Solr recovery mode - solr

I am running Solr cluster 7.4 with 2 nodes and 9 shards and 2 replicas for each shard.
When one of the servers crashes, I see this message (Skipping download for _3nap.fnm because it already exists) in logs:
2019-04-16 09:20:21.333 INFO (recoveryExecutor-4-thread-36-processing-n:
c:telegram_channel_post_archive s:shard5 r:core_node54)
[c:telegram_channel_post_archive s:shard5 r:core_node54
o.a.s.h.IndexFetcher Skipping download for _3nap.fnm because it already exists
2019-04-16 09:20:35.265 INFO (recoveryExecutor-4-thread-36-processing-n: x:telegram_channel_post_archive_shard5_replica_n53 c:telegram_channel_post_archive s:shard5 r:core_node54) [c:telegram_channel_post_archive s:shard5 r:core_node54 x:telegram_channel_post_archive_shard5_replica_n53] o.a.s.h.IndexFetcher Skipping download for _3nap.dim because it already exists
2019-04-16 09:20:51.437 INFO (recoveryExecutor-4-thread-36-processing-n: x:telegram_channel_post_archive_shard5_replica_n53 c:telegram_channel_post_archive s:shard5 r:core_node54) [c:telegram_channel_post_archive s:shard5 r:core_node54 x:telegram_channel_post_archive_shard5_replica_n53] o.a.s.h.IndexFetcher Skipping download for because it already exists
2019-04-16 09:21:00.528 INFO (qtp1543148593-32) [c:telegram_channel_post_archive s:shard20 r:core_node41 x:telegram_channel_post_archive_shard20_replica_n38] o.a.s.u.p.LogUpdateProcessorFactory [telegram_channel_post_archive_shard20_replica_n38] webapp=/solr path=/update params={update.distrib=FROMLEADER&update.chain=dedupe&distrib.from=}{add=[9734588300_4723 (1630961769251864576), 9734588300_4693 (1630961769253961728), 9734588300_4670 (1630961769255010304), 9734588300_4656 (1630961769255010305)]} 0 80197
How is the recovery method in Solar?
Will they transfer all the documents from the shard or only the broken parts?
I found this note in the document:
If a leader goes down, it may have sent requests to some replicas and not others. So when a new potential leader is identified, it runs a synch process against the other replicas. If this is successful, everything should be consistent, the leader registers as active, and normal actions proceed. If a replica is too far out of sync, the system asks for a full replication/replay-based recovery.
but I don't understand this part and what does this mean?
If a replica is too far out of sync

The note just says that it'll attempt to sync as little as possible, but if that's not possible - i.e. the sync is so far behind that the transaction log isn't usable any longer, the complete set of files in the index will be replicated to the index. This takes longer than regular replication.
The message you're getting is that the file in question has already been replicated, so it doesn't have to be sent to the replica again.


Apache Flink not deleting old checkpoints

I have a very simple setup of 4-node Flink cluster where one of nodes is Jobmanager, others are Taskmanagers and started by start-cluster script.
All task managers have the same configuration, regarding state and checkpointing it's as follows:
state.backend: rocksdb
state.backend.fs.checkpointdir: file:///root/flink-1.3.1/checkpoints/fs
state.backend.rocksdb.checkpointdir: file:///root/flink-1.3.1/checkpoints/rocksdb
# state.checkpoints.dir: file:///root/flink-1.3.1/checkpoints/metadata
# state.checkpoints.num-retained: 2
(The latter 2 options are commented intentionally as I tried uncommenting them and it didn't change a thing.)
And in code I have:
val streamEnv = StreamExecutionEnvironment.getExecutionEnvironment
After job is working for 40 minutes, in directory
I see 4 checkpoint directories with name pattern "chk-" + index, whereas I expected that old checkpoints would be deleted and there would be only one checkpoint left.(from the docs, only one checkpoint by default should be retained) Meanwhile, in web UI Flink marks first three checkpoints as "discarded".
Did I configure anything wrong or it's an expected behaviour?
The deletion is done by the job manager, which probably has no way of accessing your files (in /root)

SolrCloud becoming slow over time

I have a 3 node SolrCloud setup (replication factor 3), running on Ubuntu 14.04 Solr 6.0 on SSDs. Much indexing taking place, only softCommits. After some time, indexing speed becomes really slow, but when i restart the solr service on the node that became slow, everything gets back to normal. Problem is that i need to guess which node becomes slow.
I have 5 collections, but only one collection (mostly used) is getting slow. Total data size is 144G including tlogs.
Said core/collection is 99G including tlogs, tlog is just 313M. Heap size is 16G, Total memory is 32G, data is stored on SSD. Every node is configured the same.
What appears to be strange is that i have literally hundreds or thousands of log lines per second on both slaves when this hits:
2016-09-16 10:00:30.476 INFO (qtp1190524793-46733) [c:mycollection s:shard1 r:core_node2 x:mycollection_shard1_replica1] o.a.s.u.p.LogUpdateProcessorFactory [mycollection_shard1_replica1] webapp=/solr path=/update params={update.distrib=FROMLEADER&update.chain=add-unknown-fields-to-the-schema&distrib.from=}{add=[ka2PZAqO_ (1545622027473256450)]} 0 0
2016-09-16 10:00:30.477 INFO (qtp1190524793-46767) [c:mycollection s:shard1 r:core_node2 x:mycollection_shard1_replica1] o.a.s.u.p.LogUpdateProcessorFactory [mycollection_shard1_replica1] webapp=/solr path=/update params={update.distrib=FROMLEADER&update.chain=add-unknown-fields-to-the-schema&distrib.from=}{add=[nlFpoYNt_ (1545622027474305024)]} 0 0
2016-09-16 10:00:30.477 INFO (qtp1190524793-46766) [c:mycollection s:shard1 r:core_node2 x:mycollection_shard1_replica1] o.a.s.u.p.LogUpdateProcessorFactory [mycollection_shard1_replica1] webapp=/solr path=/update params={update.distrib=FROMLEADER&update.chain=add-unknown-fields-to-the-schema&distrib.from=}{add=[tclMjXH6_ (1545622027474305025), 98OPJ3EJ_ (1545622027476402176)]} 0 0
2016-09-16 10:00:30.478 INFO (qtp1190524793-46668) [c:mycollection s:shard1 r:core_node2 x:mycollection_shard1_replica1] o.a.s.u.p.LogUpdateProcessorFactory [mycollection_shard1_replica1] webapp=/solr path=/update params={update.distrib=FROMLEADER&update.chain=add-unknown-fields-to-the-schema&distrib.from=}{add=[btceXK4M_ (1545622027475353600)]} 0 0
2016-09-16 10:00:30.479 INFO (qtp1190524793-46799) [c:mycollection s:shard1 r:core_node2 x:mycollection_shard1_replica1] o.a.s.u.p.LogUpdateProcessorFactory [mycollection_shard1_replica1] webapp=/solr path=/update params={update.distrib=FROMLEADER&update.chain=add-unknown-fields-to-the-schema&distrib.from=}{add=[3ndK3HzB_ (1545622027476402177), riCqrwPE_ (1545622027477450753)]} 0 1
2016-09-16 10:00:30.479 INFO (qtp1190524793-46820) [c:mycollection s:shard1 r:core_node2 x:mycollection_shard1_replica1] o.a.s.u.p.LogUpdateProcessorFactory [mycollection_shard1_replica1] webapp=/solr path=/update params={update.distrib=FROMLEADER&update.chain=add-unknown-fields-to-the-schema&distrib.from=}{add=[wr5k3mfk_ (1545622027477450752)]} 0 0
In this case is the master.
My workflow is that i insert batches of 2500 docs with ~10 threads at the same time which works perfectly fine for most of the time but sometimes it becomes slow as described. Ocassionally there are updates / indexing calls from other sources, but it's less than a percent.
Complete config (output from Config API) is
These are the command line args:
-XX:OnOutOfMemoryError=/opt/solr/bin/ 8983 /var/solr/logs
Happened again, these are some Sematext Graphs:
Sematext Dashboard for Master:
Sematext Dashboard for Secondary 1:
Sematext Dashboard for Secondary 2:
Sematext GC for Master:
Sematext GC for Secondary 1:
Sematext GC for Secondary 2:
UPDATE 4 (2018-01-10)
This is a quite old question, but i recently discovered that someone installed a cryptocoin miner on all of my solr machines using CVE-2017-12629 which i fixed with an upgrade to 6.6.2.
If you're not sure if your system is infiltrated check the processes for user solr using ps aux | grep solr. If you see two or more processes, especially a non-java process, you might be running a miner.
So you're seeing disk I/O hitting 100% during indexing with a high-write throughput application.
There are two major drivers of disk I/O with Solr indexing:
Flushing in-memory index segments to disk.
Merging disk segments into new larger segments.
If your indexer isn't directly calling commit as a part of the indexing process (and you should make sure it isn't), Solr will flush index segments to disk based on your current settings:
Every time your RAM buffer fills up ("ramBufferSizeMB":100.0)
Based on your 3 min hard commit policy ("maxTime":180000)
If your indexer isn't directly calling optimize as a part of the indexing process (and you should make sure it isn't), Solr will periodically merge index segments on disk based on your current settings (the default merge policy):
mergeFactor: 10, or roughly each time the number of on-disk index segments exceeds 10.
Based on the way you've described your indexing process:
2500 doc batches per thread x 10 parallel threads
... you could probably get away with a larger RAM buffer, to yield larger initial index segments (that are then flushed to disk less frequently).
However the fact that your indexing process
works perfectly fine for most of the time but sometimes it becomes slow
... makes me wonder if you're just seeing the effect of a large merge happening in the background, and cannibalizing system resources needed for fast indexing at that moment.
You could experiment with a larger mergeFactor (e.g. 25). This will reduce the frequency of background index segment merges, but not the resource drain when they happen. (Also, be aware that more index segments often translates to worse query performance).
In the indexConfig, you can try overriding the default settings for the ConcurrentMergeScheduler to throttle the number of merges that can be running at one time (maxMergeCount), and/or throttle the number of threads that can be used for merges (maxThreadCount), based on the system resources you're willing to make available.
You could increase your ramBufferSizeMB. This will reduce the frequency of in-memory index segments being flushed to disk, also serving to slow down the merge cadence.
If you are not relying on Solr for durability, you'll want /var/solr/data pointing to a local SSD volume. If you're going over a network mount (this has been documented with Amazon's EBS), there is a significant write throughput penalty, up to 10x less than writing to ephemeral/local storage.
Do you have the CPU load of each core of the master and not only the combined CPU graph ? What I noticed is when I index with Solr when Xmx is too small (could be the case if you have 144GB data and Xmx=16GB), when the indexing progresses, merging will take more and more time.
During merging, typically one core=100% CPU and other cores do nothing.
Your master combined CPU graph looks like that: only 20% combined load during sequences.
So, check that the merge factor is a reasonable value (between 10 and 20 or something) and potentially raise Xmx.
That's the two things I would play with to start with.
Question: you don't have anything special with your analyzers (custom tokenizer, etc) ?

WSO2 Message Broker Error while adding Queue - Invalid Object Name

I have just set up a WSO2 Message Broker 3.0.0 connecting to a SQL Server DB.
The DB for the Carbon MB component has been created successfully as well.
The DB for the Message Broker Data store is created and contains the table MB_QUEUE_MAPPING.
However when adding a Queue via the MB UI I see the following error in the stack trace:
[2015-12-16 15:00:41,472] ERROR {} - Error occurred while retrieving destination queue id for destina
tion queue TestQ
java.sql.SQLException: Invalid object name 'MB_QUEUE_MAPPING'.
at net.sourceforge.jtds.jdbc.SQLDiagnostic.addDiagnostic(
at net.sourceforge.jtds.jdbc.TdsCore.tdsErrorToken(
at net.sourceforge.jtds.jdbc.TdsCore.nextToken(
at net.sourceforge.jtds.jdbc.TdsCore.getMoreResults(
at net.sourceforge.jtds.jdbc.JtdsStatement.executeSQLQuery(
at net.sourceforge.jtds.jdbc.JtdsPreparedStatement.executeQuery(
at org.wso2.andes.kernel.AMQPConstructStore.addQueue(
at org.wso2.andes.kernel.AndesContextInformationManager.createQueue(
at org.wso2.andes.kernel.disruptor.inbound.InboundQueueEvent.updateState(
at org.wso2.andes.kernel.disruptor.inbound.InboundEventContainer.updateState(
at org.wso2.andes.kernel.disruptor.inbound.StateEventHandler.onEvent(
at org.wso2.andes.kernel.disruptor.inbound.StateEventHandler.onEvent(
at java.util.concurrent.ThreadPoolExecutor.runWorker(
at java.util.concurrent.ThreadPoolExecutor$
The "Add Queue" screen does not go away however the Queue does get added to the MB_QUEUE table just fine in the DB. Both tables MB_QUEUE_MAPPING & MB_QUEUE_COUNTER are blank.
The "List Queues" screen does blank despite a number of Queues in the MB_QUEUE table. Stack trace also shows errors but is not included as its not relevant to the error above.
I can create a Topic just fine however.
I want to know why MB would say the table MB_QUEUE_MAPPING is an Invalid object name when the table clearly exists ?
I suspect the way you have configure the mysql database is incorrect.So you can better try out one of these below two scenarios to make sure about this issue.
1) starting the server for the first time with the -Dsetup parameter or
2) you can refer the documentation( "Configuring MySQL" and follow step by step instructions given in order.
I have tried out the second scenario and I did not get any exception when I am adding queue.And the document I have mentioned will have to be update as below.
you can see this command in the step 3.
mysql -u <db_user_name> -p -D<database_name> < '<WSO2MB_HOME>/dbscripts/mb-store/mysql-mb.sql ';
db_user_name - username of db.
database_name - database name that you have created in the step 1.
WSO2MB_HOME - home directory path for MB.
Hope this could help you to resolve this issue.
It seems user connecting to MSSQL database not having correct permission. Most probably SELECT permission. Reason why I am saying is, when you adding queue, it does get added. This means user has INSERT permission. Once queue added, page redirected to Queue List page. User must have SELECT permission to retrieve queue list. Topic are not getting added to database, it keeps in registry. You can verify user who connecting to MSSQL from configuration like below in wso2mb-3.0.0/repository/conf/datasources/master-datasources.xml.
   <definition type="RDBMS">
                    <validationQuery>SELECT 1</validationQuery>

How to debug long-running mapreduce jobs with millions of writes?

I am using the simple control.start_map() function of the appengine-mapreduce library to start a mapreduce job. This job successfully completes and shows ~43M mapper-calls on the resulting /mapreduce/detail?mapreduce_id=<my_id> page. However, this page makes no mention of the reduce step or any of the underlying appengine-pipeline processes that I believe are still running. Is there some way to return the pipeline ID that this calls makes so I can look at the underlying pipelines to help debug this long-running job? I would like to retrieve enough information to pull up this page: /mapreduce/pipeline/status?root=<guid>
Here is an example of the code I am using to start up my mapreduce job originally:
from third_party.mapreduce import control
mapreduce_id = control.start_map(
"input_reader": {
"entity_kind": "ModelX"
Here is the mapping function:
# This is where we keep our copy of appengine-mapreduce
from third_party.mapreduce import operation as op
def mark_tos_accepted(modelx):
# Skip users who have already been marked
if (not modelx
or modelx.tos_accepted == myglobals.LAST_MATERIAL_CHANGE_TO_TOS):
modelx.tos_accepted = user_models.LAST_MATERIAL_CHANGE_TO_TOS
yield op.db.Put(modelx)
Here are the relevant portions of the ModelX:
class BackupModel(db.Model):
backup_timestamp = db.DateTimeProperty(indexed=True, auto_now=True)
class ModelX(BackupModel):
tos_accepted = db.IntegerProperty(indexed=False, default=0)
For more context, I am trying to debug a problem I am seeing with writes showing up in our data warehouse.
On 3/23/2013, we launched a MapReduce job (let's call it A) over a db.Model (let's call it ModelX) with ~43M entities. 7 hours later, the job "finished" and the /mapreduce/detail page showed that we had successfully mapped over all of the entities, as shown below.
mapper-calls: 43613334 (1747.47/sec avg.)
On 3/31/2013, we launched another MapReduce job (let's call it B) over ModelX. 12 hours later, the job finished with status Success and the /mapreduce/detail page showed that we had successfully mapped over all of the entities, as shown below.
mapper-calls: 43803632 (964.24/sec avg.)
I know that MR job A wrote to all ModelX entities, since we introduced a new property that none of the entities contained before. The ModelX contains an auto_add property like so.
backup_timestamp = ndb.DateTimeProperty(indexed=True, auto_now=True)
Our data warehousing process runs a query over ModelX to find those entities that changed on a certain day and then downloads those entities and stores them in a separate (AWS) database so that we can run analysis over them. An example of this query is:
db.GqlQuery('select * from ModelX where backup_timestamp >= DATETIME(2013, 4, 10, 0, 0, 0) and backup_timestamp < DATETIME(2013, 4, 11, 0, 0, 0) order by backup_timestamp')
I would expect that our data warehouse would have ~43M entities on each of the days that the MR jobs completed, but it is actually more like ~3M, with each subsequent day showing an increase, as shown in this progression:
3/16/13 230751
3/17/13 193316
3/18/13 344114
3/19/13 437790
3/20/13 443850
3/21/13 640560
3/22/13 612143
3/23/13 547817
3/24/13 2317784 // Why isn't this ~43M ?
3/25/13 3701792 // Why didn't this go down to ~500K again?
3/26/13 4166678
3/27/13 3513732
3/28/13 3652571
This makes me think that although the op.db.Put() calls issued by the mapreduce job are still running in some pipeline or queue and causing this trickle effect.
Furthermore, if I query for entities with an old backup_timestamp, I can go back pretty far and still get plenty of entities, but I would expect all of these queries to return 0:
In [4]: ModelX.all().filter('backup_timestamp <', 'DATETIME(2013,2,23,1,1,1)').count()
Out[4]: 1000L
In [5]: ModelX.all().filter('backup_timestamp <', 'DATETIME(2013,1,23,1,1,1)').count()
Out[5]: 1000L
In [6]: ModelX.all().filter('backup_timestamp <', 'DATETIME(2012,1,23,1,1,1)').count()
Out[6]: 1000L
However, there is this strange behavior where the query returns entities that it should not:
In [8]: old = ModelX.all().filter('backup_timestamp <', 'DATETIME(2012,1,1,1,1,1)')
In [9]: paste
for o in old[1:100]:
print o.backup_timestamp
## -- End pasted text --
2013-03-22 22:56:03.877840
2013-03-22 22:56:18.149020
2013-03-22 22:56:19.288400
2013-03-22 22:56:31.412290
2013-03-22 22:58:37.710790
2013-03-22 22:59:14.144200
2013-03-22 22:59:41.396550
2013-03-22 22:59:46.482890
2013-03-22 22:59:46.703210
2013-03-22 22:59:57.525220
2013-03-22 23:00:03.864200
2013-03-22 23:00:18.040840
2013-03-22 23:00:39.636020
Which makes me think that the index is just taking a long time to be updated.
I have also graphed the number of entities that our data warehousing downloads and am noticing some cliff-like drops that makes me think that there is some behind-the-scenes throttling going on somewhere that I cannot see with any of the diagnostic tools exposed on the appengine dashboard. For example, this graph shows a fairly large spike on 3/23, when we started the mapreduce job, but then a dramatic fall shortly thereafter.
This graph shows the count of entities returned by the BackupTimestamp GqlQuery for each 10-minute interval for each day. Note that the purple line shows a huge spike as the MapReduce job spins up, and then a dramatic fall ~1hr later as the throttling kicks in. This graph also shows that there seems to be some time-based throttling going on.
I don't think you'll have any reducer functions there, because all you've done is start a mapper. To do a complete mapreduce, you have to explicitly instantiate a MapReducePipeline and call start on it. As a bonus, that answers your question, as it returns the pipeline ID which you can then use in the status URL.
Just trying to understand the specific problem. Is it that you are expecting a bigger number of entities in your AWS database? I would suspect that the problem lies with the process that downloads your old ModelX entities into an AWS database, that it's somehow not catching all the updated entities.
Is the AWS-downloading process modifying ModelX in any way? If not, then why would you be surprised at finding entities with an old modified time stamp? modified would only be updated on writes, not on read operations.
Kind of unrelated - with respect to throttling I've usually found a throttled task queue to be the problem, so maybe check how old your tasks in there are or if your app is being throttled due to a large amount of errors incurred somewhere else.
control.start_map doesn't use pipeline and has no shuffle/reduce step. When the mapreduce status page shows its finished, all mapreduce related taskqueue tasks should have finished. You can examine your queue or even pause it.
I suspect there are problems related to old indexes for the old Model or to eventual consistency. To debug MR, it is useful to filter your warnings/errors log and search by the mr id. To help with your particular case, it might be useful to see your Map handler.

Solr 3.5 indexing taking very long

We recently migrated from solr3.1 to solr3.5, we have one master and one slave configured. The master has two cores,
1) Core1 – 44555972 documents
2) Core2 – 29419244 documents
We commit every 5000 documents, but lately the commit is taking very long 15 minutes plus in some cases. What could have caused this, I have checked the logs and the only warning i can see is,
“WARNING: Use of deprecated update request parameter update.processor detected. Please use the new parameter update.chain instead, as support for update.processor will be removed in a later version.”
Memory details:
export JAVA_OPTS="$JAVA_OPTS -Xms6g -Xmx36g -XX:MaxPermSize=5g"
Solr Config:
<!-- <maxBufferedDocs>1000</maxBufferedDocs> -->
Also noticed, that top command show almost 350GB of Virtual memory usage.
What could be causing this, as everything was running fine a few days back?
Do you have a large search warming query? Our commits take upto 2 mins because of search warming in place. Wondering if that is the case.
The large virtual memory usage would explain this.
