Can I have 2 different forms of the same tree? - avl-tree

If have example numbers 54, 23, 5, 65, 76, 34, 87 and I want to insert them in an AVL or redblack tree can I have 2 different forms of the same tree for example 2 different AVL tree?

If you use standard (deterministic) implementation, that is, there're no random choices made when making changes to a tree, then you end up with the same tree for same sequences of operations.


Actionscript 3, parsing giant tables of external data into usable arrays

I have a basic understanding of AS2 and AS3. I previously tried creating giant arrays in my file so that I could compare arrays against each other, but it would be far better to have the data tables as external files since there is so much of it. If I want to scale up my analysis, there are millions of entries in total. Ideally I can click a button and then it only loads in the part that is needed. All data is meant to be static in their files. If the data needs modifying, I'll do it manually in the text files.
The way I set up tables are vertical. EX:
Year 1:
Name: Person 1, Person 2, Person 3, Person 4
Q1: 25, 22, 21, 14
Q2: 14, 25, 19, 33
Year 2:
Name: Person 1, Person 2, person 3, Person 4
Q1: 21, 15, 11, 6
Q2: 8, 35, 22, 9
I have found multiple suggestions on here for parsing txt files, but I remain unclear on how to pull in a table like this and turn it into an array. In this case, Name array would be [Q1, Q2,...]. Person 1 would be [25, 14,...] Since the array is nested, it would only contain data from Year 1. If I can get the basics of this working, the rest is just converting all my tables to txt files and just grinding through.
A bit more background: I'm using Flash to help visualize data since I can draw and do color changes easily in it. There are probably better software out there. I think I'm going the right direction, but if I'm making big mistakes in my assumptions, please correct me. There's other suggestions on here for other formats and methods, in theory the data could be put directly into another flash file as an array and included when needed, that might also work. Once again, I have a smaller scale of this working with the arrays just straight in Flash, it's just going to eventually die if I try and scale up. Thanks for your time.

Change "resolution" of an array

Imagine a given array is a quantized representation of a continuous function. I want to change the "resolution" of this quantization - change the length of the array but preserve its "shape". Scale the array, in a sense.
Rough example:
[1, 20, 40, 60, 80, 100] -> [1, 50, 100]
You could imagine this as a quantization of a the straight line graph y=x.
What I'm looking for is some term for this that would let me search for an algorithm quickly. Is there such a term?
Note: not the same as Array modification in Java (changing array "resolution"), although on the same topic. The person there didn't ask for a term for this process, and none of the answers are what I'm looking for.

How to implement bounce off collision between two nodes in ARKIT-Scenekit of iOS 11?

I am trying to implement collision bounce off between two nodes. From what i learnt, collision property will be set by default and if there is any contact between two nodes, it will bounce back. I have multiple virtual 3D objects that i add into scene. There is a provision for user to move the object anywhere. For example, let us say i have two objects table and chair, if i move chair towards the table, the chair overlaps with the table. But what i need is chair should bounce back since we already have table in that position.
I have multiple objects placed liked this. And user can move any object anywhere. But no two objects should overlap with each other.
I tried setting contactbitmask and collisionbitmask but no luck(I have 6 scenefiles and i have given values from 1, 2, 4, 8, 16, 32 as category masks and 62, 61, 59, 55, 47, 31 as collision and contact masks respectively for nodes of each scenefile).
I even tried using contactTestBetween but no idea what it returns and how to find out if there is contact between two bodies using this method. I understand it returns point of contact, impulse, penetration distance etc. but with these how to find out if there is contact between 2 nodes?

Test if a column is a superset of predefined set of data

I'm trying to compare teams' compositions to known configurations in order to see where I might have a problem :
The trials columns are to be compare against the differents scenarios to see if a column is a superset of a particular scenario (error being default).
Can it be done using index+match/lookup, or do I have to write some VB macro ?
EDIT : I've updated the question with a worksheet with input data.
Worksheet :
Github Gist : (python script for data gen)
(xlwt module needed to create excel workbooks).
I've simplified the problem using soccer teams : given 7 positions ( 1 goalie, 2 defenders, 2 midfield and 2 forward) and list of presence to certains week-end, I would like to know whether I'm gonna be able to provide a full team or am I to forfeit the match due to lack of key-players.
The positions :
styles = {
"Goalkeeper" : ["Goalkeeper"],
"Defender" : ["Centre back", "Wing"],
"Midfielder" : ["Centre midfield", "Wide"],
"Forward" : ["Centre forward","Winger"]
Most football players can play only one position, but some are more versatile and can play any positions in their own field (defense-midfield-attack).
Example of a team (18 pers.):
example_players = {
"Forward": [
[1, "Winger"],
[2, "Winger"],
[3, "Centre forward"],
[4, "Centre forward"]
"Defender": [
[5, "Centre back"],
[6, "Centre back", "Wing"],
[7, "Centre back", "Wing"],
[8, "Wing"],
[9, "Centre back"]
"Goalkeeper": [
[10, "Goalkeeper"],
[11, "Goalkeeper"]
"Midfielder": [
[12, "Centre midfield"],
[13, "Centre midfield"],
[14, "Wide", "Centre midfield"],
[15, "Centre midfield"],
[16, "Centre midfield"],
[17, "Wide", "Centre midfield"],
[18, "Wide", "Centre midfield"]
To make it more simple, I need at least one person in each zone (goal-def-mid-attack) to be able to play, the most comfortable situation being one person in each of the 7 positions.
ex scenario :
"no_defense_4" : ["Goalkeeper", "Wide", "Winger" ] ,
"no_attack_1" : ["Goalkeeper", "Centre midfield", "Centre back", ] ,
Now, given a list of a hundred weekends, and the list of the presence/abscence of players, I want to know the resulting situation.
I'm looking preferentially for a formula-based solution, since the worksheet will be uploaded and used in google drive
You can represent sets as bit vectors and then use bit operators "equal" or "AND" to test which sets get matched. Using bit vectors as set representation will solve problem of ordering and duplicate values automatically as position of each value in the bit vector is fixed and each bit will be "set" only once, regardless of how many times the value appears in the column that defines the set.
Simple to use bit vector representation in Excel including operators OR, AND, NOT is listed here:
For example following function
Converts values in the range $B$3->$B$12 into a bit vector representation having bits 0..5 defined so that the bit is set if the value in any column in the range is equal to:
bit 0 = T1
bit 1 = T2
bit 2 = S
bit 3 = PL
bit 4 = CC
bit 5 = GC
You can add more bits with other values easily by following the same copy/paste pattern.
So to check if certain column matches certain scenario, just compare the bit vectors. Use expression like IF(x=y;"warn2";IF(..)) and substitute bit vector of the column for x and bit vector of the warn2 scenario for y.
If partial matching is needed, you can use the bitwise AND operator as defined in the above article.
This solution as opposed to a VBA-based solution will require some copy/pasting discipline, e.g. when new trial column or new scenario will be added few expressions will have to be copy/pasted and few will have to be updated.
VBA-based solution might solve this maintenance problem automatically for you by using auto-detected CurrentRegions, all necessary logic hidden behind one macro-click.
EDIT: The bit vectors concept applied to the new soccer teams dataset
As it is ambiguous what will be the exact team setup on a given day as one player may be assigned different positions, I have simplified the problem in such a way that instead of "present" or "absent" I expect the table to contain player's position. It should not be a problem to achieve as if you know what positions the player can play then instead of absent,present you can define the set of valid values to be (empty or anything else),Midfielder,Centre midfield,Wide for players 14,17,18. List of valid available values can be configured for each cell using the "Data validation" rules. The abstract role Midfielder stands for "this player can play a midfielder, exact position is not known yet".
To represent positions I use bit vector calculated with this formula
=POWER(10;6)*MIN(COUNTIF(D2:ZZ2;"Goalkeeper");1)+POWER(10;5)*MIN(COUNTIF(D2:ZZ2;"Centre back");1)+POWER(10;4)*MIN(COUNTIF(D2:ZZ2;"Wing");1)+POWER(10;3)*MIN(COUNTIF(D2:ZZ2;"Centre midfield");1)+POWER(10;2)*MIN(COUNTIF(D2:ZZ2;"Wide");1)+POWER(10;1)*MIN(COUNTIF(D2:ZZ2;"Centre forward");1)+POWER(10;0)*MIN(COUNTIF(D2:ZZ2;"Winger");1)
the formula calculates bit vector from a range D2:ZZ2 in such a way so that each position in the range is counted only once and in final vector each position has a fixed place. It is useful to set number format of the vector to custom numeric format 0000000. For example a row containing Wide,Winger,Goalkeeper in any order with any number of repeats will evaluate to vector 1000101 where the left-most bit 6 stands for Goalkeeper and 2nd from the right goes bit 2 standing for Wide. The most comfortable situation is the one with bit vector evaluating to 1111111. The only purpose of this bit vector is to detect the comfortable situation
For matching scenarios to team setups I use another vector composed of 4 digits with this meaning:
leftmost digit 3 - number of goalies (at most 1 counts)
digit 2 - number of defenders (at most 2 counts)
digit 1 - number of midfielders (at most 2 counts)
rightmost digit 0 - number of forwards (at most 2 counts)
The formula to calculate this vector for range D2:ZZ2 looks like this
=POWER(10;3)*MIN(COUNTIF(D2:ZZ2;"Goalkeeper");1)+POWER(10;2)*MIN(COUNTIF(D2:ZZ2;"Defender")+COUNTIF(D2:ZZ2;"Centre back")+COUNTIF(D2:ZZ2;"Wing");2)+POWER(10;1)*MIN(COUNTIF(D2:ZZ2;"Midfielder")+COUNTIF(D2:ZZ2;"Centre midfield")+COUNTIF(D2:ZZ2;"Wide");2)+POWER(10;0)*MIN(COUNTIF(D2:ZZ2;"Forward")+COUNTIF(D2:ZZ2;"Centre forward")+COUNTIF(D2:ZZ2;"Winger");2)
It is useful to set number format of the vector to custom numeric format 0000. This same formula can calculate the 4-digit vector for team setup and for scenario.
Besides position names it can count also abstract position names like Defender.
For example in a row containing Centre back,Centre back,Goalkeeper,Goalkeeper,Goalkeeper,Defender,Defender,Midfielder,Midfielder,Winger the vector looks like 1221.
There are (1+1)*(2+1)*(2+1)*(2+1) = 54 different possible scenarios. I assume each of them is listed in the constraints sheet. You should be able to generate them all in python quite easily.
There are 2 sheets constraints with scenarios and events with days and team setups. The lookup formula that takes the vector calculated for a team setup in row #2 and searches the constraints sheet for a row with exactly the same vector and returns the value from the value column looks like this
$A2 - contains the 4-digit vector formula for the team setup
constraints!$A - column in the sheet with scenarios containing the 4-digit vector formula for the scenario
constraints!$B - column in the sheet with scenarios containing the scenario name - the thing you are looking for
2 - index of column constraints!$B
FALSE - means the lookup column does not have to be sorted
? - fallback value if no matching scenario was found (should not occur)
The Google docs link above contains the formulas, example 3 days and example 11 scenarios.
If there's something unclear let me know and I'll improve the answer as the Google docs link will vanish some day

Fastest possible lookup for known static set of integers?

I am implementing a VM compiler, and naturally, I've come to the point of implementing switches. Also naturally, for short switches, a sequential lookup array would be optimal but what about bigger switches?
So far I've come up with a data structure that gives me a pretty good lookup time. I don't know the name of that structure, but it is similar to a binary tree but monolith, with the difference it only applies to a static set of integers, cannot add or remove. It looks like a table, where value increases to the top and the right, here is an example:
Integers -89, -82, -72, -68, -65, -48, -5, 0, 1, 3, 7, 18, 27, 29, 32, 37, 38, 42, 45, 54, 76, 78, 87, 89, 92
and the table:
-65 3 32 54 92
-68 1 29 45 89
-82 -5 18 38 78
-89 -48 7 37 76
Which gives me the worst possible case width + height iterations. Let's say the case is 37, -65 is less than 37, so move to the right, same for 3 move to the right, same for 32 move to the right, 54 is bigger so move down (step a width since it is a sequential array anyway), 45 is bigger so move down, 38 is bigger so move down and there we have 37 in 7 hops.
Is there any possible faster lookup algorithm?
Also, is there a name for this kind of arrangement? I came up with it on my own, but most likely someone else did that before me, so it is most probably named already.
EDIT: OK, as far as I got it, a "perfect hash" will offer me better THEORETICAL performance. But how will this play out in real life? If I understand correctly a two level "perfect hash" will be rather spread out instead of a continuous block of memory, so while the theoretical complexity is lower, there is a potential penalty of tens if not hundreds of cycles before that memory is fetched. In contrast, a slower theoretical worst case scenario will actually perform better just because it is more cache friendly than a perfect hash... Or not?
When implementing switches among a diverse set of alternatives, you have several options:
Make several groups of flat lookup arrays. For example, if you see numbers 1, 2, 3, 20000, 20001, 20002, you could do a single if to take you to 1-s or to 20,000-s, and then employ two flat lookup arrays.
Discover a pattern. For example, if you see numbers 100, 200, 300, 400, 500, 600, divide the number by 100, and then go for a flat lookup array.
Make a hash table. Since all the numbers that you are hashing are known to you, you can play with the load factor of the table to make sure that the lookup is not going to take a lot of probing.
Your algorithm is similar to binary search, in the sense that it's from the "divide an conquer" family. Such algorithms have logarithmic time complexity, which may not be acceptable for switches, because they are expected to be O(1).
Is there any possible faster lookup algorithm?
Binary search is faster.
Binary search completes in log2(w*h) = log2(w) + log2(h).
Your algorithm completes in w+h.
