Hosting nancy with on IIS 6 - failed - wrong configuration - nancy

I tried some stuff to host a little nancy test api under IIS 6:
But it dont work. Here are my steps:
Create Empty Nancy Web Application
Add Reference with nuget - Nancy.Hosting.Aspnet Version 0.15.1
new Web.config is modifyed automatically
as described in the wiki
Add new class in solution root - HelloModule.cs
insert test code "HelloWorld"
Publish the web site local
on Windows 2003
with a virtual Directory in the IIS manager
Browsing the url 'localhost/nancyTest' brings an HTTP 403 ERROR.
A little ASP.NET WebApplication runs with the same configuration.
The nancyTest application does not have a start site like default.aspx. I want to get the request response from .../nancyTest/ coded as:
public class HelloModule : NancyModule
public HelloModule()
Get["/"] = parameters => "Hello World";
Perhaps the call .../nancyTest/ is not a GET Request? Are there other things to go in more detail?

I know not so many people user IIS6 nowadays, but there is the following solution, i wish it can help some people that still use this old one,
Config aspnet_isapi to handle a new ext files and like , .start
Set default page for this application is index.start
In nancy module add the redirect method, like the follwing:
Get["index.start"] = _ => {
return Response.AsRedirect("~/", Nancy.Responses.RedirectResponse.RedirectType.Permanent);
wish it helps


ASP.NET Core 3 React SPA Template - Set AccessTokenLifetime

I'm using the latest react SPA .NET Core 3 template and wondering is there a way to set the "AccessTokenLifetime" for a client, where obviously that client is my SPA.
I've been looking here and I've tried quite a few different things.
But doesn't seem there is a way to set client properties, other than the few detailed on the page above eg RedirectUri, LogoutUri
After a bit of hunting I found that you can do it during the call to AddApiAuthorization<ApplicationUser, ApplicationDbContext>(); in the Startup
Replace it with:
.AddApiAuthorization<ApplicationUser, ApplicationDbContext>(opt =>
foreach (var c in opt.Clients)
c.AccessTokenLifetime = 120; // Expiration in Seconds
All of the Token settings for Identity Server seem to be settable here.
Note that the collection of Clients is determined by your configuration. In the case of the basic dotnet net react -o <name> -au Individual template, the following is in the appSettings.json using the name of the project (the -o option to the dotnet command):
"IdentityServer": {
"Clients": {
"ReactAppIdentity": {
"Profile": "IdentityServerSPA"
I dug around in the source code but unfortunately I couldn't see a way to set these settings via configuration.

Cannot GET index.html Azure Linux Web App

We created a Linux Web App in Microsoft Azure. The application is static written with React (html and Javascript).
We copied the code into the wwwroot folder, but the application only showing only hostingstart.html and when we try to get page index.html we have this error:
Cannot GET /index.html
We tried with a sample of Azure in GitHub ( but the error is the same.
The url is this:
Last week the application was running correctly.
We forget to do something?
MAY 2020 - You don't have to add any javascript files or config files anywhere. Let me explain.
I was facing this exact same issue and wasted 6 hours trying everything including the most popular answer to this question. While the accepted answer is a nice workaround (but requires more work than just adding the index.js file), there's something a simpler than that.
You see, when you just deploy an Azure Web App (or App Service as it is also called), two things happen:
The web app by default points to opt/startup/hostingstart.html
It also puts a hostingstart.html in home/site/wwwroot
When you deploy your code, it replaces hostingstart.html in home/site/wwwroot but the app is still pointing to opt/startup/hostingstart.html. If you want to verify this, try deleting opt/startup/hostingstart.html file and your web app will throw a "CANNOT GET/" error.
So how to change the default pointer? It's simpler than it looks:
Go to Configuration tab on your web app and add the following code to startup script:
pm2 serve /home/site/wwwroot --no-daemon
If this web app is a client-side single-page-app and you're having issues with routing, then add --spa to the above command as follows:
pm2 serve /home/site/wwwroot --no-daemon --spa
This will tell the web app to serve wwwroot folder. And that's it.
Image for reference:
Screenshot explaination
PS: If you only set the startup script without deploying your code, it will still show the hostingstart.html because by default that file lies in the wwwroot folder.
Ok you are gonna love this. This happened to me today also. Same exact thing.
I am pretty sure the azure team flipped a switch somewhere and we fell through a crack.
I found this obscure answer with no votes and it did the trick (with a little extra finagling)
BONUS! this also fixed my router issues I was having only on the deployed site (not local):
Credit: #stormwild: Default documents not serving on node web app hosted on Azure
From #stormwild's post see here:
Go to your azure portal, select your app service and launch ssh
In ssh terminal, navigate via command line to /home/site/wwwroot
create index.js there with the following code:
var express = require('express');
var server = express();
var options = {
index: 'index.html'
server.use('/', express.static('/home/site/wwwroot', options));
NOTE: Be sure to run npm install --save express also in this folder else your app service will crash on startup
Be sure to restart your app service if it doesn't do so automagically
A workaround, I changed the webapp stack to PHP 7
Another solution would be to add a file called ecoysystem.config.js right next to your index.html file.
module.exports = {
apps: [
script: "npx serve -s"
This will tell pm2 to associate all requests to index.html as your app service starts up.
Very helpful information here:

How can I configure the JAX-RS base path in TomEE+?

I have a WAR with some JAX-RS services, deployed into TomEE Plus. Given a service annotated with #Path("myservice"), TomEE+ publishes it to localhost:8080/mywebapp/myservice.
However, that also makes accessing a JSP at localhost:8080/mywebapp/index.jsp impossible - JAXRSInInterceptor complains that No root resource matching request path has been found, Relative Path: /index.jsp.
So I would like to configure a path prefix api to all services, which changes the myservice URL to localhost:8080/mywebapp/api/myservice. Doing so would be trivial if I had configured CXF on my own (with or without Spring), because I could simply change the URL pattern of the CXF Servlet - but I am relying on the default settings where I don't configure anything besides the annotations. So how do I do that in this case?
Note that I don't want to alter the #Path annotations to include the prefix, because that does not fix the issue with the JSP.
Create an extension of and annotate it with #ApplicationPath where value would be api in your case:
public class MyApplication extends Application {
public Set<Class<?>> getClasses() {
final Set<Class<?>> classes = new HashSet<Class<?>>();
// register root resource
return classes;
This way a Servlet 3 container would find your application and map your resource to /mywebapp/api/myservice while making your web resources (.jsp) available at /mywebapp.
TomEE trunk supports these configurations: cxf.jaxrs.staticSubresourceResolution & cxf.jaxrs.static-resources-list
but the #ApplicationPath is the more relevant solution IMO
Using -Dopenejb.webservice.old-deployment=true can help too in some cases

Durandal, Breeze, and DotNetNuke

I am developing a SPA as a DotNetNuke module. Everything works well, but I can't find a way to make the module work with Breeze. The DNN version i am using is 7.04, which is I think the latest. DNN uses its own WebApi (written on top of WebApi) and the modules have no AppStart folder.
I added this part after some thought
In DNN you can add a route like so:
public class RouteMapper : IServiceRouteMapper
public void RegisterRoutes(IMapRoute mapRouteManager)
mapRouteManager.MapHttpRoute("MyModuleName", "default", "{controller}/{action}",
new[] { "MyModule.NameSpace" });
//Second route....
//third rout.....
Breeze on the other hand register the route on AppStart using the WebActivator.PreApplicationStartMethod.
It seems to me that all I need to do is to add a route to the code above and just refer to Breeze as another DNN Module like so
mapRouteManager.MapHttpRoute("BreezeApi,"Breeze", "api/{controller}/{action}...
But according to the comments on breeze's startup class, breeze route should be inserted at the front of ALL api route so I suspect it won't work. Does anybody have any idea?

GWT deploy to google App Engine get a 404 error

I'm trying to learn how to deploy an GWT application to Google App Engine.
I'm using GWT 2.4 + eclipse with Java 7.
I have basically a static page with a button that doesn't do anything.
public class Test1 implements EntryPoint {
public void onModuleLoad() {
final Button sendButton = new Button("Send");
I have created my application istoeumtestedenome, and in localhost it works. I have deployed it to App Engine with no errors. But when I try to access the page, a 404 error is displayed.
What can I do?
There are many things that could have gone wrong. The first things that come to mind:
Your static HTML file (host page) is in the wrong place (folder).
You did not specify a welcome page - or there are some other problems - in your web.xml file.
Go to your Admin Console for App Engine, and click on the logs to see what goes wrong.
