Possible Sql-injection - sql-server

I saw my logs today and I could see someone tried to launch sql-injection or was trying to find a vulnerability (not sure about it). It looks like two types of attempt were made either to gain some info or to launch an attack.
It's an asp.net mvc 5 application with EF6.
/my_app_name/home/action_method/1111111111111 UNION SELECT CHAR(45,120,49,45,81,45),CHAR(45,120,50,45,81,45),CHAR(45,120,51,45,81,45),CHAR(45,120,52,45,81,45),CHAR(45,120,53,45,81,45),CHAR(45,120,54,45,81,45),CHAR(45,120,55,45,81,45),CHAR(45,120,56,45,81,45)
/my_app_name/home/action_method/ or (1,2)=(select*from(select name_const(CHAR(77,112,66,78,100,100,97,106,101,104,70,90),1),name_const(CHAR(77,112,66,78,100,100,97,106,101,104,70,90),1))a) -- and 1=1
I tried to search but could only find few info about it. Would love to know what above codes are trying to do. The action method is a form field and will not post directly to a database. I send all input to validation and then call a method to save them to database. Should I be worried? What should I do now (I mean if something is compromised (which, unfortunately, I don't know)).
I tried to simulate it on my test server. For the first I'm getting
System.Web.HttpException: The length of the URL for this request exceeds the configured maxUrlLength value.
and for the last I am getting
System.Web.HttpException: A potentially dangerous Request.Path value was detected from the client (*)
exception. Don't know what the attacker was trying to collect or is there more way to test the above code?


Invalid JWT token happens randomly when using Snowflake+DBT

We've been using Snowflake+DBT with key pair authentication for a long time now, and we've never had any issues.
Recently, we started getting random connection errors on some models:
250001 (08001): Failed to connect to DB: account.region.snowflakecomputing.com:443. JWT token is invalid.
Most of the models will work, but some of them might fail. This can happen to any model, and it's never the same one -- sometimes it's the very first one, sometimes it's the very last one, and sometimes it's a bunch of them. It happens in runs with lots of models, or in runs with a single model.
It's very inconsistent, and there doesn't seems to be any kind of pattern to it. Sometimes it works, and sometimes it doesn't.
We've also tried with 1, 4, or 8 threads, and it happens regardless.
Obviously, there's nothing wrong with the credentials or configurations — otherwise, nothing would run at all. So I assume there must be something wrong with how DBT is handling the connection(s).
Interestingly, the errors only happens locally (so far). We haven't seen it in DBT Cloud runs.
DBT version is 0.20.2 in both cases. We tried with other versions (0.21.0, 0.20.0 & 0.19.1), and the issue persists. I don't know why we're just encountering this, as we've used these other versions previously without any issues.
It's similar to this question, except in our case it doesn't happen consistently at all. We tried connecting "without a region" (using Snowflake Organizations), but it doesn't make any difference:
250001 (08001): Failed to connect to DB: organization-account.snowflakecomputing.com:443. JWT token is invalid.
Is there anything we can do to resolve this?
EDIT: When the error happens, the model hangs for 60 seconds until the error appears.
EDIT 2: I think the error might have started happening when we started using the DBT-provided Docker images. Not sure exactly what might be wrong with them, but we'll try going back to our own custom images and see if that works.
This has since stopped happening. 🤷‍♂️
Possibly because of this change from Snowflake:
"An improvement has been added to Snowflake's Cloud Services layer to relax the validity restrictions."
Also, we are now using different Docker containers, so that might have something to do with it as well:
First, we switched to xemuliam/dbt, from Docker Hub.
But since that is no longer maintained, we are now using the official DBT Docker images from GitHub (which were not available at the time the question was posted):

How can I dump the .parquet data that is in Azure DataLakeStorage to a Microsoft SQL Server database using Nifi?

I've been looking for information for a long time and I can't get it. I'm starting to think it can't be done if the .parquet are in Azure DataLake Storage.
I have a folder with subfolders in Azure DataLake Storage. In these subfolders there are many .parquet. I manage to get them out using ListAzureDataLakeStorage + FetchAzureDataLakeStorage combination. Then I try to pass them through a PutDatabaseRecord (which I think is the correct processor for the dump in the DB).
I think I have the PutDatabaseRecord well configured. But when executing it gives me an error: "Failed to process session due to Failed to process StandardFlowFileRecord due to java.lang.NullPointerException: Name is null".
I'm not sure I'm using the PutDatabaseRecord right. I thought that PutDatabaseRecord read the flowfiles that came to it interpreting their content as .parquet (it is supposed to use a ParquetReader as a RecordReader), being able to understand the data as records. But it surprises me that it is not necessary to indicate how to interpret the .parquet, nor how to map its columns with those of the DB table. It still doesn't work as I think and it needs the flowfile content to already arrive as records?
The truth is that I can't explain myself better either because I don't really understand what is considered a record in Nifi or how a record is related to a reading of a .parquet.
Either I am missing a processor or something I am configuring wrong. But the only thing I find is the FetchParquet, which seems to be able to read a .parquet and put it into the FlowFile as records. However, it can only be used with ListHDFS or ListFile, which do not allow me to fetch data from Azure Data Lake Storage
After several tests (using the ConvertRecord and QueryRecord processors), I have come to the conclusion that the problem is in the reading that the ParquetReader does of the content of the FlowFiles that arrive. Well, every processor that needs a ParquetReader gives the same error. Downloading the content of the FlowFile that enters the processor that the ParquetReader uses (whatever it is) and using a .parquet viewer I have verified that this content is fine.
Without knowing what to do, I have attached a screenshot of the specific error. I still don't know what "Name" the error refers to.
Error Name is null
Note: I also posted my problem on Cloudera, perhaps better explained. I leave the link in case someone wants to look at it. (https://community.cloudera.com/t5/Support-Questions/How-can-I-dump-the-parquet-data-that-is-in-Azure/td-p/316020)
In the end, the closest thing to the error I was getting was found here (https://issues.apache.org/jira/browse/NIFI-7817). It seems that it is an error related to the creation of the ParquetReader. This makes sense because it would hit any processor that used a ParquetReader. In addition, the FlowFiles did not even enter the processor that used it.
I was using Nifi version 1.12.1. I have downloaded version 1.13.2 and it no longer gives the Name error. In addition, it is seen that the Flow Files already enter the processor. On the download page of the new version (https://nifi.apache.org/download.html) you can access the Release Notes and the Migration Guidance to know what has been fixed with respect to previous versions and with which processors you have to be careful when migrating.
However, even though the data goes into the processor, it still gives me an error, but it is different and I will open it in another post.

Will Jira complain if I set the Resolution date to a date before the creation via direct DB write?

Some colleagues were using an Excel file to keep track of some issues, and they have decided to switch to a better system, asking me to setup a Jira project for them and to import all the tickets. A way or the other I have done everything, but the resolution date is now wrong, because it's the one of when I ran the script to import them into Jira. They would like to have the original one, so that they can know when an issue was really fixed. Unfortunately there's no way to change it from Jira's interface, so I have to access the DB directly. The command, for the record, is like:
update jiraissue
set RESOLUTIONDATE = "2015-02-16 14:48:40"
where pkey = "OV001-1";
Now, low-level writes to a database in general are dangerous, and I am wondering whether there can be any risks. Our test server is not available right now, so I'd have to work directly on the production one. One thing I had seen on our test server is that this seemed to work, except that JQL queries such as
resolved < 2015-03-20
are wrong because they still use the old Resolution date. Clearly, I have to reindex; but I'm wondering whether it is safe. Does Jira perform some consistency checks? Like, verifying that a ticket is solved after it is created. In my case, since I have modified the resolution date but not the creation, it is a clear inconsistency. Will Jira complain about this? Is there the risk to corrupt the DB? And if I also modify the creation date, do I have to watch out for other things?
We are using Jira 5.2.11.
I have access to the test server again, and I have tried it. I have modified all the RESOLUTIONDATE fields I had to fix, and when I reloaded the page the new date was there. Jira didn't complain about anything. I reindexed the server, so that queries yield correct results, and I saw no issues. Then I even ran the integrity checks (Administration -> System -> Integrity Checker), and no error was found.
Finally I did the same on the production server, and again everything is running fine.
I can therefore conclude that the operation is not dangerous at all, and it can be done safely.

App Engine silently fails on some requests

Some requests silently fail in my python app, intermittently and unpredictably. The hallmarks of the failure are:
Request returns a 200, so the client doesn't know there's a problem.
Request does NOT successfully execute on the server.
No logging statements are recorded for the request.
Below is an example from my logs of a bunch of requests which are each supposed to write an entity to the datastore. You can see for the lower, successful request, a blue 'i' is present, indicating that info level logs were recorded. When I examine the datastore, an entity was successfully written for this request.
However, for the failed request, you can see there is just a white box, and there are no logging statements present at all. While the server returned a 200, no entity was written to the datastore for this request.
Has anyone encountered something like this before on App Engine? Any ideas on how to debug it? I've seen it in multiple different apps myself, but I've never been able to figure it out.
To clarify, the main problem here is that code doesn't execute, as measured by the failure to write an entity. The spurious 200 and lack of logging is an associated symptom.
From a comment originally, but seems to be the resolution path for this issue:
Given that there are no log statements at all in the line and you appear to unpack the arguments and log them as soon as you enter the handler, this starts to look like an infrastructure/platform issue.
In such a case, it's best to open a public issue tracker issue, with "Type-Production" as a tag, including your app's app id and a timeframe, and as much information about your app and request handler involved as possible, and platform support will pick up the issue in the course of triage.
That said, it's worth examining the handler to make absolutely sure there's no way you could be exiting from the handler and sending a 200 without logging anything or seeing an exception. It all depends on what the code handling the request is capable of, what stack of libraries it's build upon, etc.

will gatling actually perform the operation or will it check only the urls' response time?

I have a gatling test for an application that will answer a survey and upon answering this survey, the application will identify possible answers that may pose a risk and create what we call riskareas. These riskareas are normally created in the background as soon as the survey answering is finished. My question is I have a gatling test with ten users who will go and answer the survey and logout, I used recorder to record the test; now after these ten users are finished I do not see any riskareas being created in the application. Am I missing something--should the survey be really answered by gatling (like it does in selenium) user or is it just the urls that the gatling test will touch ?
I am new to gatling please help.
Gatling should be indistinguishable from a user in a web browser (or Selenium) as far as the server is concerned, so the end result should be exactly the same as if you'd gone through the process yourself. However, writing a Gatling script is a little more work than writing a Selenium script.
For performance reasons, Gatling operates at a lower level than Selenium. Gatling works with the actual data that is sent and received from the server (i.e, the actual GETs and POSTs sent to the server), rather than with user-level interactions (such as clicking links and filling forms).
The recorder will generally produce a relaitvely "dumb" script. It records the exact data that was sent to the server, and makes no attempt to account for things that may change from run to run. For example, the web application you are testing might have hidden form fields that contain session information, or the link addresses might contain a unique identifier or a session id.
This means that your script may not be doing what you think it's doing.
To debug the script, the first thing to do is to add checks on each of the requests, to validate that you are getting the response you expect (for example, check that when you submit page 1 of the survey, you are taken to page 2 - check for something that you'd only expect to find on page 2, like a specific question).
Once you know which requests are failing, look at what data was sent with the request, and try to figure out where it came from. You will probably find that there are session ids, view state, or similar, that must be extracted from the previous page.
It will help to enable request and response logging, as per the documentation.
To simplify testing of web apps, we wrote some helper functions to allow tests to be written in a more Selenium-like way. Once you understand what your application is doing, you may find that it simplifies scripting for you too. However, understanding why your current script doesn't work the way you expect should be your first step.
