Control width render animation in Codenameone - codenameone

I have a page which has multiple vertical sections, each with a thermometer type control i have built, rendered on each. How do i code it so that when the page loads that the 'mercury' width, of all the sections, can grow in an animated way to fill the thermometers?
I have tried the samples provided for making the form.animateLayout(3000); but i've been unsuccessful in getting individual controls to grow their width concurrently..
FYI the thermometer is a Container, with a Table as its Layout, with a red Label placed on the container, at a specific width
outlineContainer.add(table.createConstraint().widthPercentage(90), mercuryLabel);
This is how i guarantee the thermometer mercury is at the correct width.
Thanks in advance.

You need to animate the direct parent of the growing element so something like this should work:
Make sure you don't have revalidate, repaint or other related code that will disrupt this.


XAML: How to set controls properties depending on screen resolution?

I'm developing WPF application (.NET 4) where I have few UserControl's which looks pretty good on most of the screens.
But now customer have new monitors where some elements are too small. The best solution we found is to make some elements smaller, to left more space for the main panel.
The layout is now pretty complex, and I spend a lot of time to find which margins, heights, widths and so on.. I need to change to implement this.
Usually it is some children elements Height, Width +-10 or so. Sometimes Margin. And in one case it's Style's Setter Property="Width" which defined in Resources.
I'm wondering is it possible to make this changes configurable, so for my specified screen resolution (let's say I know only that Width=X and Height=Y) they was applied, and for all other screens it stays the same as now?
How to do this using as less code-behind as possible?
I like the solution with VisualStateManager and VisualState.SateTriggers, but looks like my application does not recognize this.
When you are using user controls inside the window may be you could set the height and width of the grid's row and column definition to '*' and also make scroll bar visibility of horizontal and vertical scroll bar to auto.
Hope it helps you.

How do I make my header move in response to the height of the browser instead of a scroll bar appearing?
This is in the early stages of development. I want this "cover" page to be non-scrollable, with the height of the white|black background adjusting to the height of the browser window. At the moment, when reducing the height of the browser window, the headers don't shift up proportionally and a scrollbar appears. I'm not really concerned about browser width at the moment because I haven't added any code for that yet.
I think I see what you mean - you want the <h1> and <h2> elements to shift vertically as the viewport height is resized, so that they don't end up off the screen (when it gets too short) and create a scrollbar.
In your current CSS, you try to do this using margin-top:17% on <header>. This seems like a logical approach, except something curious happens: the margin-top never changes, regardless of how you resize the browser vertically.
I'll be honest, this stumped me for a while, so I did some searching around about margin behaviour and found out this critical piece of information: "The percentage is calculated with respect to the width of the generated box's containing block." So the browser height is completely ignored in the calculation! If you resize the width of your browser, you can actually see how your headers move up and down on your webpage.
Well, that completely invalidates using a percentage margin to attempt to vertically align <header> relative to the viewport height. What now? Vertical alignment of elements is actually something lots of other developers have tackled in various ways. Here's a simple one that uses absolute positioning, by only rewriting the styles for <header>:
header {
Here's a JSFiddle demonstration of this new CSS. Note that margin-top:-3em; is a bit of a guess on (half of) how tall your headers are, so if you don't want to hard-code that value, you'll probably have to look at a different approach for vertical alignment (this is just one of the easiest). Also, if you don't want it vertically centered, just change top:50%; to a different percentage value.
Hope this helps! Let me know if you have any questions.

WPF, any easy way to work with different screen resolutions?

Given a WPF Application running full screen, a fair amount of controls some of which will animate from off screen to center. I was wondering if there are any special ways to save on the amount of time required to optimize an application for different screen resolutions?
For example, using Blend I've setup some text, which is originally off screen to scroll into view. Now in design mode the start positions are static. If resolution changes the start positions will obviously not be correct.
So I guess to correct this, during app startup. I need to
Check resolution
Move the text box to the desired start location
Adjust the storyboard as required, so the frames all have correct co-ordinates depending on the res of the screen.
I don't mind doing all of this, but if there is an easier way please share!
In WPF layout of controls should be made in such way, that when size of window or content changes, controls automaticaly resize/reposition themselves to reflect this change.
This is highly affected how your layout is made, especialy by using specific panels, that do layout of their child elements.
This is also made obvious by using device-independent units for sizes, margins and sometimes positions of controls. And also allows different kind of zooming and scaling of whole UI without any need to redesign the whole thing.
If you are trying to position your controls absolutely, either by using Canvas panel or margins, your are doing it totaly wrong.
In WPF, scene is measured in abstract units, not pixels, and controls are freely scaled. There should be no problems to center something, or what?

How can I animate a transition when moving a child from one panel to another in Silverlight

I would like to animate a transition when moving content between two panels. I am getting a bit map image of a detail record and docking it as a thumbnail in the panel below. The docking area is in a footer grid and the content detail is in another grid that sits above the dock area (the dock and the main content area live in separate rows of the root layout control - another grid).
I have tried implementing this with a ScaleTransform and a TranslateTransform, simultaneously shrinking the image and moving it towards the footer control. When it moves into the footer control, it gets clipped even though the image Canvas.ZIndex property is set to a very high number. Eventually the thumnbail will need to be a child of a StackPanel that sits inside the footer grid.
Thanks for your consideration and help.
I had a similar problem (clipping) with a WPF animation I had. The problem was that the owner of the animation needed to be a parent of both containers for the animation to work (in my case I made it the actual window holding the containers).
Without any code, I can't see if that is your problem, but I thought I would throw it out there.
You can see my code where I animate moving from one container to another here:
(See the AnimatePaneBox method at the bottom of the file.) This may or may not be useful to you.
I've done something similar by creating a Canvas that sits over the top of both containers, using a WritableBitmap (if necessary) to create a rendering of the object that you're moving and attach it to that Canvas, animate the bitmap (translate, scale, opacity, whatever), and then pop the new object in under it at the end of the animation. It can be brittle if your controls need to be able to move or resize, but in most of my circumstances it's been a reliable hack.

Get airport display type transition when data changes

A client has asked for a display to flick over like an airport display screen, ie each row flicks over when information changes.
I am not sure which is the best control to use, or the method of getting each row to transform one after the other.
any suggestions woul b gratfully accepted
Here's what I would do in general concept..
Make a regular panel of, say 50px high. (This is arbitrary but this panel just holds the size in place so the control doesn't shrink with its contents.)
Create a panel inside that one that will be the 'animated' panel.
When it's time for information to animate, create a storyboard that uses a transformation to "stretch" the height down to 0, change the content to the updated information, then tranform stretch the height back to 50px. This will create the illusion that the panel is flipping over.
If you make this a user control, then you could simply add however many "rows" you needed of this control to a StackPanel to make your screen.
The best way of representing this effect easily is to randomize the text during the change.
Patrick Long implemented this effect as a custom animation here
