websphere portal session timeout - websphere-portal

We have an application running on WebSphere Portal with a javascript frontend calling a REST API backend via a servlet. The app is launched via a Portlet.
After the app starts up no further web requests go through the /wps portal context, everything goes through the servlet-based REST API.
The issue we have is that the HttpSession times out even though active requests are being made to the REST API.
Any ideas as to why the HttpSession is disappearing?

do you have security restraints set up on the rest api so it keeps the session id alive? also the portal session will still die if it is not being accessed evne if your LTPA/JSession id is still valid


Azure Application Proxy - Single Page Application - CORS issue

HTML, Bootstrap, AJAX Single Page Application (SPA) --> Deployed on-premise on tomcat 1
Azure Application Proxy 1 fronting SPA with pre-authentication as passthrough
REST API (API) --> Deployed on-premise on tomcat 2
Azure Application Proxy 2 fronting API with pre-authentication as Azure Active Directory
Microsoft MSAL Javascript library: https://github.com/AzureAD/microsoft-authentication-library-for-js
User accesses SPA using Application Proxy 1 external URL eg. https://appProxy1.com/spa
The SPA has a sign-in button, when clicked invokes the Microsoft js MSAL library.
The user is presented a pop-up and upon entering credentials, is authenticated against Azure AD and an OAuth token is fetched.
Once authenticated successfully, the user is allowed to perform search on the SPA.
When the user searches, the SPA invokes the REST API using the application proxy 2 url eg. https://appProxy2.com/rest/.search
The REST call is blocked by browser due to CORS. It seems that Application Proxy/Azure AD is not allowing cross origin calls.
CORS has been enabled in the REST API code and SPA is able to invoke the REST API if Application Proxy 2 pre-authentication mode is set as passthrough.
I have gone through https://learn.microsoft.com/en-us/azure/active-directory/manage-apps/application-proxy-understand-cors-issues. This workaround is possible if HTML application and REST service are deployed on the same application server.
Is there any option to enable/configure CORS on Application Proxy.
Currently there is no way to configure/enable the CORS on Application Proxy.
There a user voice request for CORS App Proxy. Please feel free to up vote this user voice request.

Cookie from API on different domain that I control

I'm implementing login functionality on my site and I'm running into some problems when sending jwt tokens as cookies.
When the user logs in on the frontend, a POST request is sent with "credentials: 'include'" (I'm using fetch) to my backend API, which returns a jwt token if the login was successful. This all works fine, and I can see the cookie in chrome dev tools, and performing actions that require authentication work fine.
However, when I refresh the site, the jwt cookies disappear. I have ruled out errors with expiration. Through experimentation I've figured out that the domain is the problem. The cookie's domain is "" from the locally hosted instance of the API, which is different than the domain of the locally hosted website. If I manually change the domain of the cookie to the same as the website, the cookie doesn't disappear.
But that does not solve my problem permanently, as the backend API is hosted on a different domain than the frontend. I've been reading up on cross-domain requests but I'm not sure how to proceed from here. I control both the frontend and the backend, but I'm starting to wonder if I might be going about this the wrong way? Would the simplest solution be to host my api on, say 'api.mydomain.com' instead?

How to configure a WebApp & WebApi with different AAD App IDs?

I currently have two app services
Web App (Asp.net core 2 w/ front end in react)
Web Api (Asp.net core 2)
Note: Both are configured with different Azure active directory app id.
user signs into Web App and retrieves a token for it's own appId/ClientId/ClientSecret stored in tokencache.
from the WebApp, the user wants to talk to a WebAPI but needs to get a token since it's protected with AAD as well but it's a different app id/client id/client secret.
When I try to do a AcquireTokenSilentAsync() for the web api, I get an error throwing that I the token is not in the cache?
It also seems that with depending if your using AAD v2.0 or v1.0 will determine if the web app and web api can have different app ids. So it seems like i would have to use AAD v1.0. With Asp.net core 2, it's not clear to me what OpenIdConnect is using or configured to use under the covers.
It's not clear to me why the acquire token silent async didn't work and failed. Does that only look for the token in the cache; otherwise it fails?
Is it possible to configure the token from web app to have permission to access web api resources. I notice that in the azure portal, you can selected resources like microsoft graph, but I don't know how you would associate a custom API. In my case, I want to get it running on my local machine before I move it all to azure.
If the web app token does not have permission to access the web api, do i need to do another login authentication with the user even thou both are within the same tenant?
Any Advice appreciated,
Yes, AcquireTokenSilentAsync will look into the cache, and see if it can find tokens. If it does, it will check to see if the access token is still valid and return that back. If the token is expired, it will use the refresh token to fetch a new access token and return that back. When this call fails, it's an indicator you need to perform an AcquireTokenAsync (which will likely show UI in the case silent already failed).
Yes, you can associate a web app to get tokens for your own custom web API. I'd recommend using Azure AD v1.0 (register the app in the Azure portal, ADAL library). You'll need to register the two apps (web app and the api), both will be type web app/api. In the API, you can register an App ID URI which will act as the resource identifier for this API. In your web app, you'll want to go into the Required Permissions, and add the Web API you have registered as a permission. Then in your web app, you'll need to use the ADAL library (alongside an OpenID OWIN middleware) to acquire a token for the resource as specified by the App ID URI field. Here's a code sample that implements the exact scenario you're describing (Web App/API in ASP.NET Core).

oauth for desktop and mobile with the same code

I'm using phonegap and I want to set up google oauth for mobile and web (e.g. desktop chrome) with the same code. The end result should be an app engine cookie on the client side (whether it is the inapp browser or a desktop browser).
Since I don't want my users to do the consent screen more than once, I need a refresh_token and not just an access_token. (also I've noticed that the cordova webview doesn't have access to cookies like the regular browser)
As I understand, a refresh_token can only be received if you're doing the protocol recommended for web servers, meaning first obtaining the code, then using it to obtain the access_token and refresh_token.
When I'm authenticating in this way, the protocol requires that I send the received code to google to receive the access token, but this is a cross domain request and is blocked on desktop browsers.
How can this be conveniently solved? What is the correct way to achieve the end result?
I crudely solved my problem using my server as a mediator for the cross-domain post requests.
So the flow works like this: I get an authentication code using a pop up window. Then the user enters the code and my javascript sends it to my server. Then the server sends a request for access_token and refresh_token to google, and sends it back to the user.
Seems to work well for now, and not very complicated.

authentication redirect with offline webapp (gae python, html5)

To GAE+html5 gurus out there :)
When user logs on to a GAE hosted application, his credentials are stored locally in a cookie (correct?).
After this cookie expires (e.g. if users hits logout on another browser tab), no login_required protected methods will work.
Regular webapp will require re-authentication next time the user navigates to a login_protected url by automatically redirecting to a login screen.
What would be the right way for a cached webapp to be handling this?
My test is a simple login_protected page accessed by Chrome and iOS browser. It's cached and accessible offline as expected. Then, (while online) and after the authentication expires, the server log shows a 302 response which is followed by 200 response of the authentication dialog page, but of course no authentication happens.
If you are using google authentication to provide access to your page . Which means even if you are logged in one of the other google services. Your cookie still exists in the browser. login_required will assume that you are logged on based on the cookie. What you are seeing is a redirection to google's page that's 302. If you want you can manage sessions on your own and check for authentication based on your data in data Store.There are lot of solutions availble for both Python and Java .
