custom HTML for mobile container in google tag manager - mobile

Is it possible to fire custom HTML from a mobile container in Google Tag Manager.
I'm looking to avoid updating app in app store and trying to replicate website which fires javascript code in it's tag manager container.

No, it's not possible to fire (or even create) a custom HTML tag in a mobile container because you are not technically working with HTML. If you have your mobile container created, you will notice that when you click to create a new Tag, "Custom HTML" is not available.


Can I place and ad in a Container or a WebBrowser component in Codename One?

I am aware that Ad banners are supported in Codename One along with inneractive banners. But I would like to place an ad in a custom container such that it appears while scrolling down the container. I am not sure if there is a way to place an add inside of a Container or a WebBrowser component at the moment.
This is the approach admob's native app had adopted:
We don't have builtin support for that but since you can place the browser component anywhere you want you can include web ads within that. They might not be ideal though.
Alternatively you can integrate a native banner ad framework and use peer component to place the UI view banner.

Custom marker with Angular Google Maps

I am using the Angular Google maps directive to show maps on my webpage. Currently my markers are created using SVG but this is slow as I have to pass my information into a function that creates an SVG in memory to pass to the Google Icon. So I want to replace it with a custom HTML marker which will hopefully be less code and can leverage CSS classes for lots of the heavy lifting.
Unfortunately this isn't available as standard within the Angular Google Maps markers (unless I havent seen it?!)
I found a tutorial on how to do this with Overlays but I need clustering to work with my icons.
How can I do this? Without rewriting everything from scratch? Ideally I'd like to leverage as much of the existing angular-google-maps code as possible
The way I ended up doing this was to put in rich HTML into the labelContent property, setting a class on it via labelClass and then setting the icon to be transparent (
This way the actual icon is invisible but you can create rich HTML / CSS markers through the label. And this doesnt break functionality with the clusterer

Facebook Canvas App using Angular JS

I want to create an application on Facebook and I will host it on our server to be used from Facebook Canvas.
I was thinking of creating the web app with Angular.JS but one of my friends told me that my web app must be drawn inside a <canvas> html tag or I will not have the full functionality of Facebook integration.
So this is my question, do I have to draw my elements inside a <canvas>? or I can use other html tags with some basic animation?
No, you do NOT need to use HTML5 Canvas. There are "Canvas Apps", but there is no relation to HTML5 Canvas. Please check out the docs for more information:
There are only a few things that are not possible without a Canvas App. For example, you can only use Notifications with a Canvas App, or you can only use invitable_friends in a gane with Canvas implementation. DonĀ“t worry about those before reading the docs.

How to get codenameone web browser component input controls references?

Does anybody know how can we get the form controls references in a web page that loaded in the CodeNameOne Web browser component?
I want to load a web page in CodeNameOne web browser component, then read or change the value of form input controls (For example TextBoxes) in the java code after pressing the submit button.
Its not an ideal way to work and would reduce the portability of your application. You can look at the JSObject class that represents a bridge between the JavaScript and Java sides.

google maps silverlight

I am working on silverlight 4 application and need to implement google maps in the same app.
Now to implement the google maps, i was planning to use WebBrowser control but when i used it i found out that it will run only in out of browser mode.
So, i decided to use another approach since i want to implement google maps inside of my application. I then used alternative which was having to use iframe to show web page there. It was seems to be good alternative in start. But Here comes another twist.
On top of my app, i have one top MENU for navigation, its a classic web menu, user hover over the menu item and its sub item will expand vertically.
Now just underneath the MENU i have above HTML control to display my map. Now since the HTML browser control has higher z-Index so my vertical sub menu is goes underneath the google map and hence it not visible.
And giving silverlight app higher z-Index the iframe for HTML does not show up as it goes behind the app.
So how can i get my HTML MAP and MENU both to work? If you guys have any other alternative to implement google maps then please let me know
I would recommend using the Silverlight Bing Maps control, with the tile-source set to Google Maps. This will give you the maps you desire, via a proper Silverlight control. You can find out about how to provide a custom tile source from Google here:
