how to map to update an objects with setState in Reactjs - reactjs

I have this state:
state = {
name: null,
about: null,
price: null,
appStoreUrl:null ,
what I want: update form inside modal i used it to update products. I used new props inside componentWillReceiveProps
I did:
let Updateproduct = nextProps.productlist.productlist.Products;,i) => {
let formdata = Object.assign({}, this.state.formdata); =
formdata.about = item.about
formdata.price = item.price
formdata.offerPrice = item.offerPrice
formdata.playStoreUrl = item.playStoreUrl
formdata.appStoreUrl = item.appStoreUrl =
MyProblem: this filled the objects but in the form inside modal only I saw the last product not all in modal when click to update any product it. Note:Updateproduct contains:
about: "about product1"
appStoreUrl: ""
name: "p1"
offerPrice: 99.99
photo: "images/products/"
playStoreUrl: "images/products/"
price: 1000
about: "about product2"
appStoreUrl: ""
name: "p2"
offerPrice: 99.99
photo: "images/products/"
playStoreUrl: "images/products/"
price: 2000

Issue is, you want to store single specific product item clicked by user in state variable, but with current code you are always storing the last product item. Also setState in loop is not a good way.
To solve the issue, store the clicked product detail in state inside onClick handler function only, instead of componentWillReceiveProps method. For that you need to bind the product id with onClick function.
Like this:
// click handler function
getProductId = (id) => {
let productObj = {};
let Updateproduct = this.props.productlist.productlist.Products;
Updateproduct.forEach((item,i) => {
if( == id) {
productObj = {
about: item.about,
price: item.price,
offerPrice: item.offerPrice,
playStoreUrl: item.playStoreUrl,
appStoreUrl: item.appStoreUrl,
this.setState({ formdata: productObj, id: id })

You’re setting your state inside the map. If you think of the map as a loop that means you’re overriding it each iteration. So you will only ever have the last one displaying.

I think that's because your setState() call is in the wrong place (and only one object at a time):
let data =[];, i) => {
let formdata = null;
// do your formdata stuff but append it as part of an array
this.setState({ formdata: data });
Then I think it should get all the products.


Is this the correct way to update a propery in objects array state

I've got the code below and i wanna update name property in the object that has id 1. I'm updating with the code objArray[1].name = "Xxx". It perfectly works but is this correct? Should i use prevState with setObjArray. That looked so much easier what you think?
const [objArray, setObjArray] = useState([
No this is not advisable. You have the useState second array element (setObjArray) for updating state. Read documentation for React useState . There are two basic ways but there isn't much difference. First method;
const changeName = (id, newName) => {
// map through the array and change the name of the element with the id you are targeting
const changedArr = => {
if ( === id) {
return {
name: newName,
} else {
return element;
// set the returned array as you new state
Second method;
You have access to the previous state. This way you can make changes on the previous state and return the new array as your new state.
const newChangeName = (id, newName) => {
setObjArray((prev) => {
// map through the array and change the name of the element with the id you are targeting
// set the returned array as you new state
return => {
if ( === id) {
return {
name: newName,
} else {
return element;
Hope this helped.
There are many ways to do this. Let me share one way to do this:
Make a shallow copy of the array
let temp_state = [...objArray];
Make a shallow copy of the element you want to mutate
let temp_element = { ...temp_state[0] };
Update the property you're interested in = "new name";
Put it back into our array. N.B. we are mutating the array here, but that's why we made a copy first
temp_state[0] = temp_element;
Set the state to our new copy

Change Boolean value based on the previous state value

I have created the toggle function where it will change the Boolean value to false. And I am passing that handler function to button, now I am trying to achieve the same by using previous value, the problem I am facing here is I am having a mock data which will have the following structure {[{}]} inside one object I'll have an array inside that I'll have another objects. I have posted the mock and older implementation by selecting only one value from the mock, could any one guide me how to change the boolean value for the mock which I have. Thanks in advance.
const custDetail = {
customers: [
name: "Abc",
isCreated: true,
name: "bcd",
isCreated: true,
name: "Dec",
isCreated: true,
const [creatingCust, setCreatingCust] = useState([custDetail])
const custData = [...creatingCust]
custData[0].customers[0].isCreated = false
//trying to use prevState but I am getting undefined
const onClick = () => {
setCreatingCust(prevState => ({isCreated:!prevState.customers[0].isCreated}))
Shallow copy the state, and all nested state, that is being updated. I suggest using the customer name property to match the customer element in the customers array that you want to update. Use to create a new array reference.
I suggest also just storing custDetail in the creatingCust state. I don't a reason to nest it in an array.
const [creatingCust, setCreatingCust] = useState(custDetail);
const onClick = (name) => {
setCreatingCust(prevState => ({
customer => === name
? {
isCreated: !customers.isCreated
: customer
If you must have creatingCust be an array the process is similar, but instead of shallow copying into a new object you shallow copy into a new array.
const onClick = (name) => {
setCreatingCust(prevState => [{
customers: prevState[0]
customer => === name
? {
isCreated: !customers.isCreated
: customer

React setter function not updating state as expected

I am somewhat new to React and I am running into an issue and I was hoping someone will be willing to help me understand why my method is not working.
I have this state:
const [beers, setBeers] = useState([
id: 8759,
uid: "8c5f86a9-87bf-41fa-bc7f-044a9faf10be",
brand: "Budweiser",
name: "Westmalle Trappist Tripel",
style: "Fruit Beer",
hop: "Liberty",
yeast: "1056 - American Ale",
malts: "Special roast",
ibu: "22 IBU",
alcohol: "7.5%",
blg: "7.7°Blg",
bought: false
id: 3459,
uid: "7fa04e27-0b6b-4053-a26b-c0b1782d31c3",
brand: "Kirin",
name: "Hercules Double IPA",
style: "Amber Hybrid Beer",
hop: "Nugget",
yeast: "2000 - Budvar Lager",
malts: "Vienna",
ibu: "18 IBU",
alcohol: "9.4%",
blg: "7.5°Blg",
bought: true
I am rendering the beers with a map function and I have some jsx that calls a handleClick function
<button onClick={() => handleClick(}>
{beer.bought ? "restock" : "buy"}
this is the function being called:
const handleClick = (id) => {
setBeers((currentBeers) => => {
if ( === id) {
beer.bought = !beer.bought;
return beer;
I wanted to use an updater function to update the state, I am directly mapping inside the setter function and since map returns a new array, I thought everything would work correctly but in fact, it doesn't. It works only on the first button click and after that it stops updating the value.
I noticed that if I use this method:
const handleClick = (id) => {
const newbeers = => {
if ( === id) {
beer.bought = !beer.bought;
return beer;
Then everything works as expected.
Can someone help me understand why my first method isn't working?
OK, I think I have figured it out. The difference between my sandbox and your sandbox is the inclusion of <StrictMode> in the Index file. Removing this fixes the issue, but is not the correct solution. So I dug a little deeper.
What we all missed was that in your code you were modifying the previous state object that is passed in. You should instead be creating a new beer object and then modifying that. So this code works (I hope):
setBeers((currentBeers) => => { // changed beer to currentBeer
const beer = {...currentBeer};
if ( === id) {
beer.bought = !beer.bought;
return beer;
I hope that this helps.
react does not deeply compares the object in the state. Since you map over beers and just change a property, they are the same for react and no rerender will happen.
You need to set the state with a cloned object.
import {cloneDeep} from 'lodash';
cloneDeep( => {
if ( === id) {
beer.bought = !beer.bought;
return beer;

React Table 7 - How to change the state of an individual button created dynamically by the React-Table API

I am using React Table 7 to create a table with the first cell of each row being a ChecOut/CheckIn Button. My goal is to create a tool where people can CheckOut and CheckIn equipment. My React Table CodeSandbox
The idea is that when a user clicks the button, it will change from "CheckOut" to "CheckIn" and vise versa. It will also change the color of the row when Checked out. I was able to accomplish this with JQuery (code is in the sandbox under the App() functional component) but want to avoid that and am sure it's easily doable in react.
My issue is changing the state of an individual button and which functional component to define it in. The <Button> elements are created dynamically by the React-Table, defined in the columns object under the App functional component.
Header: "CheckIn/Out",
Cell: ({ row }) => (
onClick={e => checkClick(e)}
I tried passing a function to onChnage attribute on the <Button> element. In that function I updated the state of the <Button> to change the string value from "CheckOut" to "CheckIn" but that does not work. At first, that changed the name (state) of All the <Button> elements. Not sure if the state will live in the App() component or the TableRe() functional component. Or do I need to use state at all?
I basically built this on top of the editable table code available on the React-Table website React-Table Editable Data CodeSandbox , examples section React-Table Examples .
Any help is much appreciated!
import React from "react";
// export default random => {
// let arr = [];
// for (let i = 0; i < random; i++) {
// arr.push({
// first:,
// last: chance.last(),
// birthday: chance.birthday({ string: true }),
// zip:
// });
// }
// return arr;
// };
const temp_data = [
firstName: "johny",
lastName: "Bravo",
age: "23",
visits: "45",
progress: "complete",
status: "all done"
firstName: "johny",
lastName: "Bravo",
age: "23",
visits: "45",
progress: "complete",
status: "all done"
const ArrayData = () => {
const data = => {
return {
firstName: item.firstName,
lastName: item.lastName,
age: item.age,
visits: item.visits,
progress: item.progress,
status: item.status
return data;
// Do not think there is any need to memoize this data since the headers
// function TempData() {
// const data = React.useMemo(ArrayData, []);
// return data;
// }
export default ArrayData;

Clearing inputs in React

I have a component in which I create a new post. I have a state used to configure and create a form. The main object in the state is called formControls and inside each element looks something like this:
title: {
elementType: "input",
elementConfig: {
type: "text",
placeholder: "Title"
value: "",
validation: {
required: true
valid: false,
isTouched: false
Then I have a submit handler in which I create a new post and I try to clear the inputs. I m using 2 way binding so I try to clear by looping through state, make copies and update the values for each elements in the formControls : title, author and content like this:
for (let key in this.state.formControls) {
const updatedState = { ...this.state.formControls };
const updatedInput = { ...this.state.formControls[key] };
updatedInput.value = "";
updatedState[key] = updatedInput;
formControls: updatedState
The things is that it only clears the last element in the form (textarea). I console logged updatedState and in each iteration it clears the current input but in the next iteration the previous cleared input has again the value before clearing so only the last element is cleared in the end. If i move const updatedState = { ...this.state.formControls };
outside the for loop is behaves as it should. Does this happen because of async operation of setState() and it doesn t give me the right previous state when I try to update in each iteration?
I was hoping that maybe someone could help me understand why is like this. I would post more code but is quite long.
The data available to you in the closure is stale after the first call to setState. All iterations in the for .. in block will be run with the "old" data, so your last iteration is the one which is actually setting the fields to the values as they were when the for .. in loop began.
Try calling setState only once and put all your required changes into that.
const updatedFormControls = { ...this.state.formControls };
for (let key in this.state.formControls) {
const updatedInput = { ...updatedFormControls[key] };
updatedInput.value = "";
updatedFormControls[key] = updatedInput;
formControls: updatedFormControls
Another way to do the same thing might look like this:
this.setState(state => ({
formControls: Object.keys(state.formControls).reduce(
(acc, key) => ({
[key]: { ...state.formControls[key], value: '' }
