ngx-admin add mapbox in new page component - angularjs

how I want to add mapbox in <nb-card-body> in new pages i had created ?
I've already add html simple mapbox but nothing show on my mapsla page...
my component to add mapbox is mapsla and this project is based on ngx-admin starter-kit
Project structure
screen shot Error in ngx-admin web browser , map not show

You cannot insert html tag into the nb-card-body as html is a container element for other elements. Since ngx-admin is built on top of Angular, try using corresponding library Hope this helps.


How to add React tooltip on top of JSP?

I have built rich tooltip in React and now I would like to add it to one of the divs in JSP. Since the app is big and I don't have much time to rewrite JSP into React I would like to know how can I grab that div in JSP and add a tooltip on hover.
Unfortunately, I was not able to find a proper answer on SO.

bootstrap issue with instagram embed in react

I am trying to embed instagram posts onto my page with a masonry grid (using card-columns). But somehow the leftmost posts don't show up.
Please refer to below sandbox.
on full browser tab: (you can see the issue here)

How to add custom markers to mapbox-gl js?

I am trying to add markers in a map using mapbox gl. I checked mapbox gl example but they have set of default icons predefined in there style. I want to add my custom markers and their styling. And I would be able add a click or hover event over the marker too.
Or can we add custom markers like we add in leaflet. just with the code and defining everything in the code.
I am integrating mapbox gl with react js (server side rendering). I am being stuck at showing the markers on the map.
Did anyone try this before? Thanks.
Mapbox Custom Marker
I even tried this example but could not work for me.
With Custom Image Marker

ReactJS project on Android WebView, Image not showing

I am currently experimenting on a hybrid app using ReactJS for my front-end loaded inside an Android WebView. On one of the pages, I have a list that loads an external/hosted image. Tapping on these images routes to another page that shows its description (using react-router. history=hashHistory).
Testing on the browser(chrome), the images appear once loaded. On the other hand, testing on the actual device, the images does not appear. Only when I tap the list item and press back (hashHistory.goBack) that it appears.
I know this is not the best use for ReactJS, but this is better than what we are currently using. Also, our current setup prevents us from pursuing the React Native way. Any ideas?
here's a screen cap:
You need to change your websettings in your code.
WebSettings settings = webView.getSettings();

custom HTML for mobile container in google tag manager

Is it possible to fire custom HTML from a mobile container in Google Tag Manager.
I'm looking to avoid updating app in app store and trying to replicate website which fires javascript code in it's tag manager container.
No, it's not possible to fire (or even create) a custom HTML tag in a mobile container because you are not technically working with HTML. If you have your mobile container created, you will notice that when you click to create a new Tag, "Custom HTML" is not available.
