FreeIPA to Active Directory trust not working:Access denied error - active-directory

When I am trying to add trust from FreeIPA to Active Directory I am getting an "Access denied" error:
[root#ipa centos]# ipa trust-add --type=ad --admin Admin --
Active Directory domain administrator's password:
ipa: ERROR: CIFS server communication error: code "3221225506", message "{Access Denied} A process has requested access to an object but has not been granted those access rights." (both may be "None")
My Active Directory is an AWS Managed AD and admin is the default user for AWS managed AD.
I think Admin user does not have permission for AD trust.
But I tried to give administrator privileges in AD for admin user but it says "Insufficient Privileges".
I am stuck. Can anyone help me out?

AWS AD does not allow to establish trust the way how FreeIPA implements it. AWS AD expects you are using a shared secret on both sides of the trust and then validates it from AWS AD side. This is currently not working for a released version of FreeIPA.
The fix is in FreeIPA upstream already but it will take some time to be released and trickle down to distributions.


Unable to create the synchronization service account for Azure Active Directory. Retrying this operation may help resolve the issue

I am getting this error. How can I configure this? I am setting up a virtual machine to login my AD Account. I want to log my office 365 account and members to access the virtual machine machine. Right now I am configuring the AD account connectivity.
These are errors from logs :
[05:00:31.709] [ 27] [ERROR] ExecuteADSyncConfiguration: configuration failed. Skipping export of synchronization policy. resultStatus=Failed
[05:00:31.710] [ 27] [ERROR] PerformConfigurationPageViewModel: An error occurred while creating the synchronization service account in Azure AD. The error was: Unable to create the synchronization service account for Azure Active Directory. Retrying this operation may help resolve the issue.
[05:00:31.710] [ 27] [ERROR] PerformConfigurationPageViewModel: Unable to create the synchronization service account for Azure Active Directory. Retrying this operation may help resolve the issue.
[05:03:10.957] [ 1] [INFO ] Opened log file at path C:\ProgramData\AADConnect\trace-20221220-041351.log
I tried to reproduce the same in my environment and got the same error like below:
Unable to create the synchronization service account for Azure ActiveDirectory
This error occurs, the account authenticates earlier in the session conditional Access is blocking the account you are using as the Azure AD admin account when you are going through the wizard ref:
To resolve this error: Login with admin account -> sing-in logs under monitoring -> check the user sign-in logs and non-interactive log are failure.
Check if multiple access policy is enabled in service account try to disable it orelse and try to exclude your Ip range like below:
When MFA is enabled in the Azure Environment, the Sync Account will incorrectly detect error message try to disable MFA for the account and restarting the wizard.
Now, when I try to connect azure AD account it configured successfully like below:
Install azure ad connect successfully like below:
Azure AD Connect – Unable to Create the Synchronization Service Account for Azure AD – by Sam's Corner
Unable to create the syncronization service account for Azure Active Directory- Microsoft by mfreitas

Role error while configuring saml signing certificate for robin powered

Error : Your role does not have the permissions required to manage signing certificates.
How to fix this?
Previously I was able to setup up signle signon for multiple applications but I didnt receive any error related signing certificate but robin powered is not allowing
To configure certificate you should be a member of One of the following roles: Global Administrator, Cloud Application Administrator, Application Administrator, or owner of the service principal.

"a specified logon session does not exist. it may already have been terminated" after i joined the device to azure active directory

"a specified logon session does not exist. it may already have been terminated" after i joined the device to azure active directory
-i can't access our shared folder in our server after i joined the device to azure AD and use office 365 account (Please see click the link below to see the error image for your reference), but if i use local administrator of the device i can access the file server using the credentials with no problem, please note that we don't have an premises active directory or GPO, kindly help me.
a specified logon session does not exist. it may already have been terminated
Instead of specifying just "binos" as your username, add hostname with back-slash like so:
In most cases, this will fix that error.
To access the share, the server would also need to be azure ad joined. which you cannot do with windows server, you would need azure ad Domain Services (AD DS) on azure, then join your file server to that.
Only Windows 10 devices can be "azure ad-joined devices"
If you don't want to do that, you could create a azure file store, and secure it using your azure ad / rbac, then map that on your devices.. that would probably work too.

Access to Azure Active Directory Subscription - My Role: Unknown

In I have two subscriptions.
One of them is the subscription named "Access to Azure Active Directory". As far as I can understand, this subscription was created automatically via the Office 365 subscription I have.
My profile is a Global Administrator. However, I cannot access "Access to Azure Active Directory" subscription as a Global Administrator or with Global Administrator rights. More specifically, when I view "My permissions" in "Access to Azure Active Directory" subscription, it says "You are an administrator on the subscription".
But, when for example I try to view "Activity log" or "Access control (IAM)" in "Access to Azure Active Directory" subscription, it says "DisallowedOperation: The current subscription type is not permitted to perform operations on any provider namespace. Please use a different subscription."
So, how is it possible to be an administrator on "Access to Azure Active Directory" subscription and also not able to do any action as an administrator?
Any help would be much appreciated.
Regards, Nick
Usually, an Office 365 subscription includes a free subscription to Azure AD so that you can integrate Office 365 with Azure AD if you want to sync passwords or set up single sign-on with your on-premises environment. You could refer to this: Azure integration with Office 365. Before you can manage your Office 365 Apps in Azure AD, you need to Register your free Azure Active Directory subscription and Turning Integrated Apps on or off. Please refer to this: Integrated Apps and Azure AD for Office 365 administrators.

az ad app permission add - Insufficient privileges to complete the operation

I'm getting ERROR: Insufficient privileges to complete the operation. when running az ad app permission add
What permission do I need to grant my service principal for this to work?
I gave it the AppRoleAssignment.ReadWrite.All permission which says:
Allows the app to manage permission grants for application permissions to any API (including Microsoft Graph) and application assignments for any app, on behalf of the signed-in user.
Update: I also gave it Application.ReadWrite.All, but still getting the error.
I also gave it Application.ReadWrite.All, but still getting the error.
The Application.ReadWrite.All Application permission is enough. I suppose you gave the Application.ReadWrite.All permission in Microsoft Graph, it will not work. You need to use the Application.ReadWrite.All in Azure AD Graph, then it will work.
After giving the permission, wait for a while, run the command, it returns a warning, refresh the portal, you will find the API permission was added.
Since the Microsoft graph API is not working with the Azure CLI AD App permissions and the Azure AD graph API is deprecated from 2020 April, this can be achieved by giving Application administrator permissions to the AD app.
From Azure AD go to Roles and administrator > Application administrator.
Then Add assignment, find your client app and add it to the application administrator.
az cli is getting updated to use MS Graph API according to:
Presumably this update will occur before AAD Graph API is retired on 6/30/2022:
Once az cli gets updated then Application.ReadWrite.All permission on MS Graph API should work.
There is a deprecation warning for the Azure AD Graph API as below.
This application is using Azure AD Graph API, which is on a deprecation path. Starting June 30th, 2020 we will no longer add any new features to Azure AD Graph API. We strongly recommend that you upgrade your application to use Microsoft Graph API instead of Azure AD Graph API to access Azure Active Directory resources
Also it seems the Microsoft Graph API is not working even though the relevant permissions are not provided.
