Alternative to using FORMAT in SQL Server 2008 R2 - sql-server

I created a SELECT using the following in SQL Server 2012:
CAST(FORMAT(CONVERT(DATETIME, date_time, 127), 'yyyy-MM-ddTHH:mm:ssZ') AS NVARCHAR(20)) TimeStamp,
FROM myTable
This will result in a date formatted like 2019-03-15T13:25:19Z
How can I achieve the same result using SQL Server 2008 R2 or older?

You can achieve this far more easily by just using CONVERT:
SELECT CONVERT(varchar(19),GETDATE(),127) + 'Z';
As I mentioned in my comment FORMAT is actually an awful function, it performs terribly. I posted an answer to another question earlier today on just how badly it does compared to a CONVERT. Don't just use this expression on your 2008- servers, replace the FORMAT expression on your 2012+ servers with this one too.

I think this does what you want:
select replace(convert(varchar(255), getdate(), 120), ' ', 'T') + 'Z'
Code 127 returns milliseconds, which you do not seem to want, so 120 seems more appropriate.


Need Help Converting Oracle Query to SQL Server

Several weeks ago I made a post to get help with converting a comma delimited list of values into a format that it could be used as part of an IN clause in Oracle. Here is a link to the post.
Oracle invalid number in clause
The answer was to split up the list into an individual row for each value. Here's the answer that I ended up using.
SELECT trim(regexp_substr(str, '[^,]+', 1, LEVEL)) str
FROM ( SELECT '1,2,3,4' str FROM dual )
CONNECT BY instr(str, ',', 1, LEVEL - 1) > 0
Is there a way that I can do something similar in SQL Server without having to create a custom function? I noticed that there's a STRING_SPLIT function, but I don't seem to have access to that on this SQL Server.
Any advice you might have would be greatly appreciated. I've been trying to take a stab at this for the majority of the day.
String_split function is available in MS SQL Server starting from version 2016. If you use older version you can write a few lines of code which do the same.
declare #str varchar(100)='1,2,3,4' --initial string
;with cte as (--build xml from the string
select cast('<s>'+replace(#str,',','</s><s>')+'</s>' as xml) x
--receive rows
select t.v.value('.[1]','int') value
from cte cross apply cte.x.nodes('s') t(v)

Convert Access query to SQL

I am converting Access query to SQL Server.
I want to convert below lines to SQL
1. Format (210.6, "Standard")
2. Format (210.6, "#,##0.00")
How do i convert it to SQL query.
I have tried with below, but still not able to find the solution.
For the first query, i found below solution, which is correct
1. CONVERT(varchar, CAST(tSRO.OutputF11 AS money), 1)
Now, for second query, i do not know what i have to do.
From SQL Server 2012+ you can use FORMAT:
SELECT FORMAT(210.6, '#,##0.00') -- 210.60
SELECT FORMAT(1210.6, '#,##0.00') -- 1,210.60
SQL Server before 2012:
SELECT REPLACE(CONVERT(VARCHAR,CONVERT(MONEY, 1210.6),1),'.00','') -- 1,210.60
This operation is pure for presentation layer and should be done in application.

How to convert GetDate() to "YYYY-MM-DD-HHMM" format?

I've been looking for the answer and could not find the exact one satisfying my needs.
I'm looking for the way to convert Datetime value into YYYY-MM-DD-HHMM format.
I tried that one:
select CONVERT(varchar(20),GETDATE(), 120) + replace(convert(varchar(5),getdate(),108),':','')
But it did not give me the right results
Is there any practical way to do it?
In SQL Server 2012 or later you can use the built-in Format() function for this:
Select Format(GetDate(), N'yyyy-MM-dd-HHmm')
This works for me:
select CONVERT(varchar(10),GETDATE(), 20) + '-' + replace(convert(varchar(5),getdate(),108),':','')
I'm not sure if this is efficient or not, though

Convert oracle date string to SQL Server datetime

In a SQL Server 2000 DB, I have a table which holds string representations of Oracle DB dates. They are formatted like "16-MAY-12". I need to convert these to datetime. I can not seem to find a conversion style number that matches, nor can I find a function that will allow me to specify the input format. Any ideas?
This seems to work for me:
You can also try using TO_CHAR() to convert the Oracle values to a more SQL Server-friendly format (best is YYYYMMDD) before pulling them out of the darker side.
Follow Aaron's advice and cast to string on the Oracle side and then did a check/recast on the MS SQL side. See example below:
SELECT * FROM openquery(lnk,

Help to convert PostgreSQL dates into SQL Server dates

Hello I'm doing some data conversion from PostgreSQL to Microsoft SQL Server. So far it has all went well and I almost have the entire database dump script running. There is only one thing that is now messed up: dates.
The dates are dumped to a string format. These are two example formats I've seen so far: '2008-01-14 12:00:00' and the more precise '2010-04-09 12:23:45.26525'
I would like a regex (or set of regexs) that I could run so that will replace these with SQL Server compatible dates. Anyone know how I can do that?
The first is compatible with datetime, but the second is too precise. It will fit in sqldatetime2, which is available from SQL Server 2008:
select cast('2008-01-14 12:00:00' as datetime)
, cast('2010-04-09 12:23:45.26525' as datetime2)
For an earlier version, you can use substring to chop off the unstorable precision:
select cast(substring('2010-04-09 12:23:45.26525',1,23) as datetime)
For a regex to remove any additional digits (using perl regex syntax):
(\d{4}-\d{2}-\d{2} \d{2}:\d{2}:\d{2}.\d{3})\d*
And replace with:
Which is matches the regex part between () brackets.
