how do I delete multiple versions in an app on google cloud? - google-app-engine

When I deploy a project I get this error
INVALID_ARGUMENT: Your app may not have more than 15 versions. Please delete one of the existing versions before trying to create a new version.
I also went to versions on google cloud and tried to delete it manually but it says you can not delete a version with traffic shares.
Please help, any advice are greatly appreciated

You'll need to keep one version (latest maybe?) and then migrate all traffic to it with the "Split Traffic" link here, away from all the other versions you want to delete.
Then you will be able to select and delete those versions since they no longer handle traffic.
Finally you deploy the new version (in fact you could do that as soon as you deleted enough versions to no longer see that error) and, if needed, migrate traffic to it.
Also see gcloud app deploy for options related to versioning and traffic migration right at deployment time which could help you prevent such situation in the future:
Promote the deployed version to receive all traffic.
True by default. To change the default behavior for your current
environment, run:
$ gcloud config set app/promote_by_default false
Overrides the default promote_by_default property value for this
command invocation. Use --no-promote to disable.
Stop the previously running version when deploying a new version
that receives all traffic. Overrides the default
stop_previous_version property value for this command invocation.
Use --no-stop-previous-version to disable.
--version=VERSION, -v VERSION
The version of the app that will be created or replaced by this
deployment. If you do not specify a version, one will be generated for


How to deploy a new version of a Google App Engine production server, without stopping old versions?

I'm running a Google App Engine production server, using basic_scaling as the scale type. Whenever I update the code and deploy it - using gcloud app deploy - the old version of the code is shutdown.
According to the documentation, that's expected:
The shutdown process might be triggered by a variety of planned and unplanned events, such as:
You manually stop an instance.
You deploy an updated version to the service.
I understand that it's easier for most developers that way. But in my case, I'd like to keep the old versions running until the idle_timeout limit is reached. Does anyone know if there's a way to avoid the automatic shutdown and let the old versions to shutdown by themselves?
Per Google's documentation, when you deploy your code, the default flag of --stop-previous-version is used. This forces the previous version to be stopped. If you do not want that, you should explicitly use the --no-stop-previous-version in your deploy command (we also have this as a feature on our App, a GUI for GAE; you check or uncheck a checkbox).
Unfortunately, Google does not provide a way for the service to automatically shut down later. You'll have to manually shut it down and start the other version later.

Couldn't migrate to another service version with GCloud CLI

I have read the document which says that gcloud app versions migrate operation can migrate traffics into another version, but it couldn't. The error description seems to say something informative, but no help to me. On GCP control panel, version migration works fine. What's happening on this?
$ gcloud app versions migrate 20190122-120543-ebbfbc9 -s q
Migrating all traffic from version [q/20190129-164614-09e8288] to
Do you want to continue (Y/n)?
ERROR: ( Issues migrating all traffic of service(s): [q]
INVALID_ARGUMENT: Invalid request.
- '#type':
- description: Warmup requests must be enabled for all versions that will gain additional
traffic as a result of the traffic migration.
field: service.split.allocations[20190122-120543-ebbfbc9]
When you use gcloud app versions migrate it will try to do a gradual migration. Gradual traffic migration is only supported for the Standard environment and you have to enable warmup requests on the target version for this to work.
It’s working on GCP Console because there you’ll be prompted to do an immediate migration if the above conditions are not met.
If you want to use gcloud to migrate traffic to a GAE Standard version set to warmup disabled, or Flex environment, you can use the following command which will actually split the traffic immediately (not gradually) 100% to the target version:
gcloud app services set-traffic [MY_SERVICE] --splits [MY_VERSION]=1
You can find more information here
Hope it helps! :)

Why is Google App Engine Making --set-default a default parameter?

So, in the past, when I've used Google App Engine, I've utilized their wonderful version system to create an integration, staging, and production environment. When we're ready to go live, we set the production environment to be the default, and it starts receiving traffic at the standard AppSpot URL (, if it's not the default you have to manually go to the version itself ( for your testing. This is an awesome system for a pre-prod deployment with a full test.
However, I just went to do an App Engine deployment today and got this warning:
WARNING: Soon, deployments will set the deployed version to receive all traffic by
To keep the current behavior (where new deployments do not receive any traffic),
use the `--no-promote` flag or run the following command:
$ gcloud config set app/promote_by_default false
To adopt the new behavior early, use the `--promote` flag or run the following
$ gcloud config set app/promote_by_default true
Either passing one of the new flags or setting one of these properties will
silence this message.
So, apparently, very soon Google will make it so that for every deploy of any version, they will just automatically promote that to be the default and be accessible at the standard AppSpot URL.
My question is, what's the benefit in this? I can't use this for A/B testing (since there's no B in the equation here). I can't use this as a pre-prod test, because it takes over my environment right away. Why would I want any version I push up to be the default? Am I missing something? Was I using versions wrong?
I'm just genuinely curious.

How to permanently delete Google managed VMs

I am unable to permanently delete Google App Engine managed VMs I've created. I've deleted them multiple times both from the developer's console and by using the gcloud command. In every case the command completes successfully and the VM is deleted, but then almost immediately Google creates a brand new VM to take its place.
Does anyone know how to permanently delete managed VMs? Thanks.
We are working on improving this experience. For now, though, one workaround is to deploy a non-Managed VM instance as the default version and delete any other versions that are Managed VM-based. Again, this issue is on our radar to be fixed.
[Chris Ramsdale, Product Manager for App Engine]
I wanted to update this post with some of my solutions to deploying (with versions) and deleting instances on Google Compute Engine's managed VMs. Here's a solution I found for deleting the default GCE managed VM:
Make sure you have the up-to-date GCE components. Run gcloud components update in the Google Cloud SDK Shell.
In your app.yaml, remove the vm:true, resources: section, and manual scaling: section.
Navigate to Compute -> App Engine -> Versions and record the <default-version-number>. Mine looks like 20150722t1245032 with the words (default) indicating the default version.
Deploy the application, set the default, and specify the default version. gcloud preview app deploy "...\app.yaml" --set-default --version=<default-version-number>.
Navigate to Compute -> Compute Engine -> VM instances. Select the default instance and delete.
I was also taught how to stop deploying additional instances:
The key is to specify the version number gcloud preview app deploy "...\app.yaml" --set-default --version=<version-number>. #ZacharyNewman was able to help me with this problem.
And finally, this is how to delete the additional versions of an instance:
Navigate to Compute -> App Engine -> Versions and delete the versions you don't want.
Navigate to Compute -> Compute Engine -> VM instances. Select the instances you don't want and delete.
Hope this helps!
There might be a simpler way to explain this -- "basically, you cannot delete a version that's receiving 100% of the traffic."
Therefore, you just need to create a non managed VM, like a simple helloworld application. Then, you can move all of the traffic to this helloworld application (see graphic, I named mine version 0), then, delete version 20160... or whatever the name of your vm is.
At some point in time, you're probably going to experiment or spin up your managed VM again. When you do that, it will automatically start getting 100% of the traffic.
Or, if you happen to know version number receiving 100% of the traffic, you can always deploy a simple, non managed VM, with this version.
In Google Cloud Console under App Engine -> Versions , select the default version of your managed VM application and use STOP button to turn it off.
I ran into the same problem this is how i was able to stop the managed VM permanently. Just go to appengine -> settings -> disable application. This will automatically stop and delete your VM. In future if you want to run managed vm just enable application this will redeploy your application to the last known version.

Google App Engine not updating deployed files

I'm getting some strange issues with google app engine serving old versions of files. I have included some logging in one of my servlets and deployed to google app engine several times over the last 24 hours. However, instead of seeing the logging i added, I'm seeing logs from a previous version of the file every time the servlet runs.
I've tried changing versions and redeploying but this doesnt seem to fix the problem.
I'm using Eclipse Juno with the app engine plugin if that makes a difference.
Any ideas what I can try or what I might be doing wrong?
I had a similar problem recently, and that I fixed by logging into>MyAppIdentifier>(Main)>Versions and selecting the current version as the default.
This should not only serve your latest version, but also use the latest version for log viewing and other administrative tasks.
In the logs, make sure that you're checking the correct version:
Otherwise redeploy to a brand new version and check that version explicitly directly from the version url that can be found under the Versions section.
Make sure that before redeploying your APP after making changes you Remove Launch and Remove All Terminated launches by pressing the double cross buttons next to the "clear console" buttons on the console window in Eclipse...I hope this solve your problem.
December 2020 Answer
Not sure if this is an account or billing specific setting, but I found that App Engine started not updating to my latest app deploy once I reached 50 Versions in my App Engine list.
After deleting a bunch of old versions (taking down to 30) on next deploy it picked up my latest changes immediately.
It could be due to caching issue. Try reloading the website by adding a query parameter . Eg <website-url>?q=1 and see if changes are reflected
Open the url -> latest-version-number-dot-website-url . Latest version number can be obtained by clicking on version menu item on the side bar as seen below
If you have app.yaml file in your source code. Try removing headers related to caching and deploy and check to confirm its a caching issue. Caching headers could be of below form
Cache-Control: public, max-age=604800, immutable
Also make sure your project compiles correctly and doesn't contain any errors. I had this problem basically because I was deploying old compiled code, while it gave me an error "you have errors in your project, are you sure you want to deploy?"
I tried all the suggestions on SO, but ultimately, I found the best fix.
Because I transferred domain names and web hosting, I neglected to change my Domain's Resource Records. After making sure my code worked properly with the application (, I created a Custom Domain found in Console menu > App Engine > Settings > Custom domains
After you add the custom domain, make sure you change your Domain setting's CNAME www alias to the prescribed value (for me it was
Since changing that CNAME value, all of my subsequent deploys updated immediately. Hope this works for you and all others. Happy coding!
The gcloud (at list in python) has problem with line 'skip_files' in app.yaml,
So you can try the old method of deploying app with app engine,
use instead of gcloud.
see how in
