Check if windows service is automatic - batch-file

I am trying to create a batch script to see if Windows service, ex. wuauserv is set to an automatic start. So far, I have tried
sc query [ServiceName] | findstr /i "STATE"
but this only shows me the running state, and I want to know if it is set to start automatically. Bonus points for an IF statement that checks the state.
Here is the solution that I engineered thanks to the below people and others on SO. Feel free to make improvements on this GitHub Gist
ECHO This script re-enables Windows Update and sets it to Automatic.
ECHO However, this script needs to be run as admin.
net.exe session 1>NUL 2>NUL || goto :not_admin
echo Sucess! You ran this script with Admin rights!
sc qc "wuauserv" | findstr /i AUTO_START > nul
goto :check
if %ERRORLEVEL% equ 0 (
ECHO The service is set to start automatically.
) ELSE (
echo The service is NOT set to start automatically. Trying again.
sc config "wuauserv" start= auto
net start wuauserv
goto :check
echo ERROR: please run as admin
TIMEOUT 10 /nobreak

Try this batch file, which takes the service name as a parameter and returns 0 if automatic, 1 if not:
#echo off
if [%1]==[] (
echo Missing service name. Returning 2.
exit /b 2
sc qc "%1" | findstr /i AUTO_START > nul
if %ERRORLEVEL% equ 0 (
echo The "%1" service is set to start automatically. Returning 0.
exit /b 0
) else (
echo The "%1" service is NOT set to start automatically ^(or the service is inaccessible^). Returning 1.
exit /b 1

An alternative option using win32_service via WMIC:
WMIC Service Where "Name='wuauserv' And StartMode='Auto'" Get State /Value 2>Nul|Find "State="||Echo Service is not set to Auto
If you wanted to change the start mode, should it not be set to automatic, you could probably do that as a single command too:
WMIC Service Where "Name='wuauserv' And StartMode!='Auto'" Call ChangeStartMode "Auto"


How to play sound if phone connects to network?

I try to write a little batch script. It should play a sound if my phone joins my network.
#echo off
ping -n 1 | findstr TTL && start airsiren.wav
goto A
The problem is now that if the phone is detected, it repeatedly starts the sound. But it's supposed to just play once.
Does anyone know a simple fix? Maybe with an IF condition?
I haven't been doing much with batch, but I think I got some basic knowledge.
I suggest following code:
#echo off
set "LastExitCode=1"
%SystemRoot%\System32\ping.exe -n 1 | %SystemRoot%\System32\find.exe /C "TTL" >nul
if not %ErrorLevel% == %LastExitCode% set "LastExitCode=%ErrorLevel%" & if %ErrorLevel% == 0 start "Play sound" airsiren.wav
%SystemRoot%\System32\timeout.exe /T 5 /NOBREAK
if not errorlevel 1 goto Loop
PING outputs a line with TTL if there is a response on echo request and exits usually with value 0 on receiving a response and with 1 on getting no response. But PING does not always exit with 0 on a positive response which is the reason for using FIND.
FIND processes the output of PING and searches for lines containing the string TTL. FIND exits with value 0 on finding at least one line with TTL and otherwise with 1 for indicating no line found containing the search string. The output of FIND to handle STDOUT is of no interest and therefore reduced to a minimum by using option /C and redirected to device NUL.
Now the exit code of FIND is compared with an environment variable which holds last exit value of FIND initialized with value 1.
On current exit code being equal last exit code, there is no change in availability of the pinged device on network and therefore nothing to do.
Otherwise on a difference the current exit code is assigned to the environment variable for next loop run and current exit code is compared with value 0. If this second condition is true the pinged device sent the first time a positive response on echo request by PING. In this case the sound is played.
There is nothing else done on pinged device not available anymore on network, i.e. the exit code changes from 0 to 1.
Then a delay of 5 seconds is started using TIMEOUT with giving the user to break it with Ctrl+C. This reduces the processor core usage giving Windows the possibility to use the processor core for other processes and also reduces network usage when the pinged device is available at the moment on network. And of course the pinged device does not need anymore to permanently response on echo requests.
A jump to label Loop is done if TIMEOUT exited normally without a user break. Otherwise on user pressing Ctrl+C the batch file processing also ends.
TIMEOUT with parameter /NOBREAK requires Windows 7 or a later Windows version.
For understanding the used commands and how they work, open a command prompt window, execute there the following commands, and read entirely all help pages displayed for each command very carefully.
echo /?
find /?
goto /?
if /?
ping /?
set /?
start /?
timeout /?
See also single line with multiple commands using Windows batch file for an explanation of operator & and meaning of if not errorlevel 1.
This can be fixed very easily using %errorlevel% and an IF statement.
Original script by Jelle Geerts.
ping -n 1 "" | findstr /r /c:"[0-9] *ms"
if %errorlevel% == 0 (
echo Device was found!
start airsiren.wav
) else (
goto Search
My solution:
#echo off &:: modem_tester_xp+.bat
REM original
setlocal EnableDelayedExpansion
rem set connection name (for newer than Win XP) from Network Connections (preferred name doesn't have space)
set _connection_name=internet
rem make file which close this script
echo #echo.^>"%~dpn0.exit"^&#del /q "%%~f0">"%~dp0close_%~nx0"
for /f "tokens=2-4 delims==." %%a in ('wmic os get Version /value ^|find "="') do if "%%~c" neq "" set "_system_version=%%~a.%%~b"
set "_con_ip="
set "_my_ip.last="
::-n (seconds+1)
ping >nul -n 3
set "_my_ip="
if not defined _con_ip call :get_con_ip "%_connection_name%"
if defined _con_ip for /f "tokens=3-5 delims= " %%p in ('route print ^|find " "') do if "%%~r" neq "" if /i "%%~p"=="%_con_ip%" ( set "_my_ip=%%~p" ) else if /i "%%~q"=="%_con_ip%" set "_my_ip=%%~q"
rem if connection lost clean variable _my_ip.last
if not defined _my_ip (
set "_con_ip="
set "_my_ip.last="
) else if /i "%_my_ip%" neq "%_my_ip.last%" (
rem remember last connection addres
set "_my_ip.last=%_my_ip%"
call :2run
if not exist "%~dpn0.exit" goto start
del /q "%~dpn0.exit"
goto :eof
:get_con_ip &::ConnectionName:return variable _con_ip
if "%_system_version%"=="5.1" (
rem XP find modem address
for /f "tokens=2 delims== " %%a in ('netsh diag show gateway WAN* ^|find "." ^|find "="') do if "!_con_ip!"=="" set "_con_ip=%%~a"
) else (
rem if newer works like win7, if not: if "%_system_version%"=="6.1" (rem Windows 7
if "%~1" neq "" for /f "tokens=1,4* delims= " %%n in ('netsh interface ipv4 show interfaces ^|find /i "%~1"') do if "!_con_ip!"=="" if /i "%%~p"=="%~1" for /f "tokens=1* delims=:" %%i in ('netsh interface ipv4 show addresses %%~n ^|find "." ^|find /i "ip"') do if "!_con_ip!"=="" set "_con_ip=%%~j"
if "!_con_ip!" neq "" set "_con_ip=!_con_ip: =!"
goto :eof
rem run external
rem start "modem started" /min /b cmd /c "echo %date% %time% '%_my_ip%'&pause"
start airsiren.wav
There are two problems with your code
Your code will unconditionally goes to the beginning even after the phone is connected, so it repeats playing the sound. You could use ... && (start airsiren.wav & goto :EOF) to terminate the batch file or use another label other than :EOF to do something else. But this doesn't give you the option to keep monitoring the phone for disconnection and re-connection.
You have to check the setting of the default media player (Typically Windows Media Player) and make sure that it is not set to continuously loop or repeat the media. Also it is overkill and somewhat inconvenient to launch a full fledged media player just for playing back a short notification sound, and usually you have to close the media player afterwards.
So this is the code I propose which solves the above mentioned obstacles by providing the option to continuously monitor the phone's connection status and also provide a more programmatic way to play the notification sound in a self contained player by using a hybrid BAT/JSCript solution.
#if (#Code)==(#BatchScript) /* Hybrid BAT/JScript line */
#echo off
setlocal EnableExtensions DisableDelayedExpansion
set #PlaySound=start "" /b cscript //nologo //e:JScript "%~f0"
set "SoundFile.Connect=%SystemRoot%\media\ringout.wav"
set "SoundFile.Disconnect=?"
set "GenFail.Localized.Text=General failure"
:: set to 0 to disable continuous connection monitoring
set "ContinuousMonitoring=1"
set ""
set "Timeout=3000"
setlocal EnableDelayedExpansion
set "CheckGeneralFailure=1"
echo [%TIME%] Waiting for connection...
ping -n 1 %PhoneIP% -w %Timeout% | findstr "TTL" >nul && (
echo [!TIME!] Phone Connected.
!#PlaySound! "!SoundFile.Connect!"
if %ContinuousMonitoring% NEQ 0 goto :MonitorConnection
goto :EOF
) || (
if !CheckGeneralFailure! NEQ 0 (
ping -n 1 %PhoneIP% -w 100 | findstr /i /c:"%GenFail.Localized.Text%" >nul && (
ping -n 1 -w %Timeout% >nul
(call,) %= Set errorlevel to 0 =%
) || set "CheckGeneralFailure=0"
goto :WaitForConnection
ping -n 1 %PhoneIP% | findstr "TTL" >nul && (
ping -n 1 -w %Timeout% >nul
goto :MonitorConnection
) || (
echo [!TIME!] Phone Disconnected.
echo [!TIME!] Waiting for connection...
set "CheckGeneralFailure=1"
REM Play another sound for disconnect?
goto :WaitForConnection
goto :EOF
/*** End of batch code ***/
/*** JScript Sound Player ***/
var wmpps = {
Undefined : 0,
Stopped : 1,
Paused : 2,
Playing : 3,
ScanForward : 4,
ScanReverse : 5,
Buffering : 6,
Waiting : 7,
MediaEnded : 8,
Transitioning : 9,
Ready : 10,
Reconnecting : 11,
Last : 12
var SoundFile;
if (WScript.Arguments.length) SoundFile = WScript.Arguments(0);
var WaitCount = 0;
var objPlayer = new ActiveXObject("WMPlayer.OCX.7");
with(objPlayer) {
URL = SoundFile;
settings.volume = 100;
settings.setMode("loop", false);;
while(playState == wmpps.Transitioning) {
if (WaitCount > 200) break;
if (playState == wmpps.Playing) {
while(playState != wmpps.Stopped) WScript.Sleep(1000);

'for' loop variable not releasing on loop iterations

Been wrecking my brain all night trying to figure out why this isn't working, but one of my variables isn't releasing on the next iteration of my loop and I can't figure out why... The first pass of the loop seems to work fine, but the next iteration, the first variable gets locked and the script connects to the system that's already been configured.
I've been staring at this for a while now and no matter how I approach it, it still behaves badly. :/ The purpose is to read a text-string of a given file, and use it to modify (via Find and Replace (fnr.exe)) another file with several instances of the required data. I didn't have alot of luck with 'findstr' replacing so many instances of the text required so I went with a tool I've used before that seemed to work really well in it's previous scripting application...
Truth be told, I find myself stumbling with even the most basic code a lot of times, so any kind soul willing to impart some wisdom/assistance would be greatly appreciated!
Thanks in advance...
setlocal enabledelayedexpansion
> "%~dp0report.log" ECHO Batch Script executed on %DATE% at %TIME%
rem read computer list line by line and do
FOR /F %%A in (%~dp0workstations.txt) do (
SET lwn=
rem connect to workstation and read lwn.txt file
pushd "\\%WKSTN%\c$\"
FOR /F %%I in (\\%wkstn%\c$\support\lwn.txt) DO (
%~dp0fnr.exe --cl --dir "\\%WKSTN%\c$\support\folder\config" --fileMask "file.xml" --find "21XXXX" --replace "%%I"
IF ERRORLEVEL 0 ECHO Station %LWN%,Workstation %WKSTN%,Completed Successfully >> %~dp0report.log
IF ERRORLEVEL 1 ECHO Station %LWN%,Workstation %WKSTN%, A READ/WRITE ERROR OCCURRED >> %~dp0report.log
echo logwrite error 1 complete
ECHO ,,SYSTEM IS OFFLINE >> %~dp0report.log
set wkstn=
set lwn=
echo pop d complete
msg %username% Script run complete...
The ! notation must be used on all variables that are changed inside the loop.
C:>type looptest.bat
setlocal enabledelayedexpansion
rem read computer list line by line and do
FOR /F %%A in (%~dp0workstations.txt) do (
ECHO WKSTN is set to %WKSTN%
ECHO WKSTN is set to !WKSTN!
pushd "\\!WKSTN!\c$\"
) ELSE (
ECHO Host !WKSTN! is available
The workstations.txt file contained the following. (I should not give out actual host names.)
The output is...
C:>call looptest.bat
WKSTN is set to
After PUSHD, ERRORLEVEL is set to 0
After PUSHD, ERRORLEVEL is set to 0
Host LIVEHOST1 is available
WKSTN is set to
The network path was not found.
After PUSHD, ERRORLEVEL is set to 0
After PUSHD, ERRORLEVEL is set to 1
WKSTN is set to
After PUSHD, ERRORLEVEL is set to 0
After PUSHD, ERRORLEVEL is set to 0
Host LIVEHOST2 is available
Although your code have several issues, the main one is the use of % instead of ! when you access the value of variables modified inside a for loop (although you already have the "enabledelayedexpansion" part in setlocal command). However, I noted that you sometimes use the FOR replaceable parameter (like in --replace "%%I") and sometimes you use the variable with the same value (%LWN%), so a simpler solution in your case would be to replace every %VAR% with its corresponding %%A for parameter.
I inserted this modification in your code besides a couple small changes that make the code simpler and clearer.
> "%~dp0report.log" ECHO Batch Script executed on %DATE% at %TIME%
rem Read computer list line by line and do
FOR /F %%A in (%~dp0workstations.txt) do (
rem Connect to workstation and read lwn.txt file
pushd "\\%%A\c$\"
FOR /F "usebackq" %%I in ("\\%%A\c$\support\lwn.txt") DO (
%~dp0fnr.exe --cl --dir "\\%%A\c$\support\folder\config" --fileMask "file.xml" --find "21XXXX" --replace "%%I"
ECHO Station %%I,Workstation %%A,Completed Successfully >> %~dp0report.log
) ELSE (
ECHO Station %%I,Workstation %%A, A READ/WRITE ERROR OCCURRED >> %~dp0report.log
echo logwrite error 1 complete
) ELSE (
ECHO ,,SYSTEM IS OFFLINE >> %~dp0report.log
echo pop d complete
msg %username% Script run complete...

What is wrong with goto command in for loop?

I have a list of computers that I want to make some things according to tcp connection status.
I'm trying to check tcp connection and if errorlog is "1" so write line to log and skip to next computer.
The problem is that when a computer has no tcp connection the goto skip_action command takes the script to the end and exit and the other computers in the list left unprocessed.
I have also tried to use goto :eof and it terminates the script unexpected.
ipst.txt file:
This is the batch file code:
#echo off
setlocal enabledelayedexpansion
set computerslist=ipst.txt
for /f "usebackq tokens=1,2" %%A in ("%Computerslist%") do (
set Station_Num=%%A
set Comp_IP=%%B
ping !Comp_IP! -n 1 | findstr "TTL"
if !errorlevel!==1 (
echo Station !Station_Num! .... !Comp_IP! ..................... No Communication.>>%log%
goto skip_action
echo Getting Administrator Credentials:
net use \\!Comp_IP! /USER:WORKGROUP\****** ******
xcopy file.txt \\!Comp_IP!\c\temp\
echo Disconneting Session From Remote Computer :
net use \\!Comp_IP! /DELETE /YES
echo end of working on !Station_Num!
echo end of script
The problem here is that GOTO cancels the for loop.
But you can simply enclose your action in an ELSE block
for /f "usebackq tokens=1,2" %%A in ("%Computerslist%") do (
set Station_Num=%%A
set Comp_IP=%%B
ping !Comp_IP! -n 1 | findstr "TTL"
if !errorlevel!==1 (
echo Station !Station_Num! .... !Comp_IP! ..................... No Communication.>>%log%
) Else (
echo Getting Administrator Credentials:
net use \\!Comp_IP! /USER:WORKGROUP\****** ******
xcopy file.txt \\!Comp_IP!\c\temp\
echo Disconneting Session From Remote Computer :
net use \\!Comp_IP! /DELETE /YES
echo end of working on !Station_Num!
General form of if - else statement
If condition (
) else (
Statements to be executed if condition is not met
Make your call from the loop
You can have a function ping .. and parse variable references to it .. the preceding code could also be rendered as %%a and %%b being the first and second argument respectively -- in your function call ...
Call :pingcomputers %%a %%b
This way you avoid set altogether
Rem Pinging computer %~1
Ping %~2 ¦ find "reply"
If errorlevel 1 goto failed
(Actions to be performed if ping wa successful)
Assuming that your script has a label failed and actions performed if error level is not 0 ..
Not much of a script but hope it helps ...

stopping / starting services on an remote computer with wait for the result

I am writing a batch script which should stopp services on a remote computer, copy something and then start it again.
The fact, that sc doesn't wait for the service to return a full stop / start signal doesn't satisfy me, as I fear that the service might be inconsistend or failing, and then could damage the program code / database which is depending on those services.
therefore I searched for a workaround, to have something similiar to usage of net , and come around this:
sc \\remote_server stop Service1 >> %LOGFILE%
for /f "tokens=4" %%a in (' sc \\remote_server query Service ^|findstr STATE') do set ServiceResult=%%a
if %ServiceResult%=STOPPED (goto nextservice2)
goto askservice1
sc \\remote_service stop Service2 >> %LOGFILE%
for /f "tokens=4" %%a in (' sc \\remote server query Service ^|findstr STATE') do set ServiceResult2=%%a
if %ServiceResult2%=STOPPED (goto nextservice3)
goto askservice2
this goes on for 6 services, then the copy will be done, and then the run should go other way round with starting up
as you can see, this is a. really strange and looks confusing and b, it could end in an endless loop if the service won't get to the state I am comparing to...
my questions would be, how can I terminate the goto after a few tries and just let it go to the next service ?
or do you have any other code for me that helps ? I am limited to use batch or powershell but as I've never used PS before, I couldn't understand the solutions I've found.
Try this and see if it works for you. I tested it on my local machine with 2 services and it worked well. You'll have to tweak some of the ping timeout settings and take out the echo for the file copy but overall it should give you a nice starting place.
#echo off
setlocal enabledelayedexpansion
set "stopstart=stop"
set "state=STOPPED"
set "remoteserver=REMSERV"
set "LogFile=Logfile.log"
if exist %LogFile% del /q %LogFile%
for %%S in (service1 service2 service3 service4 service5 service6) do (
sc \\%remoteserver% %stopstart% %%S>>%LogFile%
Call :WaitForService %remoteserver% %%S %state% ret && (
echo Service %%S %state%
set /a svc+=1) || (
Service %%S is !state!
if "%svc%" EQU "6" (
echo copy file now.
ping -n 10>nul
set "stopstart=start"
set "state=RUNNING"
goto :Start
if "%svc%" EQU "12" (Echo All services are now running.)
exit /b
:WaitForService <remoteserver> <service> <stopstart> <return>
for /L %%a in (1,10,1) do (
for /f "tokens=4" %%a in ('
sc \\%~1 query %~2^|findstr "STATE"') do (
ping -n 2 -w 10000>nul
if "%%a" EQU "%~3" set %~4=%%a & exit /b 0
exit /b 1
What it's doing is setting some variables at the start then looping through all 6 of your services sending them to a subroutine that checks the wait state given to it. In the first iteration, it's STOPPED so it checks in a loop for the service to be stopped. Once it is STOPPED, it sends an exit code and we check that exit code to make sure the service stopped. At this point, we add a +1 to a variable to keep track of each service that has stopped. Once all 6 have stopped, we copy the file in question, flip the state of the services to RUNNING and run through the routine again waiting for each of the services to start. Once all of them are started, it Echo's all services are running and ends. You can probably expand upon it more by checking additional states and running through the WaitForService routine until everything has STOPPED if you need to but in my testing, the services just stopped and started without any hiccups.

I'm trying to make an auto-updating .bat program

So, how I have it done right now, is that it that it calls another bat file to update it, and then that batch file updates, and sets %ERRORLEVEL% to 1. At the start of the original program, it checks if errorlevel is 1, if yes, it goes to the main menu, but right now, it doesn't call the update file, it just goes to the menu. This is my code
Main program
IF %errorlevel% EQU 1 goto begin
call updater.bat
echo MENU
set=errorlevel 1
wget (updatelink here)
call mainprogram.bat
Right now, sometimes it works, sometimes it doesn't, which leads me to believe that some command is somehow increasing the errorlevel, but the only code before the errorlevel check is
#echo off
color 0f
set currentver=v0.5.6
(check code)IF %errorlevel% EQU 1 goto begin
Here is what I have right now.
Don't play around with errorlevel. It's an internal variable. At the start of a batch, errorlevel will be 0 because all you've done is set a local variable. This will almost always ( never say never ) succeed. Also, if errorlevel is 1, and I'm reading this correctly you also seem to have an infinite loop? From what I understand of what you've said your batches are like this:
#echo off
color 0f
set currentver=v0.5.6
IF %errorlevel% EQU 1 goto begin
call updater.bat
echo MENU
set=errorlevel 1
wget (updatelink here)
call mainprogram.bat
As errorlevel get's overwritten each time you do anything you're asking for trouble. Change %errorlevel% to %error% and it should solve your problems. As it's a local environment variable it should also be passed between batch files. Just be careful not to use error elsewhere.
Here is a solution using Dropbox Public Folders and no wget. It uses PowerShell that in on Win7+ machines.
Update the below url with your own.
It auto creates a .conf file for configuration.
Set __deploy_mode to 1 for the file on dropbox so the version file can be updated but the script not accidentally executed.
SET time_start=%time%
SET time_choice_wait=20
SET script_ver=1.00
SET script_name=%~n0
SET server_url=
SET script_name_bat=%~dp0%script_name%.bat
SET script_name_cfg=%~dp0%script_name%.conf
SET script_name_latest_ver=%~dp0%script_name%.latest.ver
ECHO %script_name% v%script_ver%
ECHO %script_ver% > %script_name%.current.ver
FOR /f "delims=" %%x IN (%script_name%.conf) DO (SET "%%x")
IF %__deploy_mode% EQU 1 GOTO :EOF
IF %auto_update_compare% EQU 1 CALL :SCRIPT_COMPARE_VER
REM =======================================
REM TODO Add main content
ECHO Waiting for content...
REM =======================================
ECHO Creating new %script_name%.conf file...
ECHO __deploy_mode=0 > "%script_name_cfg%"
ECHO repository_base_url=%server_url% >> "%script_name_cfg%"
ECHO auto_update_compare=1 >> "%script_name_cfg%"
ECHO auto_update_download=1 >> "%script_name_cfg%"
ECHO Update %script_name%.conf as needed, then save and close to continue.
ECHO Waiting for notepad to close...
NOTEPAD "%script_name_cfg%"
ECHO Please wait while script versions are compared...
Powershell -command "& { (New-Object Net.WebClient).DownloadFile('%server_url%%script_name%.current.ver', '%script_name_latest_ver%') }"
IF NOT EXIST "%script_name_latest_ver%" GOTO END
SET /p script_latest_ver= < "%script_name_latest_ver%"
IF %script_ver% EQU %script_latest_ver% CALL :SCRIPT_COMPARE_VER_SAME
IF %script_ver% NEQ %script_latest_ver% CALL :SCRIPT_COMPARE_VER_DIFF
ECHO Versions are both %script_name% v%script_ver%
ECHO Current Version:%script_ver% ^| Server Version:%script_latest_ver%
IF %auto_update_download% EQU 1 GOTO SCRIPT_DOWNLOAD_SCRIPT
ECHO Would you like to download the latest %script_name% v%script_latest_ver%?
ECHO Defaulting to N in %time_choice_wait% seconds...
CHOICE /C YN /T %time_choice_wait% /D N
ECHO Please wait while script downloads...
Powershell -command "& { (New-Object Net.WebClient).DownloadFile('%server_url%%script_name%.bat', '%script_name_bat%') }"
ECHO Script Updated to v%script_latest_ver%^^!
REM User must exit script. Current batch is stale.
SET time_end=%time%
ECHO Script started:%time_start%
ECHO Script ended :%time_end%
ECHO Please close this window
You can do that through these steps:
1.put two files in server,a config file, a higher version bat file which need to update; set last version num. in config file.
2.client bat should be checked update at every startup time. you can read the news version in server config file, then compared to local bat file version. if not equal, so do update, else other wise.
Do you have any problems?
