Loader/spinner animantion while route is changing - angularjs

How can I show a spinner or loader gif animation while route is changing from one to another.
I am using ng view like as follows:
<div ng-view class="view-animate">
I am loading templates from server and also inline. While the HTTP request is pending I need to show the spinner/loader... any snippets?

You can show and hide the loader when location change starts and is completed, respectively.
Here is a plunkr that I have created for this situation. This uses ui-router and is taken from one of the apps that I have created, so it may not be useful as-is, but it will give you an idea on how to approach the problem.
HTML Code inserted below just to keep SO happy...
<ui-view class="view"></ui-view>
<div loader="" class="ng-hide"></div>
I hope it helps.


use angularjs ui-router to implement a summary page

My web-app is written by AngularJs+ ui-router.
The web-app contains many forms (the number of forms are vary, depending on the application the user is applying). Each form has a ui-route state, so our users can go to each form and fill the information.
Before users submit the application we would like to implement a "summary/review" state(page) that contains all the forms the user filled, so users can review (and print) all the information from one page. Is there any way I can use the same form template (templateUrl) for the summary page?
I was thinking to use ng-include and programmatically(ng-repeat) list out all the selected forms, but it seems doesn't work.
PS: my form template might use different controller..
OK, I figured this out.
For ng-include: we need to use
<ng-include src="'formPath'"></ng-include>
For putting the ng-include in a repeater:
<div ng-repeat="f in vm.thisApp.RequiredForms">
<ng-include src="f.FormPath"></ng-include>
I hope this helps anyone who needs the answer.

ng-include gets commented out

So in my angular view I have this:
<div id="submenu" ng-include="'/submenu.html'" ></div>
But when I visit the page, the HTML part is:
<!-- ngInclude : '/submenu.html' -->
I put this line of code in other pages and it renders correctly. Only on one page it gets commented out.
What should I do, how can I fix this? I never saw this bug before.
I just checked and the code does not even perform a GET for this particular html file.
I just remove the complex parts out of the age and now is just
<div id="submenu" ng-include="'submenu.html'" ></div>
<div id="anothersubmenu" ng-include="'anothersubmenu.html'" ></div>
and no one of these files render, they both get commented out. My controller looks normal. I view this on Chrome 49.0.2623.87 m. All the included files have the same id , everywhere I include them. All the files are in the same folder.
I dont know is there a limit on the ng-include?
I had the same scenario but I created the ngInclude element using
angular.compile and I also got
<!-- ngInclude : '/file.html' -->
and I did not see any requests going out from my browser to get the file
Finally I resolved the issue using the
The digest cycle had to happen before the actual including can take place.
hope it helps :)

ng-srcset images initially not displaying in IE11 intermittently

The page loads without any of the images displaying on IE11 only, but refreshes them accordingly when we resize the browser intermittently (1/3 loads). We cannot replicate this with any of the other browsers. srcset works fine by itself with static content.
Here is a Plunker example of it not working in IE11.
Or quick and easy, the actual img html we're using:
<img data-ng-srcset="{{::image.url}}, {{::image.url2x}}" alt="{{::image.name}}"/>
The images or surrounding divs do not have any transitions, shadows or opacity applied.
The html renders fine with angular passing over and rewriting the srcset attribute correctly. The images just do not appear, only the alt tag. Wondering if this could be a call stack issue due to the intermittence of it, maybe a race condition with Picturefill loading before angular finishes a digest or something.
Cheers in advance!
A work around if you use PictureFill in a loop and in a specific case (not on all images of your application), is calling a function that launch PictureFill directly from HTML, after last item loaded (this is not the best practice but fix the IE11 problem) :
<picture><!-- Your image --></picture>
<span ng-if="$last">
{{ controllerAlias.launchPictureFill() }}
Came across this as a solution: http://tech.endeepak.com/blog/2014/05/03/waiting-for-angularjs-digest-cycle/
var waitForRenderAndDoSomething = function() {
if($http.pendingRequests.length > 0) {
$timeout(waitForRenderAndDoSomething); // Wait for all templates to be loaded
} else {
The only issue that the blog post describes is here, so if anyone has anything better please let me know:
The $http.pendingRequests supposed to be used for debugging purpose only. If angular team decides to remove this, you can implement the same using http interceptors as suggested in this link.

angular js reloading view

I'm using Angular JS and Angular IU-Router in my project and using a lot of ui-views. I have a situation where I need to change the language of the site, therefore I need to swap my ui-view's model to another model with the relevant language. I already have a service that detects the relevant model and passes it into the ui-view's controller. So if I can reload the ui-view, then in theory my problem would be solved.
I recall reading something about automatically reloading a ui-view (or possibly an ng-view) and re-instantiating its controller, but after much searching I haven't been able to find that information again.
Does anyone know what it is I'm looking for?
1 Take a look at angular-translate
2 In your case, add some if-else control ( ng-if, ng-switch etc. ) in the outer div, use the same subview in the inner div. Then change the settings.currentLang when the language changes may cause the subview reload (not tested).
<div ng-controller="containerCtrl">
<div ng-if="settings.currentLang=='en'">
<div ui-view='subview'></div>
<div ng-if="settings.currentLang=='ja'">
<div ui-view='subview'></div>

AngularJS: Updating a view with a template from a controller?

I have been working with routing and I have seen how I can update the ng-view using routing and a view template.. But the problem I have is that I am doing a REST call and depending what I get back from the response I wish to update part of the DOM with a view template but I don't want to involve routing.
Does anyone know how I can do this? Or any examples would be great
Thanks in advance
Another answer. Based on your description in the comment, it sounds like you wish to display part of the DOM conditionally.
When you want to display part of the DOM conditionally, you have the following choices:
Use an ng-show and ng-hide directive.
Based on what returns from the RESTful call, you can set up a model that will identify the DOM that needs to be displayed. An example:
<div ng-show="status">
This text will be shown only when the status is truthy
<div ng-hide="status">
This text will be shown only when the status is false.
Inside your controller, you could then set the status to true or false based on your RESTful calls and based on which part of the DOM you wish to display post RESTful call.
You can use ng-switch directive
While the ng-show and ng-hide directives will display the content of your DOM conditionally, that is anybody could simply open the source file and see the contents for both, ng-switch directive will load the contents only based on which case fulfills the swtich. An example:
<div ng-switch on="status">
<div ng-switch-when="true">
This text will be shown only when the status is truthy.
Else this is completely hidden and cannot be seen even
when looking at the source.
<div ng-switch-when="false">
This text will be shown only when the status is false.
Else this is completely hidden and cannot be seen even
when looking at the source.
The first child div is shown when the status is true else it is not shown at all. The advantage over ng-show or ng-hide is that the DOM will not contain the child elements if the case is not fulfilled.
$location.path() can be used here.
So, in your Parent Controller, you can make the REST call. Once you have the data with you, you can then decide which route to take. The route value goes into the path() function.
As an example, let us say that if your REST call returns with cherries, you need to take the /foo path (which, based on your $routeProvider will load the template associated with that route). You can then write the following:
and it will loads the /foo path - $routeProvider will then take care of loading the template associated with that path.
Reference: $location
