Can Detox automation library automate hybrid and web app? - mobile

I am exploring Detox automation library by Wix. I tried it on React native and Native app it worked fine. I want to know do this tool have the capability to automate hybrid app and web app? As I don't have any hybrid app and web app source code I couldn't able to evaluate and in google, there is no information about this.
Appreciate your response.

No, Detox Cannot support Web apps as well as Hybrid apps. It doesn't have any capability to talk to elements displayed inside of Webview. It is developed to support React Native and Pure Native apps.


Should I use react-native-web to convert a React-native app to a web app or implement it from scratch on React JS

I couldn't find a deep comparison between developing a new web application VS refactoring an existing react native source code using react-native-web or expo. (For creating new Web App based on react native app source code).
Our team developed react native app related to the transportation industry which means that there is a great deal of using maps and location features but nor many native mobile features.
Can anyone give me some advice for transforming a react native mobile app into a web application?

Migrate React web app to Electron

We are considering development of a web app using ReactJS (probably, we will use npm's create-react-app feature). Also, we are thinking if it will be possible in future to easily transform the web app to a desktop application using Electron. Since we have no experience with both technologies, we like to ask about this combination, whether it is a good option, and if it is possible to turn a React web app into a desktop Electron-powered app.
I was googling any working tutorial how to build an app using both technologies but no one worked for me.
So, to sum up, is it good choice to start developing a web app with React when we would like to have the opportunity to transform it into a desktop application built with Electron? If not, are there any better technologies?
You should look into how exactly your solutions are built, instead of focusing on the technology itself. If your team builds your backend with this in mind, you can create APIs that your clients(React Web App, Electron Desktop App) can connect to.
To answer the question: No, it is not a good choice to begin development of your web app project without considering future implications of your design. Focus your time on how your backend talks to your front end.
Moreover, ReactJS is only a front end library, you can use it with Electron, Check out some GitHub Hug Repos like: Re-Electron , React-Electron-Starter, Electron-React

reactjs for both web and mobile applications

I need to develop the application which will be same for mobile app and web application. I was researching on reactjs.
Can I convert my reactjs code for web-app to react native for mobile application? The way we do in ionic framework(angular)
You can definitely use cordova \ phonegap in order to create an app out of your website, which will make it hybrid but not native (suitable for most site types)
You cannot 'convert' or re-transpile your code to react-native. You have to re-build it using react native. It will be much easier ofcourse because you have a running react system, but still.
I would recommend trying the first option. Good luck!

Developing mobile front-end after browser version complete

Assuming I have already built out my application's server-side backend in PHP 7/ Laravel and browser front end in Angular JS... what frameworks should I use when I then want to start developing iOS and Android native apps?
How can I avoid redundant code (DRY) on different frameworks when hooking new mobile apps into my already existing backend?
Most of the information that I find on this subject mentions implementing WebViews (HTML5/JS) in the native app. I also found Apache Cordova for "cross-platform development."
I've been using Ionic Framework for the past year and it has been pretty decent

Sencha onUpdated() function & native apps

I have read much about this function and I understand how it works in the web environment.
This article gives a good explanation.
How does onUpdated work
What I would like to know is how do I get this to work on Native Apps
When you encapsulate a web app to build a native app using a framework like PhoneGap for example, you have to build the Sencha app in package mode that disable the use of the manifest, finally you have to copy the built app in the native OS specific folder of your app and build it to make the binary, so, the web app sources are inside your native binary and not downloaded from a server.
So, the "onUpdate" event is never triggered in native apps and you have to manually release a new version of the app every time you change the web app sources.
