Transforms vs. Table triggers in SymmetricDS - symmetricds

In the source database we have a table, lets call it TableA. with primary key PK_TableA. This table has a dependent table in source database, lets call it TableB, via a FK - lets call it FK_TableA.
We syncronize TableA from source database to target database, with same table names.
We do NOT syncronize TableB from source database to target database, but it exists in target database with the same name and has the same relation of dependence with TableA.
When a row is deleted from TableA in source database, TableB is updated by modifying all the rows with the deleted FK, setting FK_TableA column to null.
We intend to produce the same behaviour in target database without having to syncronize TableB.
So, on delete of a row from TableA in source database we:
1) want to update, to null, column FK_TableA from TableB in the target database, for the corresponding rows
2) delete the row from TableA in targert database
Is this possible?
What is the best mechanism? Transforms or Table Triggers (maybe with a Sync On Delete Condition)?
Can you please try to explain the way to do it?

Either a load filter or a load transform would work. The load filter is probably simpler for this case. Use sym_load_filter to configure a "before write" BeanShell script that does this:
if (data.getDataEventType().name().equals("DELETE")) {
context.findTransaction().execute("update tableb set fk_tablea = null " +
"where fk_tablea = " + OLD_FK_TABLEA);
return true;
The script checks that it's a DELETE statement, then it will run the SQL you need. The values for the table columns on the current row are available as upper case variables. The script returns true so the original delete will also run.
See for more details on how to use load filters.


Script out objects from DB with identity columns replaced by variables to copy object to other environment

I have multiple environments for an application, like DEV, TEST, UAT, PROD.
I would need to copy some objects from the database created in UAT environment into PROD environment. The object is stored in the DB spreaded to multiple tables. Most of the tables have PK as IDENTITY (autogenerated). I don't have access to PROD db data (it is sensitive data in general).
What I need is to generate SQL script for inserting the object that does not preserve the values of Ids but uses the Ids assigned in target environment to related records.
Example: let's say object Order composed of [Order] and list of [OrderItem] rows. I would need to select one specific row in [Order] table, specify that also related rows from [OrderItem] should be included and generate script that would insert new row for [Order], get the value of assigned Order.Id, keep it in a variable and use it for inserting [OrderItem] rows. This is trivial example, my object is spreaded to many more tables, but the concept is the same.
Is there any tool for doing this? All scripting out utilities I tried preserve values of Identity columns.
I think you would need to write custom code to achieve the need of first loading to parent table, followed by loading to child table based on SCOPE_IDENTITY() value.
Instead, if you don't have huge number of rows, I would suggest you to follow below steps:
Load data from Production to another environment using SSIS package or another means
Add the foreign key constraint in the child table to have UPDATE CASCADE
REFERENCES [dbo].[Order] ([OrderID])
Now, Update the identity value to another value using some logic
set identity_insert Order ON
UPDATE Order SET OrderID = OrderID + 1000000 -- Have some other logic for random generation
set identity_Insert Order OFF
Now, automatically the child table will get updated with new OrderID.
This SO link talks about automating the code generation for INSERT scripts: What is the best way to auto-generate INSERT statements for a SQL Server table?
Also, I would suggest you to first script out parent tables, followed by child tables.
You can identify parent,child tables using the below script. You need to generate scripts now as per the parent, child depency.
select object_name(parent_object_id) as childTable, object_name(referenced_object_id) as parentTable
from sys.foreign_keys
WHERE object_name(parent_object_id) IN 'Your comma separated list of tables'

update data when importing a duplicate record in SQL

I have a unique requirement - I have a data list which is in excel format and I import this data into SQL 2008 R2., once every year, using SQL's import functionality. In the table "Patient_Info", i have a primary key set on the column "MemberID" and when i import the data without any duplicates, all is well.
But some times, when i get this data, some of the patient's info gets repeated with updated address / telephone , etc., with the same MemberID and since I set this as primary key, this record gets left out without importing into the database and thus, i dont have an updated record for that patient.
I am not sure how to achieve this, to update some of the rows which might have existing memberIDs and any pointer to this is greatly appreciated.
examples below:
List 1:
List 2:
This is not a terribly unique requirement.
One acceptable pattern you can use to resolve this problem would be to import your data into "staging" table. The staging table would have the same structure as the target table to which you're importing, but it would be a heap - it would not have a primary key.
Once the data is imported, you would then use queries to consolidate newer data records with older data records by MemberID.
Once you've consolidated all same MemberID records, there will be no duplicate MemberID values, and you can then insert all the staging table records into the target table.
As #Panagiotis Kanavos suggests, you can use a SQL MERGE statement to both insert new records and update existing records from your staging table to the target table.
Assume that the Staging table is named Patient_Info_Stage, the target table is named Patient_Info, and that these tables have similar schemas. Also assume that field MemberId is the primary key of table Patient_Info.
The following MERGE statement will merge the staging table data into the target table:
USING Patient_Info_Stage AS Source
ON Target.MemberId = Source.MemberId
SET Target.FirstName = Source.FirstName
,Target.LastName = Source.LastName
,Target.Address = Source.Address
,Target.PhoneNumber = Source.PhoneNumber
) Values (
*NOTE: The T-SQL MERGE operation is not atomic, and it is possible to get into a race condition with it. To insure it will work properly, do these things:
Ensure that your SQL Server is up-to-date with service packs and patches (current rev of SQL Server 2008 R2 is SP3, version 10.50.6000.34).
Wrap your MERGE in a transaction (BEGIN TRAN;, COMMIT TRAN;)
Use SERIALIZABLE hint to help prevent a potential race condition with the T-SQL MERGE statement.

update a table in SSIS periodically

How to do regular updates to a database table in SSIS. The table has foreign key constraints.
I have a package running every week, and I have to update the data in the table from a flat file. Most of the contents are the same with update values and other new rows.
UPDATE : My data file contains updated contents ( some rows missing, some rows added, some modified ). The data file does not have the Primary keys ( I create the primary keys when I first bulk insert the data from the data file ), on subsequent SSIS package runs, I need to update the table with new data file contents.
1 Mango $0.99
2 Apple $0.59
3 Orange $0.33
data file
Mango 0.79
Kiwi 0.45
Banana 0.54
How would I update the table with data from the file. The table has foreign key constraints with other tables.
another approach, to load massive group data instead of dealing row by row:
On database
create an staging table (e.g. StagingTable [name], [price])
Create a procedure (you may need to change the objects names, and add
transaction control and error handling etc just a draft):
create procedure spLoadData
update DestinationTable
set DestinationTable.Price = StagingTable.Price
from DestinationTable
join StagingTable
on DestinationTable.Name = StagingTable.Name
insert into DestinationTable
(Name, Price)
select Name, Price
from StagingTable
where not exists (select 1
from DestinationTable
where = StagingTable.Name)
Execute SQL Task with (truncate [staging_table_name])
Data Flow task transferring from your Flat File to the Staging Table
Execute SQL Task calling the procedure you created (spLoadData).
Following are the few thoughts/steps:
Create a Flat File Connection manger.
Take Data flow task.
Create Flat File Source with connection manager just created.
Take lookup transformation(s) as many as you need to get FK values based on your source file values.
Take a lookup transformation after all above lookups, to get all values from Destination table.
Keep Conditional split and compare source values and destination values.
If all columns matched then UPDATE, else INSERT.
Map above conditional split results accordingly to OLEDB Destnation/OLEDB Command.
Give a try and let me know the results/comments.

Stored procedure to generate a unique id column

Good day
I have a situation where two users are saving data to the same database and there are primary key conflicts.
Is it possible to write a stored procedure or trigger which will generate a unique identity by adding two columns.
For instance: I have table2 related to table1 by Table1ID. Increment and seed is 1 for both.
If I had to add a row to table2 I would like the autogenerated ID number to be added to a text column thereby making it unique. So the ID would be something like JoeSoap5.
If you want to generated something unique you can use the build-in function "NEWID()". Type and executed the following code:
If you need to insert record in second table when record in your first table is inserted, is is possible to implement this using TRIGGERS. In your case you can use "AFTER INSERT TRIGGER" or "BEFORE INSERT TRIGGER" - generally this will be a piece of code that will be executed AFTER/BEFORE row in your first table is inserted.
You don't specify your SQL Server version.
SQL 2012 introduces the concept of a sequence - - which would allow you to do just what you want.

Best way to move data between tables and generate mapping of old to new identity values

I need to merge data from 2 tables into a third (all having the same schema) and generate a mapping of old identity values to new ones. The obvious approach is to loop through the source tables using a cursor, inserting the old and new identity values along the way. Is there a better (possibly set-oriented) way to do this?
UPDATE: One additional bit of info: the destination table already has data.
Create your mapping table with an IDENTITY column for the new ID. Insert from your source tables into this table, creating your mapping.
SET IDENTITY_INSERT ON for your target table.
Insert into the target table from your source tables joined to the mapping table, then SET IDENTITY_INSERT OFF.
I created a mapping table based on the OUTPUT clause of the MERGE statement. No IDENTITY_INSERT required.
In the example below, there is RecordImportQueue and RecordDataImportQueue, and RecordDataImportQueue.RecordID is a FK to RecordImportQueue.RecordID. The data in these staging tables needs to go to Record and RecordData, and FK must be preserved.
RecordImportQueue to Record is done using a MERGE statement, producing a mapping table from its OUTPUT, and RecordDataImportQueue goes to RecordData using an INSERT from a SELECT of the source table joined to the mapping table.
DECLARE #MappingTable table ([NewRecordID] [bigint],[OldRecordID] [bigint])
MERGE [dbo].[Record] AS target
,RecordID AS RecordID_Original
FROM [RecordImportQueue]
) AS source
ON (target.RecordID = NULL) -- can never match as RecordID is IDENTITY NOT NULL.
INSERT ([InstanceID],[Status])
VALUES (source.[InstanceID],source.[Status])
OUTPUT inserted.RecordID, source.RecordID_Original INTO #MappingTable;
After that, you can insert the records in a referencing table as folows:
INSERT INTO [dbo].[RecordData]
SELECT [InstanceID]
,mt.NewRecordID -- the new RecordID from the mappingtable
FROM [dbo].[RecordDataImportQueue] AS rdiq
JOIN #MappingTable AS mt
ON rdiq.RecordID = mt.OldRecordID
Although long after the original post, I hope this can help other people, and I'm curious for any feedback.
I think I would temporarily add an extra column to the new table to hold the old ID. Once your inserts are complete, you can extract the mapping into another table and drop the column.
