needed for code to metamorphose into executables: [SO]: LNK2005 Error in CLR Windows Form (#CristiFati's answer). That's for C, for Fortran it's the same thing, except:
Step #1. does not exist (at least, I don't think so)
Step #2. will be performed (obviously) by the Fortran compiler
Ran into the same issue when working on [SO]: What is numpy.ctypeslib.as_ctypes exacty doing (#CristiFati's answer). Environment:
Intel's oneAPI HPC Toolkit (also Base - which is a direct dependency) for ifort.exe
Microsoft's Visual Studio (I have many versions installed, chosen v2019 as it was the newest at the time) for link.exe
As seen (one has to look in both Output snippets) I built it manually in 2 steps.
But ifort.exe can automatically invoke link.exe, if the latter's dir is in the PATH variable. For more details on invoking VStudio commands, check [MS.Learn]: Building on the Command Line.
