Angular Services in ReactJS? - reactjs

I am new to ReactJS and I'm working on the Front-End side of a project I have developed myself. The project is meant to be a site where users can logIn and post messages.
I have developed my back-end using Spring, Kotlin and MongoDB as DDBB, and have developed the API to perform all the necessary actions.
I have already developed the front-end side in Angular 6, since I know how to do that, and I have the site running correctly.
However, I'm trying to learn ReactJS, and I want to 'replicate' what I've done in Angular with React. After some tutorials and stuff, I have been able to develop my LoginComponent, which can fetch correctly the userInformation from the backend.
Here's then my question: In Angular, I use services to store variables that I may need from different routes, such as the userId (I will query the messages using that). I have not noticed how to do that in React, any idea?
Sorry for the poor explanation, I'm new to React.

You need a place to store the application state, you can use rxjs or mobx observables, or you can use redux. I personally like observables, as there is a lot of boilerplate in redux.
In react, your smart components will usually import pure functions from services that perform actions on the stores, and derive its rendering from the application state that is passed down to dumb rendering components.


Want to know about react & redux

What is the basic difference between react and redux? is react and redux is same? why we should use redux? Finally why it's called react-redux?
I want to know this i just confused between this two.
You must be pretty new to web development. First of all, welcome !
React and redux are pretty different beasts, but have often been used together to make state management easier in React apps.
React is a front-end web framework, it allows you to create a wide range of web apps using JSX (React's way of fusing Javascript and HTML). This is a gross oversimplification, I encourage you to read the documentation.
Redux is a state management library. With it, you can define one or many stores, containing a state (basically an object that holds any data you need), actions (methods to alter or retrieve the current value of the store) and to subscribe the state's changes at a global level. Again, the Redux documentation should have most of the answers you're looking for.
React and redux are often used together, mainly through the use of the react-redux package, since Redux offers a global, reactive state, enabling you to share data between React components anywhere in your app without having to pass props.
Now tough, you could achieve similar functionnality without Redux entirely, using React's own Hook and Context APIs. Although the logic behind these is a bit more involved, it allows for far more flexibility.

Some Architecture advise for Reacjs with Apollo and Graphql (serius project)?

With our team, we are going to start a medium project with Reactjs + Apollo + Graphql and we are looking architecture pattern to keep an order on this project.
I was reading and watching some videos about Architecture for Reactjs and the most commented was Redux, seem good it have state managment and a file structure for work (like layers) but work better with Api Rest and we want to use Graphql.
The other option is use only Graphql and Apollo, because Apollo have it's own state managment and similar options that can replace redux, but if we use this option, what architecture can we give it? mvp? or mvvm? Is it posible with Reactjs?.
If some one with experencie with Reactjs can advise us, we would appreciate it =)
I think you should first understands the benefit of using ReactJs within your project. By saying this I mean to say that React and Redux are independent of each other. These are two different libraries.
React offers it's own benefits such as virtual DOM manipulation, lightweight, used with styled components and many more.
On the other hand Redux is kind of state management library that is based on centralized state management pattern and can be integrated with any JS framework.
With React you get the flavor of creating SPA's or even you can provide the illusion of SPA having multiple pages inside your App.
With React you can use other JS libraries without any obstacles as it is very user friendly and compatible with almost all latest browsers and even to aid the support there are various other libraries too.

How to add universal support existing react project

I've created a react redux project, now how do I add some SEO functionalities to project? I do not want to waste much time while refactoring codes.
You need to setup the redux store on the server and pass its initial state down to the client, so that the server-render and initial client render don't differ
Not all life cycle functions are called on the serverside, mainly componentDidMount is not called. This indeed helps if you want to do some AJAX data fetching (which you only want to do on the client).
If you are using react-router you need to setup the serverside route matching
Here are some more details: React can be used on server side rendering. What does that mean?

Does Redux slow down your development speed?

I've been using Redux for months now and I realized that using Redux actually slows down my dev speed a lot (sorry that the title is provocative). I separated the backend and frontend completely into two repos. I use Rails on the backend and Redux on the frontend.
It feels very nice to be following the modern ES6 trend with React, Redux, and Babel. But these two things bother me:
You have to write a LOT of code just to get CRUD right. Getting the loading state right, making sure that the frontend and backend data are always in sync, etc. is more hassle than you might imagine.
You have to worry about SSR, which is not all that simple.
So I went ahead and re-wrote my app in Rails and React without using Redux. Basically, I just used React to draw presentational components, and Rails controllers replaced Redux's smart containers. Then, I could implement the same functionality twice as fast.
When should I actually use Redux? Am I doing something wrong?
The major benefit of Redux is the single source of truth for your application's data, paired with powerful features like middlewares (super useful for tracking things like telemetry.)
From a usage POV it's not much more complicated than any other Flux implementation, but you gain the benefit of access to all state all the time instead of cobbling together pubsub subscriptions to a bunch of stores.
I've been using it for about 8 months now and have few complaints.
When I started using React Native I didn't use redux, I was spending a lot of time sending data from one component to another, from one module to another and the code was getting ugly as my application started growing, until I integrated redux.
Redux allows you to share data across all your application with easy, allowing you to change the global state with a simple action call from your components.
I use Rails as well for the backend but only to save and get data. I have a JSON API that I use from the mobile app (React Native) and from a web app that I have in AngularJS.

How to change component in react JS without using navigator?

I'm a newbie for React Native and I don't have native development experience(I only worked on several hybrid apps), while learning this react native framework, I get several questions which block my learning.
How to navigate from one page(component) to another page(component) without relying on navigatorIOS or navigator component? In Hybrid develop mode, it's so easy, just add element A with href attribute would work, but in React Native, how to do it? I read some examples, they all use navigator or navigateIOS component to do it.
Is there any interceptor mechanism in react native so that we could inject some logic before rendering or loading component, for example, we want to have interceptor to check whether user has been login?
How to save data globally (cross components)? In Hybrid mode, we have session, we have local storage, and if we angular JS framework, we could use Service or root Scope to save data, by using react native, how do we save data cross components?
Since I'm new to react native and new to native application development, these questions might be fairly stupid, if anyone could help on this.
I don't know i'm answering to your question but please check this router component for react
ComponentWillMount and ComponentDidMount can be used to perform some initial loading
You can use flux framework along with React which can do almost all like in angular js
