CefSharp adding ssl proxy makes app not to load any websites - wpf

I cloned example project from https://github.com/cefsharp/CefSharp.MinimalExample and tried to run WPF example. everything works like expected, until I add ProxyOption before Cef.Initialize...
my proxy options are:
CefSharpSettings.Proxy = new ProxyOptions("IP", "PORT", "USERNAME", "PASSWORD");
I also tried to add CefCommandLineArgs:
and websites does not load...
My question is: HOW CAN I SET HTTP/HTTPS PROXY ON CefSharp?


React CRA: When adding subdomain on localhost it says: The development server has disconnected

I am on a project with create-react-app without ejecting.
I wanted to have subdomains on localhost or a fake host for development.
When I added my host in windows hosts file it said invalid host header even if I add HOST=mydevhost.com DANGEROUSLY_DISABLE_HOST_CHECK=true in .env file.
I couldn't make it work without using third party apps so I used Fiddler and it worked as expected now the sites comes up but instantly says:
The development server has disconnected.
Refresh the page if necessary.
The problem is that the fast refresh doesn't work now and I have to refresh the site every time I make a change. Is there anything that I'm doing wrong here? Should I even use something like Fiddler here?
I ended up using react-app-rewired and in config-overrides.js I added the subdomain to allowed host. The final config looks like this:
module.exports = {
webpack: (config, env) => {
return config;
devServer: (configFunction) => (proxy, allowedHost) => {
const devServerConfig = configFunction(proxy, allowedHost);
devServerConfig.allowedHosts = ["subdomain.localhost"];
return devServerConfig;
I thing you can do that from your operating system to point your local domain to your react server, meaning that can create a local domain that points to the app server (host:port).
here's a guideline that may help:
Relevant answers:
How can I develop locally using a domain name instead of 'localhost:3000' in the url with create-react-app?

Configure React Dev Server within an ASP.NET Core Application

I have an existing ASP.NET Core application (that uses razor pages) and I am trying to convert it, one component at a time, to React until I can completely make it a SPA. The idea is to create an entry point for each of my razor pages until I can combine them all into one SPA. I have most of this working except for the use of webpack-dev-server to serve my bundles. The problem I am having is the ASP.NET app runs on port 44321 and the dev server runs on port 8080 so the script tags in my .cshtml files cannot see the bundles that are being hosted from webpack.
I can temporarily change them from:
<script src="./dist/[name].bundle.js"></script>
To something like:
<script src="http://localhost:8080/[name].bundle.js"></script>
To get around this, but this is not long term solution.
I have created a sample application to showcase what I am trying to accomplish here: https://github.com/jkruse24/AspNetReact.
Is there any way to either get my ASP.Net application to listen on the port that webpack-dev-server is serving to (without changing my script tags) or to have my webpack-dev-server serve to the port that my ASP.Net app is running on?
I have tried to use the .NET CORE SPA middleware (Microsoft.AspNetCore.SpaProxy) but either I have not configured it correctly or I am misunderstanding what it is used for. Upon adding in the below code (which is commented out in my github sample) my application still looks at the .\dist directory for my bundles (which are still there from running actual builds).
if (env.IsDevelopment())
app.UseSpa(spa =>
spa.Options.SourcePath = "./ClientApp";
spa.UseReactDevelopmentServer(npmScript: "start");
I ended up getting this working using the .NET Core SPA Middleware. When I originally tried to used the middleware, it was working fine, but I didn't have my webpack dev server configured to serve my bundles to the correct location.
As you can see above, I was serving them to
when they needed to be served to
My problem was that my webpack publicPath was not set correctly. I made an update commit on my repository here. More specifically, this was the file diff that solved my problem.

ReactJS backend requests and proxy

I have a couple of questions regarding how ReactJS should work in development and production. My ReactJS application was built starting from creare-react-app boilerplate. I have a SpringBoot backend listening on port 8080. The first thing I noticed is that if I set a code like this to make requests the code hang:
async componentDidMount() {
const response = await fetch('http://localhost:8080/api/compliance');
I need to convert it into:
async componentDidMount() {
const response = await fetch('/api/compliance');
and then add the line:
"proxy": "http://localhost:8080",
and this works fine. The problem is that when I put this in a pre-production environment (or integration environment) where I have a URL like http://www.mywebsite.com I got:
Invalid Host Header
Looking on the web I noticed that probably this could be to:
1. proxy that checks. the HTTP Header host and verify it to avoid security attacks
2. webpack package
I would like to understand:
1. Is proxy really necessary to let ReactJS app talk with its backend?
2. If no, how I can solve the issue (currently solution on the web didn't solve my problem)?
Generally proxy is not meant for production. Your app should provide both app and api on same port, on one server. https://stackoverflow.com/a/46771744/8522881

ASP.NET Core 3 React SPA Template - Set AccessTokenLifetime

I'm using the latest react SPA .NET Core 3 template and wondering is there a way to set the "AccessTokenLifetime" for a client, where obviously that client is my SPA.
I've been looking here https://github.com/aspnet/AspNetCore.Docs/blob/master/aspnetcore/security/authentication/identity-api-authorization.md#application-profiles and I've tried quite a few different things.
But doesn't seem there is a way to set client properties, other than the few detailed on the page above eg RedirectUri, LogoutUri
After a bit of hunting I found that you can do it during the call to AddApiAuthorization<ApplicationUser, ApplicationDbContext>(); in the Startup
Replace it with:
.AddApiAuthorization<ApplicationUser, ApplicationDbContext>(opt =>
foreach (var c in opt.Clients)
c.AccessTokenLifetime = 120; // Expiration in Seconds
All of the Token settings for Identity Server seem to be settable here.
Note that the collection of Clients is determined by your configuration. In the case of the basic dotnet net react -o <name> -au Individual template, the following is in the appSettings.json using the name of the project (the -o option to the dotnet command):
"IdentityServer": {
"Clients": {
"ReactAppIdentity": {
"Profile": "IdentityServerSPA"
I dug around in the source code but unfortunately I couldn't see a way to set these settings via configuration.

Hosting nancy with asp.net on IIS 6 - failed - wrong configuration

I tried some stuff to host a little nancy test api under IIS 6:
But it dont work. Here are my steps:
Create Empty Nancy Web Application
Add Reference with nuget - Nancy.Hosting.Aspnet Version 0.15.1
new Web.config is modifyed automatically
as described in the wiki
Add new class in solution root - HelloModule.cs
insert test code "HelloWorld"
Publish the web site local
on Windows 2003
with a virtual Directory in the IIS manager
Browsing the url 'localhost/nancyTest' brings an HTTP 403 ERROR.
A little ASP.NET WebApplication runs with the same configuration.
The nancyTest application does not have a start site like default.aspx. I want to get the request response from .../nancyTest/ coded as:
public class HelloModule : NancyModule
public HelloModule()
Get["/"] = parameters => "Hello World";
Perhaps the call .../nancyTest/ is not a GET Request? Are there other things to go in more detail?
I know not so many people user IIS6 nowadays, but there is the following solution, i wish it can help some people that still use this old one,
Config aspnet_isapi to handle a new ext files and like , .start
Set default page for this application is index.start
In nancy module add the redirect method, like the follwing:
Get["index.start"] = _ => {
return Response.AsRedirect("~/", Nancy.Responses.RedirectResponse.RedirectType.Permanent);
wish it helps
