how to disable background while showing a loading veil with angular? - angularjs

I'm using angular-loading-bar that I have modified with a veil that dims out the background while data is being loaded. Everything seems to work great, but how can I disable the page while the veil is showing? I can't seem to find what I'm looking for. If someone has done something like this and would like to share or point me in the right direction that would be awesome! Thanks!

Are you trying to find this solution which i have linked with it. If it is the right solution then great or let me know i would try to resolve it for you just check out here


React.js accordion with save and cancel buttons

I am new to React.js and I will like to build a jsx page that looks like the image below. Each item when clicked on the top will have a section that will slide down and have a save and cancel button. There will be the same fields for a form in each section for different category
I have no idea how to start this? Has anyone done this before? Some directions will be appreciated.
I think that the solution for what you are asking must have a lot of code to post here, but just Google it a little, and you will find many examples about how to achieve this.
Sorry if I do not post your ideal answer to your question, but you will find more productive if you dedicate more time to learn how to do this code in React.js than just to ask for the solution.
Here is some links:
Good luck!

Skrollr weird issue on mobile

I checked a bit everywhere on internet but couldn't find a solution to my problem.
Skrollr is not working properly on mobile on my page :
I tried to put a #skrollr-body element a bit everywhere in my page but I always get an issue. Do you have any idea why this issue?
I'm using the last version of Skrollr.
I have been able to fix most of the issue by myself, now Skrollr works but when I try to scroll to the bottom it will stop at some point same as it was missing some pixels to reach the bottom.
I'm not sure but I think it's the equivalent of the height of the screen.
If you have some idea I would appreciate to hear about it,
UPDATE 14/09/05, finally I found a dirty way to fix this issue :
I just force skrollr to refresh after the loading of the page and it's fine.

C Drawing overlay WINAPI

I'm looking for a way to draw an overlay. I want to create a small popup box in the bottom right corner to notify the user. I'm not sure what they are called, but I guess it's kinda like an overlay? I guess the easiest way to do this for me is in the winapi, but I'm not sure how. Anyone has a link I can read with more info, or maybe even code samples? Even the name of these notifications boxes would help so I can google better.
don't know if it might help but you can try with sprite layers
I think these notifications are simply small windows with the WS_EX_TOPMOST style and an effect such as those provided by AnimateWindow().
Or if you don't want to do that much customization, maybe you can settle for a balloon tip from classic notification icons.

How to increase the performance of html editor in IE browser?

We have used htmleditor in our application. When the form is loaded every component is loaded properly. But htmleditor is taking huge amount of time to load.
Can anyone please suggest, is there any way to solve this problem?
As I found on a forum:
When I enable "CombineScripts" on the toolscriptmanager it is much
faster but the toolbar is not displayed.
Using CSS sprites or images on a directory for the toolbar (not as
resources as it is now) and removing any resourcestrings will boost
the control speed more than 1000%! Hope someone will implement it on a
next version, or I will do it when I find some time.
Hope it helps you.

accordion banner rotator

I want to achieve something similar to this one but in wpf not jquery:
I have tried a good bunch of different methods, still i haven't got it to work.
Can anyone point me in the right direction? for example, what controls to use, etc. I am using the MVVM approach, as in all of my projects.
I think wpf is very very powerful, so this shouldn't be too complicated...
Ah, and the animation stuff within the content is out of scope of my question.
I only want to have that navigation stuff between those different contents like in the link bellow.
Best Regards
Why cant you use the already supplied accordion from the toolkit by the codeplex ...
