React.js accordion with save and cancel buttons - reactjs

I am new to React.js and I will like to build a jsx page that looks like the image below. Each item when clicked on the top will have a section that will slide down and have a save and cancel button. There will be the same fields for a form in each section for different category
I have no idea how to start this? Has anyone done this before? Some directions will be appreciated.

I think that the solution for what you are asking must have a lot of code to post here, but just Google it a little, and you will find many examples about how to achieve this.
Sorry if I do not post your ideal answer to your question, but you will find more productive if you dedicate more time to learn how to do this code in React.js than just to ask for the solution.
Here is some links:
Good luck!


How to edit page content in Drupal

I've just taken over as a developer for an already existing website made in Drupal 7. And somehow I'm finding it hard to change the content on one of the pages.
I'm wanting to change the text at the bottom of the page under Terms and Conditions.
Cant find it ANYWHERE inside the Drupal CMS, it doesnt appear under content, pages, modules or nodes etc... I've literally been searching everywhere for hours.
Figured it might be hard coded so I've also done half a dozen keyword searched within my repository code - but no luck.
Does anyone have any ideas?
Thank you in advance,
It is panel, look at source code.
Go to the admin/structure/pages/edit/node_view
I think that it is correct panel, find your variant and edit custom block text.

Vue/React page transition where element carries over

I’m having the hardest time figuring out how to go about a page transition where one element leaves one view and enters the next like the animation of the book thumbnail or surfboard from the linked images below.
I mostly work in Vue, but if anyone has insight on how this is done on the development side of things I’d be very appreciative!
Booking animation design
Surf Project
Please Check this sections of Vue documentation.
Enter/Leave from a list
You might want to look into Overdrive
or then use Velocity with Vue JS hooks

how to disable background while showing a loading veil with angular?

I'm using angular-loading-bar that I have modified with a veil that dims out the background while data is being loaded. Everything seems to work great, but how can I disable the page while the veil is showing? I can't seem to find what I'm looking for. If someone has done something like this and would like to share or point me in the right direction that would be awesome! Thanks!
Are you trying to find this solution which i have linked with it. If it is the right solution then great or let me know i would try to resolve it for you just check out here

Windows 8 like modal dialog using WPF

I am working on a WPF-MVVM (.Net 4.0) application that has a Metro look (it just has a look, it is not a metro application.)
I need to show a windows 8 like message box that blocks the operations for the user before he rids that message box by clicking yes/no/cancel (or any button.).
I came across this otherwise great article and momentarily thought that I have found the solution. But this has its own drawback.It just stops the user from interacting with the controls behind by mouse clicks. The user can however use the tab key to get back to the buttons behind and click them (pressing enter).
A number of things are coming to my mind:
should I go for custom adorners and play with hitTestable property?
Or should I place a control and play with its visible property.
Before going for any approach I thought of putting forward my question to the wonderful community here if someone has done a similar thing in past and provide me some pointer/reference/approach.
Can someone suggest what is the way to achieve this? Please note I will be happy to use prism or any other open source if that solves the purpose but the window will have to be custom made.
Please excuse me if you find this too stupid a question. Please pardon my ignorance. Thanks for reading this.
I recently came across a similar problem, I resolved it using a DialogPresenter as explained there:
I had to do a few tweaks there and there but overall it's working fine and I now have a nice way to display dialog boxes!
There is a better way of doing it
var dialog = new MessageDialog("Select Social network is already authorised!");

Image popup wrapper/module for DNN

I'm using DNN 5 for a hobby site. I know development, but have never written a DNN module.
The site is basically a project log. I want content areas that combine text and image thumbnails in a page, like a set of instructions. When a user clicks a thumbnail, display a popup div containing a larger image modal like on a lot of sites these days. Basically I'm looking to wrap each image in functionality like provided by highslide JS, but I can't figure out the right way to implement highslide JS in DNN.
I'm not averse to buying a module that does this for me, but everything I've found is more gallery based. The main difference is I want to control individual images that are among/next to the text, not a set of of images for users to scroll through.
I figure this can't be too crazy an idea, someone must have done it before. Any tips on good approaches would be appreciated. I'm tempted just to go edit source, but that makes upgrading a pain...
If anyone else is looking for this functionality, there's a project on Codeplex which looks pretty good at least as a gallery for DNN. It implements the highslide type popups well.
