use angularjs ui-router to implement a summary page - angularjs

My web-app is written by AngularJs+ ui-router.
The web-app contains many forms (the number of forms are vary, depending on the application the user is applying). Each form has a ui-route state, so our users can go to each form and fill the information.
Before users submit the application we would like to implement a "summary/review" state(page) that contains all the forms the user filled, so users can review (and print) all the information from one page. Is there any way I can use the same form template (templateUrl) for the summary page?
I was thinking to use ng-include and programmatically(ng-repeat) list out all the selected forms, but it seems doesn't work.
PS: my form template might use different controller..

OK, I figured this out.
For ng-include: we need to use
<ng-include src="'formPath'"></ng-include>
For putting the ng-include in a repeater:
<div ng-repeat="f in vm.thisApp.RequiredForms">
<ng-include src="f.FormPath"></ng-include>
I hope this helps anyone who needs the answer.


angularJs disabling form buttons on submit

in my Angular 1.x app I am getting a list of Offers via an api call to my backend.
For each Offer returned in the reply I am creating an ng-form. I then display the forms in a modal and I want to be able to disable each form's submit button when it has been clicked to avoid multiple clicks whilst the form data is posted to the back end.
This seems tricky since the number of Offers is an unknown, therefore I'm not sure how I can initialize a variable for each Offer in order to disable the button.
The task would be far more straight forward if I just had one single form, I colud set:
$scope.disableButton = true
... then use ng-disabled on the button
Thusfar I am displaying my forms as follows:
<div ng-form ng-repeat="i in offers track by $index" name="messageForm[$index]" class="row ng-cloak">
<button type="button" ng-click="offerRespond(messageForm[$index])" ng-disabled="!messageForm[$index].$valid || offer.i.disableButtons">Submit</button>
Then in my controller's offerRespond function:
offer = this;
offer.i.disableButtons = true;
This doesn't work of course but it is as close as I can get.
A hack would be to parse the Offers object before passing it to the frontend but that just seems like a horrible hack.
Actually I almost had the answer in my implementation, I just was referring to my variables in correctly:
ng-disabled="!messageForm[$index].$valid || offer.i.disableButtons"
should have been
ng-disabled="!messageForm[$index].$valid || i.disableButtons"
Thanks to #igor for giving me an idea to test which enabled me to revealed the answer myself.

AngularJS custom ng-repeat with recursion not working

The issue is best illustrated in the plunker -
Basically, I am trying to create a meta form rendering engine using angular with the help of directives that handle interpretation of data runtime and render the fields accordingly.
Please let me know if you have any ideas why the dyn-ng-repeat directive is not rendering the three URL fields under the user object as expected in the code below -
<div dyn-ng-repeat="item in {{field.model}}">
<div ng-repeat="field in field.children" ng-include src="'field.html'">/div>
Hi guys, I have created a full Plunker here - that should have all the code necessary but not working.
Basically, there is a hierarchy of objects. Social Networks have URLS and a list of Friends. The code is supposed to display three social networks and each should have two friends listed under them. The button 'Add Network' should add another social network to the list and the button 'Remove Network' should remove the respective network associated with it along with all its children. Similarly, 'Add Friend' should add a new friend object under that Social Network and 'Remove Friend' should remove the respective friend from under that network.
It's a bit complex, but if you look at it for a couple of minutes, you'll get the idea of what I'm trying to do here. It's dynamic DOM based on the data elements that are bound two way.

Loader/spinner animantion while route is changing

How can I show a spinner or loader gif animation while route is changing from one to another.
I am using ng view like as follows:
<div ng-view class="view-animate">
I am loading templates from server and also inline. While the HTTP request is pending I need to show the spinner/loader... any snippets?
You can show and hide the loader when location change starts and is completed, respectively.
Here is a plunkr that I have created for this situation. This uses ui-router and is taken from one of the apps that I have created, so it may not be useful as-is, but it will give you an idea on how to approach the problem.
HTML Code inserted below just to keep SO happy...
<ui-view class="view"></ui-view>
<div loader="" class="ng-hide"></div>
I hope it helps.

Why is my Angular JS ng-show empty list div shows up for a split second while API is being called?

<div ng-show="!activities.length">No items in feed</div>
I use the above code to show a message when a user has no items in their feed. On that same page I have a radio button to show different types of feeds (e.g. just yours, or all your friends, etc.). When the user selects a different option, it makes a post back to my API which takes a second, but while the api is grabbing the data the empty list message displays for a second.
Is there an easy way to resolve this?
Use the ngCloack directive for this:
The other option is to use ng-bind as many people recommend it over ng-cloak:
I personally have had issues where even using ng-cloak there is a slight markup flash.

angular js reloading view

I'm using Angular JS and Angular IU-Router in my project and using a lot of ui-views. I have a situation where I need to change the language of the site, therefore I need to swap my ui-view's model to another model with the relevant language. I already have a service that detects the relevant model and passes it into the ui-view's controller. So if I can reload the ui-view, then in theory my problem would be solved.
I recall reading something about automatically reloading a ui-view (or possibly an ng-view) and re-instantiating its controller, but after much searching I haven't been able to find that information again.
Does anyone know what it is I'm looking for?
1 Take a look at angular-translate
2 In your case, add some if-else control ( ng-if, ng-switch etc. ) in the outer div, use the same subview in the inner div. Then change the settings.currentLang when the language changes may cause the subview reload (not tested).
<div ng-controller="containerCtrl">
<div ng-if="settings.currentLang=='en'">
<div ui-view='subview'></div>
<div ng-if="settings.currentLang=='ja'">
<div ui-view='subview'></div>
