reactjs for both web and mobile applications - reactjs

I need to develop the application which will be same for mobile app and web application. I was researching on reactjs.
Can I convert my reactjs code for web-app to react native for mobile application? The way we do in ionic framework(angular)

You can definitely use cordova \ phonegap in order to create an app out of your website, which will make it hybrid but not native (suitable for most site types)
You cannot 'convert' or re-transpile your code to react-native. You have to re-build it using react native. It will be much easier ofcourse because you have a running react system, but still.
I would recommend trying the first option. Good luck!


Building a desktop admin panel for react native app

I am building a react native app with firebase auth and cloud storage, and I was just wondering if it is possible to make a dashboard for desktops to administrate the users/app? And if it does, how do I do this? Is it in the same build, or do I have to build a new "app" for adminpanel/dashboard?
This is my first time building the adminpanel/backend xD
While it's possible to build web apps with React Native, I wouldn't recommend it. The Layout of a desktop is just way too different from phones to build React Native Apps including web without constantly using Platform.OS. In your question, you even mention that you wan't the dashboard to just be available on the desktop but not on the Phone (which makes sense in my opinion). Since you seem to know a bit about React Native, it should be an easy thing for you to build the Dashboard as a different Application with React for the web only.

Should I use react-native-web to convert a React-native app to a web app or implement it from scratch on React JS

I couldn't find a deep comparison between developing a new web application VS refactoring an existing react native source code using react-native-web or expo. (For creating new Web App based on react native app source code).
Our team developed react native app related to the transportation industry which means that there is a great deal of using maps and location features but nor many native mobile features.
Can anyone give me some advice for transforming a react native mobile app into a web application?

Can Detox automation library automate hybrid and web app?

I am exploring Detox automation library by Wix. I tried it on React native and Native app it worked fine. I want to know do this tool have the capability to automate hybrid app and web app? As I don't have any hybrid app and web app source code I couldn't able to evaluate and in google, there is no information about this.
Appreciate your response.
No, Detox Cannot support Web apps as well as Hybrid apps. It doesn't have any capability to talk to elements displayed inside of Webview. It is developed to support React Native and Pure Native apps.

Create a mobile webapp with Angular

I'm currently learning Angular JS and plan on creating a website using RESTFul to communicate with the server (which will be in Node.js).
I would like to know how to proceed to "convert" this website into a mobile app.
I saw tools like Apache Cordova but I have no mobile developing experience so I don't really know how all of this works.
I saw other tools like Ionic and ngCordova (created by Ionic) but I don't get the point, Angular is just a JS script to insert in my HTML page right ?
So why would I need something like Ionic ? Isn't Apache Cordova enough ?
Ionic is a webframework that makes use of apache cordova in the back.
Cordova is used for mobile app programming in javascript and will compile your javascript code to native code for android, iOS, ...
AngularJS is used for making development of Single Page Web Applications more delightful by offering many nice code features for programming MVC apps.
Ionic now at the end, puts it all together by offering you user interface components that will look native on all mobile devices + the browser. And on top offers you angular js modules that make working with webapps easier (e.g. navigationHistory ...)
If you start new and want to create a nifty mobile application, I would start with ionic. It comes with a lot of css or sass that makes it feel / look native and of course you can change everything to your needs. To access phone features (e.g. location, camera ...) cordova steps in. I suggest doing this guide, that will take you through your first ionic app.

Previewing react-native views using ReactJS in a web browser

(Disclaimer: I'd have asked this question in a forum but the react-native website encourages us to ask it on SO.)
Is there a known tool to visually preview xml layouts in a browser? I'm developping a scaffolding tool to generate basic templates so I can prepare applications for customers quicker, and I'd like it to be a web app. Since the layout is very similar between react-native and reactJS, I'd think the effort to show a react-native layout as a reactJS layout is minimal?
A framework for building web apps with React Native compatible API
