Unable to execute command with forward slash - batch-file

I want to create a batch file to execute a set of Git commands to:
Fetch a new remote repository.
Create a local repository to track the remote and check the new local branch out.
Second Git command uses a forward slash (origin/[repositoryName]) and gives the following error:
"fatal: Missing branch name; try -b".
SET /P branch = Enter remote branch name:
git fetch origin %branch%
git checkout --track origin/%branch%
First, git command fetches the remote repository.
Second git command gives error:
"fatal: "Missing branch name; try -b"

As mentioned in comments you should use the following piece of code:
#echo off
set /p "branch=Enter remote branch name: "
git fetch origin %branch%
git checkout --track origin/%branch%
which is slightly modified.
You don't need to scream in batch file :) it is a case insensitive language.
When you set variables don't add extra spaces around the =. Because then, interpreter interprets it as var<space> and <space>value.
Also, quote variable name and value in format like: set "var=value".


Last line of batch file not running

I am using a batch file to make installing chef on servers a little bit less work. The last line of my code where I add the recipe seems to be completely ignored. Probably something stupid but what am I missing?
set /p ip="Enter IP Address:"
set /p nodename="Enter Node Name:"
ECHO OK, installing Chef node %nodename% on %ip%
knife bootstrap %ip% -x ************ -P ************* --sudo -N %nodename%
node-ssl-verify-mode none --no-host-key-verify
knife node run_list add %nodename% "recipe[*********]"
As mentioned above, we use .bat wrappers for our executable Ruby scripts on Windows so to run them from another batch script you need call knife .... Also you don't need the run list add most likely, unless your recipes are very broken you can set the run list during the bootstrap.

TortoiseSvn - Automatically update multiple external properties

I'm currently working on tortoise svn. In order to be able to automatically tag trunk projects so i need to focus on the external properties. As well i would like to edit them automatically using a batch file.
Until now what i've done is:
Getting the last version of the folder which is pointed by the
external property (in order to be able to tag a specific version and
not the head one)
Edit the external property using command line
My batch file looks like this :
svnversion -c %SRC_PATH_WC% | sed -e 's/[MS]//g' -e 's/^[[:digit:]]*://'>temp.txt
set /p VERSION=<temp.txt
del temp.txt
echo %VERSION%
svn propset svn:externals "%DIRECTORY_NAME% -r%VERSION% %SVN_SRC_PATH%" .
Now I would like to be able to set multiple external properties. I think i can't by using the svn propset command but i have no clue on what other command to use and how to use it.
Thank you in advance for your help
I've found my answer on another site.
Here is what i've used :
echo %DIRECTORY_NAME1% -r%VERSION1% %SVN_SRC_PATH1% > svn_externals
echo %DIRECTORY_NAME2% -r%VERSION2% %SVN_SRC_PATH2% >> svn_externals
svn propset svn:externals -F svn_externals .

Batch for loop in psexec command

I'm trying to use a batch FOR loop inside a psexec. I need to make a script that offers me the possibility to choose the subfolders (I store the items in %list_of_items%) in %local_folder% that are needed to be copied with ncftpput on remote server. I cannot put the entire psexec inside the loop because I dont want to insert every time the password.
The piece of code:
psexec \\remote_server -u DOMAIN\user cmd /c FOR %%i IN "%list_of_items%" DO ("ncftpput -f c:\folders\file_with_creds.cfg -R remote_folder/ %local_folder%/%%i")
I have:
I choose to copy the items folder111 and folder333 so I store them in %list_of_items%. For every item in the list I need to run ncftpput to transfer to remote server the folder but doesnt work....
The error:
"folder111" was unexpected at this time.
cmd exited on remote_server with error code 1.
Can you help me please to find what I'm doing wrong?
Thank you.

tried to add a new update.secondary hook to my repos in gitolite and now git push fails

remote: Undefined subroutine &main::repo_rights called at hooks/update line 41.
remote: error: hook declined to update
I have removed the update hook from all of my repos in order to get around this, but I know that they are now wide open.
I ran gl-setup, and I may have mixed versions of gitolite on my machine. I am afraid that I ran the gl-setup from a version that is different than the one I am running currently. I am not sure how to tell. Please help. :-(
Update, for a more recent version of Gitolite (namely a V3.x or more), the official documentation would be: "adding your own update hooks", and it uses VREFs (virtual refs).
add this line in the rc file, within the %RC block, if it's not already present, or uncomment it if it's already present and commented out:
LOCAL_CODE => "$ENV{HOME}/local",
copy your update hook to a subdirectory called VREF under this directory, giving it a suitable name (let's say "crlf"):
# log on to gitolite hosting user on the server, then:
cd $HOME
mkdir -p local/VREF
cp your-crlf-update-hook local/VREF/crlf
chmod +x local/VREF/crlf
in your gitolite-admin clone, edit conf/gitolite.conf and add lines like this:
- VREF/crlf = #all
to each repo that should have that "update" hook.
Alternatively, you can simply add this at the end of the gitolite.conf file:
repo #all
- VREF/crlf = #all
Either way, add/commit/push the change to the gitolite-admin repo.

How to create patch for a new file?

I know to create a patch for an existing file is easy:
diff -aru oldFile newFile 2>&1 | tee myPatch.patch
But what to do, if i want to create a patch for a totally new file? Assume my file is residing in a folder called TestDir. Earlier TestDir did not have a file called entirelyNewfile.c, but now it is having the same.
How to create a patch for entirelyNewfile.c? The idea is, the patch should get properly applied to the specs and generate the RPM build. With BUILD dir having this new file.
Just to add: if i try to take diff between the two directories, one having the new file and the other missing the same, to create the patch, it generates an error saying that file is only present in one folder
Add -N to the diff arguments.
diff /dev/null <newfile>
Will create a patch for your newfile.
The easiest way to do this that I know is to put all the files under version control (if they aren't already). I prefer Git, but something similar could be done in any other version control system:
git init
git add .
git commit -m "initial state"
<do your edits here>
git add .
git commit -m "new state"
git diff HEAD^1
