Couldn't migrate to another service version with GCloud CLI - google-app-engine

I have read the document which says that gcloud app versions migrate operation can migrate traffics into another version, but it couldn't. The error description seems to say something informative, but no help to me. On GCP control panel, version migration works fine. What's happening on this?
$ gcloud app versions migrate 20190122-120543-ebbfbc9 -s q
Migrating all traffic from version [q/20190129-164614-09e8288] to
Do you want to continue (Y/n)?
ERROR: ( Issues migrating all traffic of service(s): [q]
INVALID_ARGUMENT: Invalid request.
- '#type':
- description: Warmup requests must be enabled for all versions that will gain additional
traffic as a result of the traffic migration.
field: service.split.allocations[20190122-120543-ebbfbc9]

When you use gcloud app versions migrate it will try to do a gradual migration. Gradual traffic migration is only supported for the Standard environment and you have to enable warmup requests on the target version for this to work.
It’s working on GCP Console because there you’ll be prompted to do an immediate migration if the above conditions are not met.
If you want to use gcloud to migrate traffic to a GAE Standard version set to warmup disabled, or Flex environment, you can use the following command which will actually split the traffic immediately (not gradually) 100% to the target version:
gcloud app services set-traffic [MY_SERVICE] --splits [MY_VERSION]=1
You can find more information here
Hope it helps! :)


How to deploy a new version of a Google App Engine production server, without stopping old versions?

I'm running a Google App Engine production server, using basic_scaling as the scale type. Whenever I update the code and deploy it - using gcloud app deploy - the old version of the code is shutdown.
According to the documentation, that's expected:
The shutdown process might be triggered by a variety of planned and unplanned events, such as:
You manually stop an instance.
You deploy an updated version to the service.
I understand that it's easier for most developers that way. But in my case, I'd like to keep the old versions running until the idle_timeout limit is reached. Does anyone know if there's a way to avoid the automatic shutdown and let the old versions to shutdown by themselves?
Per Google's documentation, when you deploy your code, the default flag of --stop-previous-version is used. This forces the previous version to be stopped. If you do not want that, you should explicitly use the --no-stop-previous-version in your deploy command (we also have this as a feature on our App, a GUI for GAE; you check or uncheck a checkbox).
Unfortunately, Google does not provide a way for the service to automatically shut down later. You'll have to manually shut it down and start the other version later.

Set traffic for Google App Engine using migrate option

We are on App Engine Standard running Python 3. Always used the following command in App Engine to migrate traffic after tests are passed.
gcloud app versions migrate $VERSION --service=“default”
Today around 11 am EET it stopped working. It waits for very long time and than exits with error. Permissions or anything else we can spot are changed.
After some investigation we found out that the following works:
gcloud app services set-traffic default --splits $VERSION=1
But we are afraid it drops all current connections.
We also tried (same as above but with --migrate):
gcloud app services set-traffic default --splits $VERSION=1 --migrate
But it didn't work in the same way as the original command we used.
Any ideas what may have caused this and is it safe to use the "set-traffic" command without --migrate option?

how do I delete multiple versions in an app on google cloud?

When I deploy a project I get this error
INVALID_ARGUMENT: Your app may not have more than 15 versions. Please delete one of the existing versions before trying to create a new version.
I also went to versions on google cloud and tried to delete it manually but it says you can not delete a version with traffic shares.
Please help, any advice are greatly appreciated
You'll need to keep one version (latest maybe?) and then migrate all traffic to it with the "Split Traffic" link here, away from all the other versions you want to delete.
Then you will be able to select and delete those versions since they no longer handle traffic.
Finally you deploy the new version (in fact you could do that as soon as you deleted enough versions to no longer see that error) and, if needed, migrate traffic to it.
Also see gcloud app deploy for options related to versioning and traffic migration right at deployment time which could help you prevent such situation in the future:
Promote the deployed version to receive all traffic.
True by default. To change the default behavior for your current
environment, run:
$ gcloud config set app/promote_by_default false
Overrides the default promote_by_default property value for this
command invocation. Use --no-promote to disable.
Stop the previously running version when deploying a new version
that receives all traffic. Overrides the default
stop_previous_version property value for this command invocation.
Use --no-stop-previous-version to disable.
--version=VERSION, -v VERSION
The version of the app that will be created or replaced by this
deployment. If you do not specify a version, one will be generated for

Maintaining separate environments with no downtime on update in app engine

I have been tweaking my environment in Google's App Engine to have several instances of my app for testing and production. However I am uncertain if the intended use of versions applies here.
App background:
- Node.js express app configured on app engine, using Cloud sql.
- 2 modules:
- - default/main - front end code code and API
- - workers - separate app that has a variety of workers
- Redis to keep track of the queue, kue.js for implementation
I was under the impression that I could use versions here, so that I keep only 2 modules, my default one and a workers module. Each will then have 2 versions, staging and production. The commands to push each one would then be:
gcloud preview app deploy --version staging --no-promote
gcloud preview app deploy --version production --promote --no-stop-previous-version
That is all separated well, and perhaps the intended use of versions. However, what I can't achieve with this is no downtime. What seems to happen is that the old machine is tore down then the new one build up, resulting in 3-4 minutes of down time during deploys. As opposed to keeping the old until the new is finished and then just rerouting. Note, the production version in this case should always have 100% of the traffic.
What I found to work well is to keep a module for each version, so I end up with 4 modules (default, default-staging, workers, workers-staging) and no real versions specified during deploys. When deploying with this, there is no downtime, but old versions are kept running:
gcloud preview app deploy --promote
I have a helper script to delete all versions that get 0% of the traffic. Is this the correct approach for setting up separate environments? Just looking for some feedback in case I am missing something obvious.

Unable to access BigQuery from local App Engine development server

This is specifically a question relating to server to server authorisation between a python Google AppEngine app and Google's BigQuery, but could be relevant for other cloud services.
tldr; Is it possible to get the App Engine local development server to authenticate with the remote BigQuery service? Better yet is there a local BigQuery?
I understand that AppAssertionCredentials does not currently work on the local development server, though that in itself is very frustrating.
The alternative method which works for standard python code, outside of the local development server sandbox, detailed here does not work for the local development server because even with PyCrypto enabled the sandbox does not allow some posix modules e.g. 'pwd'.
I have got AppAssertionCredentials working on the remote server and the SignedJwtAssertionCredentials method working in native python locally, so the service accounts are set up properly.
The imports fail within oauth2client/ within the try/except blocks - after commenting them out the sandbox whitelist exceptions are easily seen.
I've fiddled around with adding 'pwd' to the whitelist, then another problem crops up, so I scurried back out of that rabbit hole.
I've tried including PyCrypto directly into the project with similar results.
I've also tried with OpenSSL with similar results.
I have looked for a local appengine specific PyCrypto to no avail, have I missed one? I should say this is on Mac OSX - perhaps I should fire up a linux box and give that a go?
A recent release of Google App Engine SDK added support for the AppAssertionCredentials method on the development server. To use this method locally, add the following arguments to
$ --help
Application Identity:
--appidentity_email_address APPIDENTITY_EMAIL_ADDRESS
email address associated with a service account that
has a downloadable key. May be None for no local
application identity. (default: None)
--appidentity_private_key_path APPIDENTITY_PRIVATE_KEY_PATH
path to private key file associated with service
account (.pem format). Must be set if
appidentity_email_address is set. (default: None)
To use these:
In Google Developer Console, select a project then navigate to "API & auth" -> "Credentials" -> "Create new client ID".
Select "Service account" and follow the prompts to download the private key in PKCS12 (.p12) format. Take note of the email address for the service account.
Make sure you add that service account email address to the "Permissions" tab for any project that contains data it needs to access, by default it is added to the project team in which it was created.
Convert the PKCS12 format to PKCS1 format using the following command:
$ cat /path/to/xxxx-privatekey.p12 | openssl pkcs12 -nodes -nocerts -passin pass:notasecret | openssl rsa > /path/to/secret.pem
Start as:
$ --appidentity_email_address --appidentity_private_key_path /path/to/secret.pem ...
Use appidentity module and AppAssertionCredentials in the same manner locally as you normally would in production.
Please ensure that /path/to/secret.pem is outside of your application source directory so that it is not accidentally deployed as part of your application.
So searching deeper for PyCrypto and local appengine sandbox lead me onto this thread and response specifically...
This is fixed in 1.7.4. However, you must use easy_install -Z
(--always-unzip) to install PyCrypto. The default zipfile option in
OSX 10.8 is incompatible with the sandbox emulation in the
The solution turns out to be very straight forward...
I used:
sudo easy_install pycrypto
and it should have been:
sudo easy_install -Z pycrypto
as per the thread above. Using PIP will work as well:
pip install pycrypto
or a manual download and install of pycrypto will also work. I tested all three.
If you have installed pycrypto with easy_install and without -Z flag then you may want to install pip just so you can easily uninstall pycrypto...
easy_install pip
for the record I built and installed libgmp, as pil and the manual install showed this warning...
warning: GMP or MPIR library not found; Not building
Although this gave me fastmath, it was not essential to solve the problem as the Crypto libs gracefully fail to slowmath.
Another point that tripped me up for a bit was I removed pycrypto from app.yaml whilst testing to see if OpenSSL might give me all I need.
So dont forget to add...
- name: pycrypto
version: latest
into app.yaml under the libraries: section.
With this missing the native _counter library was not imported hence Counter failed etc.
Also for the record any talk of having to move Crypto into the app folders themselves or out of the default Mac OS X location of /Library/Python/2.7/site-packages/Crypto was only valid in earlier versions of the dev server.
Similarly there is now no need to edit any _WHITE_LIST_C_MODULES lists (which is in in appengine 1.8 onwards, which also includes the regex which allows Crypto.Util._counter etc)
The other bit of the puzzle in case you get here before discovering the key issue is that the key file you download from the console is PKCS12 and is downloaded as hex text, so I converted that to binary and then converted that to a PEM so I could include it in the source code.
I struggled with this one for a day or two. And I was finally able to get localhost working with server to server authentication, a service account and a .p12 cert.
If it's at all helpful to anyone, here's a simple gist:
I agree with the first post - the localhost/production impedance is a real pain in the a**. AppAssertionCredentials is the right way to go on production and I don't want to have two different code paths between production and localhost. So the development environments need to be adjusted to be able to perform the required authentication without affecting the main code path.
E.g., perhaps a developer could log in with their own Google account using and then that auth would be cached for a period such that AppAssertionCredentials would work out. The developer's Google account could be granted permissions on the appropriate environments (dev and test for us, e.g.)
re: "local BigQuery" - we have some initial stuff in place that uses SQLLite to simulate BigQuery interactions for unit tests and other offline/local testing, but of course, it's not a great simulation. I agree that all the Cloud Platform products need to spend as much time thinking about the development-time experience as App Engine has.
Is it possible to get the App Engine local development server to authenticate with the remote BigQuery service?
I think it's impossible to use AppAssertionCredentials as authentication method between BigQuery service and your local App Engine server currently.
Alternatively, I'm using OAuth2 authentication which is associated with specific user(this user must be registered in your project at google api console) to access BigQuery from local App Engine server.
For getting user OAuth2 authentication, I use oauth2client.client module in the app code.
I hope this will be helpful to your problem.
This is what I'm doing for getting the user OAuth2 authorization.
Added missing import statement.
Thanks mattes!
import os
import webapp2
import httplib2
from oauth2client.client import OAuth2Credentials
from oauth2client.appengine import StorageByKeyName, CredentialsModel, OAuth2DecoratorFromClientSecrets
from google.appengine.api import users
oauth2_decorator = OAuth2DecoratorFromClientSecrets(
os.path.join(os.path.dirname(__file__), 'client_secrets.json'),
oauth2_decorator._kwargs = {'approval_prompt': 'force'}
class TestPage(webapp2.RequestHandler):
def get(self):
user_id = users.get_current_user().user_id()
credentials = StorageByKeyName(CredentialsModel, user_id, 'credentials').locked_get()
http = credentials.authorize(httplib2.Http()) # now you can use this http object to access BigQuery service
application = webapp2.WSGIApplication([
('/', TestPage),
(oauth2_decorator.callback_path, oauth2_decorator.callback_handler()),
], debug=True)
