Why is Google App Engine Making --set-default a default parameter? - google-app-engine

So, in the past, when I've used Google App Engine, I've utilized their wonderful version system to create an integration, staging, and production environment. When we're ready to go live, we set the production environment to be the default, and it starts receiving traffic at the standard AppSpot URL (myapp.appspot.com), if it's not the default you have to manually go to the version itself (dev.myapp.appspot.com) for your testing. This is an awesome system for a pre-prod deployment with a full test.
However, I just went to do an App Engine deployment today and got this warning:
WARNING: Soon, deployments will set the deployed version to receive all traffic by
To keep the current behavior (where new deployments do not receive any traffic),
use the `--no-promote` flag or run the following command:
$ gcloud config set app/promote_by_default false
To adopt the new behavior early, use the `--promote` flag or run the following
$ gcloud config set app/promote_by_default true
Either passing one of the new flags or setting one of these properties will
silence this message.
So, apparently, very soon Google will make it so that for every deploy of any version, they will just automatically promote that to be the default and be accessible at the standard AppSpot URL.
My question is, what's the benefit in this? I can't use this for A/B testing (since there's no B in the equation here). I can't use this as a pre-prod test, because it takes over my environment right away. Why would I want any version I push up to be the default? Am I missing something? Was I using versions wrong?
I'm just genuinely curious.


How to deploy a new version of a Google App Engine production server, without stopping old versions?

I'm running a Google App Engine production server, using basic_scaling as the scale type. Whenever I update the code and deploy it - using gcloud app deploy - the old version of the code is shutdown.
According to the documentation, that's expected:
The shutdown process might be triggered by a variety of planned and unplanned events, such as:
You manually stop an instance.
You deploy an updated version to the service.
I understand that it's easier for most developers that way. But in my case, I'd like to keep the old versions running until the idle_timeout limit is reached. Does anyone know if there's a way to avoid the automatic shutdown and let the old versions to shutdown by themselves?
Per Google's documentation, when you deploy your code, the default flag of --stop-previous-version is used. This forces the previous version to be stopped. If you do not want that, you should explicitly use the --no-stop-previous-version in your deploy command (we also have this as a feature on our App, a GUI for GAE; you check or uncheck a checkbox).
Unfortunately, Google does not provide a way for the service to automatically shut down later. You'll have to manually shut it down and start the other version later.

Set traffic for Google App Engine using migrate option

We are on App Engine Standard running Python 3. Always used the following command in App Engine to migrate traffic after tests are passed.
gcloud app versions migrate $VERSION --service=“default”
Today around 11 am EET it stopped working. It waits for very long time and than exits with error. Permissions or anything else we can spot are changed.
After some investigation we found out that the following works:
gcloud app services set-traffic default --splits $VERSION=1
But we are afraid it drops all current connections.
We also tried (same as above but with --migrate):
gcloud app services set-traffic default --splits $VERSION=1 --migrate
But it didn't work in the same way as the original command we used.
Any ideas what may have caused this and is it safe to use the "set-traffic" command without --migrate option?

Downloading App Engine source code

So it seems from a few SO questions I've seen that this is a problem among other users. Recently one of our head dev's left and I inherited a lot of his projects. One of which, is a website that what seems like lives on an app engine from google cloud platforms. From the App Engine documentation, to download source code you use the appcfg.py download_app command. Which I did, however the only results I get back from that call is:
Fetching file list...
Fetching files...
And then it just ends. No error message or any kind of message at all, and of course, it did not download the source code into the output dir I specified.
Scratching my head and looking at various SO posts, someone mentioned something about going into the google cloud vm directly and doing the same command, and to my surprise finding the same exact behavior that I did in my local terminal.
This made me realize it must be something else at play. I took a look at my versions tab in the App Engine dashboard on GCP. I see my instance running, it correctly says Serving and if I click the link it brings me to the website which loads fine. However, under Size it says 0 B which made me think perhaps this is why the download_app isn't downloading anything, because the version is 0 B?
What I'm trying to figure out is why it says 0 B for the version, when clearly the site runs fine and how I can get the source code for this. Here's a screenshot for reference
And screenshot of my terminal (local). Obviously I omitted the -A and -V flags, but they are correctly set and if I purposely make them incorrect I do indeed get an error message.
Just so everyone is aware, I also made sure my user had the correct permissions. Owner, App Engine Owner... and some others. I don't think that's the problem.
When you deploy an App Engine Flexible application, the source code is uploaded to Cloud Storage on your project in a bucket named staging.<project-id>.appspot.com. You can navigate in this bucket and download the source code for a specific version as a .tar file.
Alternatively, you can find the exact Cloud Storage URL for your source code by going to Dev Console > Container Registry > Build History and select the build for your version. You'll find the link to your source code under Build Information.
One thing to note however is that the staging... bucket is created by default with a Lifecycle rule that deletes files older than 15 days automatically. You can delete this rule if you want so that all versions' source code is kept indefinitely.
In your case I believe that may not have helped since files may have been deleted already but it's worth knowing you can get the source code from there (source code isn't pushed to Source Repository by default, your developer had to configure it manually).
Posting this since none of the listed methods on the web didn't take me to the code (by June 2021)
Note: appcfg.py is deprecated by Google
You could try accessing your source code through;
Google Cloud Platform > Debugger > choosing the version of the
Application from combo at top.
This will list the files of that version on the left pane. There is no way to download code automatically but you can copy-paste the code.
Advice: Push your code to a Git repository to avoid this hassle next time.
Hope you will find this helpful.
In the developer console you can select the respective project and check:
on the Services page - which services, AKA modules - as they used to be (and still are) called in various places, you app has deployed
on the Versions page - which versions for each of the services are deployed
This information is what appcfg.py download_app expects. See also:
the various appcfg.py options using its --help flag
How do I download a specific service's source code off of AppEngine?
You can also access the deployed source code live (if everything else fails it could still be a last resort method to get the code, but tedious), see my answer to Google Cloud DataStore automatic indexing
I just now noticed in your screenshot that it's a flexible environment app. The appcfg.py docs are in the standard environment section, I suspect it's not applicable to the flexible environment, for which what's deployed is actually a docker image built during the deployment operation. From Deploying your application:
Deploy your app to App Engine using the gcloud app deploy
command. This command automatically builds a container image by using
the Container Builder service and then deploys that image to the
App Engine flexible environment. The container will include any local
modifications that you've made to the runtime image.
It might be possible to access the code on the actual GCE instance running the app, by connecting to the running instance and starting a shell in your app container, see Connecting to the instance

how do I delete multiple versions in an app on google cloud?

When I deploy a project I get this error
INVALID_ARGUMENT: Your app may not have more than 15 versions. Please delete one of the existing versions before trying to create a new version.
I also went to versions on google cloud and tried to delete it manually but it says you can not delete a version with traffic shares.
Please help, any advice are greatly appreciated
You'll need to keep one version (latest maybe?) and then migrate all traffic to it with the "Split Traffic" link here, away from all the other versions you want to delete.
Then you will be able to select and delete those versions since they no longer handle traffic.
Finally you deploy the new version (in fact you could do that as soon as you deleted enough versions to no longer see that error) and, if needed, migrate traffic to it.
Also see gcloud app deploy for options related to versioning and traffic migration right at deployment time which could help you prevent such situation in the future:
Promote the deployed version to receive all traffic.
True by default. To change the default behavior for your current
environment, run:
$ gcloud config set app/promote_by_default false
Overrides the default promote_by_default property value for this
command invocation. Use --no-promote to disable.
Stop the previously running version when deploying a new version
that receives all traffic. Overrides the default
stop_previous_version property value for this command invocation.
Use --no-stop-previous-version to disable.
--version=VERSION, -v VERSION
The version of the app that will be created or replaced by this
deployment. If you do not specify a version, one will be generated for

Can I update only app.yaml file without uploading all project

Is there a way to update selected files when using the App Engine Flexible env?
I'm facing an issue whenever I do a small change in the app.yaml file: to test it I would need to deploy the whole application which takes ~5mins.
Is there a way to update only the config file? OR is there a way to test these files locally.
The safe/blanket answer would be no as the flex env docker image would need to be updated regardless of how tiny the changes are, see How can I speed up Rails Docker deployments on Google Cloud Platform?
However, there might be something to try (YMMV).
From App Engine Flexible Environment:
You always have root access to Compute Engine VM instances. SSH access to VM instances in the flexible environment is disabled by
default. If you choose, you can enable root access to your app's VM
So you might be able to login as root on your GAE instance VM and try to manually modify a particular app artifact. Of course, you'd need to locate the artifact first.
Some artifacts might not even be present in the VM image itself (those used exclusively by the GAE infra, queue definitions, for example). But it should be possible to update these artifacts without updating the docker image, since they aren't part of the flex env service itself.
Other artifacts might be read-only and it might not be possible to change them to read-write.
Even if possible, such manual changes would be volatile, they would not survive an instance reload (which would be using the unmodified docker image), which might be required for some changes to take effect.
Lots of "might"s, lots of risks (manual fiddling with the app code could negatively impact its functionality), up to you to determine if a try is really worthy.
Update: it seems this is actually documented and supported, see Accessing Google App Engine Python App code in production
