Cannot sign in using AAD B2C identity provider with AAD Multitenant (custom policy) - azure-active-directory

I have set up sign-in for multi-tenant Azure Active Directory using custom policies in Azure Active Directory B2C using the guide provided in Microsoft's documentation.
I have added Azure Active Directory B2C as an identity provider for Azure API Management
When I want to sign in to the portal, I am presented with the AADB2C login screen correctly. I can select the AAD provider and I'm then taken through the signin process as I would expect. Authentication happens correctly.
However, when I am redirected back to the API Management developer portal, I am instantly presented with the AADB2C login screen again.
I am quite stuck at the moment as I am unsure how to debug this issue or what to look for next.
Has anyone been able to get this working properly, and if so, could you provide some guidance?

It turns out that the value of the policy key I created was incorrect. After updating the policy key with the correct Application key (Not Application ID), everything worked.


How to setup external identity provider for MSAL js react spa?

I am trying to authenticate using msal js for my react application (Azure AD B2C). Microsoft authentication works perfectly. But I need to add more external identity providers such as Google to my authentication.
I have followed the steps given in the official documentation
When I Run user flow I am able to sign in google but the user is not authenticated.
screen when user sign into google
This is the screen that is given.
And the other thing is only if use Run user flow in Azure AD B2C I am able to do this.
If I normally use the sign in button it only shows microsoft authentication.
What am I missing ?
Can someone please help on this if possible ?
Issues may arise as a result of previous Microsoft configuration under App registrations. Verify below three configurations once whether those are mapped to google identify provider or not
Client ID and Client secret and Authorized redirect URIs
here I found one blog relates to Google Identity Provider with Azure AD B2C configuration and implementation.

Access Azure AD user from js

We are implementing SSO with Azure AD for our SPA Angular application. We have successfully implemented SSO referring the documentation. But we have a requirement if the user is already logged in to AD, user need not to be redirected to the login page. User should automatically be redirected to the landing page. How can we implement this with Auth0?
I'm in thought of using a js libray like MSAL. But the issue is that the app is not hosted in Azure. Is there a way to figure out whether there is a active directory instance for a given domain.
If a valid session exists after already logging in with Azure AD you will not be asked to login again if your using MSAL.

SAML: Idp initiated sign out on Azure AD user deletion?

Not sure how to go about the following scenario:
User logs in with SAML using in an Azure enterprise configured application.
User authenticated succesfully.
If user now logs out from Azure -> I can catch this event using the logout url.
However if the user is deleted / removed from the organisation the user is still logged in in my application.
I've implemented similar logic with Oauth and refresh tokens, didn't find an equivalent using SAML.
As of now there is no support in SAML for the user provisioning events performed by the Idp.
In Azure enterprise configured application there is feature for Automate user provisioning and deprovisioning to applications which ensure that the identities in your app and systems are kept up to date based on changes in the directory or your human resources system.
For more information you can refer this link

B2C as IdP for SalesForce

Completely new to B2C. Tried both of these walkthroughs, but I'm missing something still:
Both of these only describe the policies needed, but I'm pretty sure I need to register an app on B2C still? The problem I have with app registration is that SalesForce gives me a token endpoint URL with a query string:
And B2C won't allow query strings in the reply URL.
Is there any way around this? Salesforce also supports OpenID I think, if that would be better?
::::::::::::UPDATE 6/22::::::::::
I found and realized I was missing a critical step on the SalesForce side: adding the authentication provider to my domain's login page. Clicking the new link redirects me to B2C, but I get an immediate error from B2C. Application Insights shows the following exception:
The SAML technical profile 'serviceProviderMetadata' specifies a PartnerEntity URL of 'REMOVED', but fetching the metadata fails with reason 'For security reasons DTD is prohibited in this XML document. To enable DTD processing set the DtdProcessing property on XmlReaderSettings to Parse and pass the settings into XmlReader.Create method.
Using this write-up as a guideline, I've registered the app in B2C and configured the SalesForce side.
Instead of using the Azure AD authorization endpoints, I pulled my B2C tenants endpoints from my meta data URL ({tenant}/.well-known/openid-configuration).
This works for my B2C admin account, however, when I try try a test user that isn't a B2C admin I get the following error from the B2C sign-in page:
Sorry, but we’re having trouble signing you in.
AADSTS50020: User account 'REMOVED' from identity provider 'LINK REMOVED' does not exist in tenant 'MTB2CTest' and cannot access the application '5c8b9f4f-cf28-42fe-b629-b87251532970' in that tenant. The account needs to be added as an external user in the tenant first. Sign out and sign in again with a different Azure Active Directory user account.
::::::::::::UPDATE 6/23::::::::::
I’ve found that it works 100% only for my B2C admin account if I don’t use a policy, but doesn't work for other accounts. When I use a policy, only accounts that signed up through the policy can authenticate with B2C (which is great) – but the token doesn’t seem to be reaching SalesForce. I've created two PDFs showing the configuration details and the results from each method (policy and nopolicy) here.
Both of these only describe the policies needed, but I'm pretty sure I need to register an app on B2C still?
Not exactly, you no need to register an app at B2C side. All the configuration you do in Policies is enough.
Did you try Salesforce SAML SSO article
Check the above article and try to do configurations at Salesforce side and grab the details required by SAML RP
I hope by following both SAML RP and Configure SAML Settings for Single Sign-On articles you can configure B2C as IDP for Salesforce.
I stumbled on this question while trying to implement Azure AD B2C as an IdP for Salesforce. We used Open ID Connect to enable SSO between the two. This involved setting up an Application in Azure AD B2C, enabling the read scope on that application, and configuring the connection in Salesforce using that application, a custom policy returning a JWT token, and a dummy User Info endpoint.
Check out this answer for exact steps on how we set up Open ID Connect:

Azure AD for Staff Login and Azure B2C for Customer Login in one ASP.Net Application

I am working on an ASP.Net MVC application which will handle two types of users
External Users (Need to authenticate using Azure B2C with username as login instead of email as login)
Internal Users (which already exist in Corporate Azure AD)
What is the right way of implementing it?
One option is to run two separate instances of the application configured against each IDP. Keep each type of user stick to one app instance.
I tried to register AD and AD B2C in one app by registering two OpenIdConnect services but having problems when the user tries to access a resource without first logging into the application. Without knowing the type of the user I cannot specify AuthenticationSchema in the Authorize tag.
I am sure people have done this before so if you someone who knows how to do it, then please guide me..
