Share variable between two windows. Angularjs - angularjs

From my angularjs application I open a new window:
$$state.href('catalog-detalleTicketMapa', {
id: $localStorage.idRamdom
}), 'window', 'height=700,width=700');
And when I close that new window I want the parent window to know about that event, and I do the following
// controller auxiliary window
vm.onExit = function () {
$window.onbeforeunload = vm.onExit;
// controller main windows
$scope.$on('ventanaCerrada', function () {
$rootScope.ventanaAbierta = false;
If it enters the event $rootScope.$broadcast but not to the event scope.$on.
I have also tested with localStorage, but it is only updated in the auxiliary window, but the main one does not.
How can I share a variable between two open windows at the same time in my browser?

When you open a new window with $, it won't share the scope with the calling window, so it's impossible (afaik) to broadcast anything between them with angular. But the calling window can access global variables in the opened window, so I'm using something like an observer to watch that variable.
I have the following code in a WindowService to open the new window (we only open a single window; if you need more, you need to adjust the code):
.service('WindowService', ['$window', '$interval', '$timeout',
function ($window, $interval, $timeout) {
var self = this;
this.myOpenWindow = null;
// opens a window and starts the wait-function
this.openWindow = function (url, callbackFn) {
// open the window
self.myOpenWindow = $;
// Puts focus on the new window
if (window.focus) {
// check for response in opened window
this.waitStarted = false;
this.waitForResponse = function (callbackFn) {
if (!self.waitStarted && self.myOpenWindow) {
self.waitStarted = true;
var intervalPeriod = 1000; // check once every second
var waitHandler;
waitHandler = $interval(function (index) {
if (self.myOpenWindow.closed) {
// window was closed, commence cleaning operation
waitHandler = $timeout(function () {
// re-initialize waitStarted so it can be used again
self.waitStarted = false;
// call callback-Function when the window is closed
if (callbackFn) {
}, intervalPeriod);
} else {
// window is still open, check if the observed variable is set
if (self.myOpenWindow && self.myOpenWindow.response_message) {
var message = self.myOpenWindow.response_message;
// do what you want with the message
// ...
// afterwards close the window (or whatever)
if (self.myOpenWindow) {
}, intervalPeriod);
In the opened window you need to set that global variable somewhere, e.g. like this:
window['response_message'] = { 'result': 'Done' };

Normally you can't share storage data between two windows. If you really need that changes in data in one window reflect in another window then use socket or firebase to get real-time data.


UI-grid saveState service circular logic

Here is a summary of the problem: I set up a column sortChange() listener, which responds to sort changes by firing off a query to fetch newly sorted data. I save the grid state before the fetch, and restore the grid state after the fetch. The problem is that the restore gridState mechanism triggers the original sort listener, causing the whole process to start over again, and again, and again.
scope.sitesGrid.onRegisterApi = function(gridApi) {
scope.gridApi = gridApi;
scope.gridApi.core.on.sortChanged(scope, function () {
// load new sites on a sort change
scope.initialize = function() {
// save current grid state
scope.gridApi && (scope.gridState =;
fetchSites().then(function (sites) { = sites
// restore current grid state, but inadvertently retrigger the 'sortChanged' listener
I was thinking that I could set up a click listener on each column header, instead of using a sortChange listener, however this solution seems ugly and requires going into every header cell template and making changes.
How about some kind of scope variable to track the loading of data?
scope.gridApi.core.on.sortChanged(scope, function () {
if (!scope.isLoading) {
fetchSites().then(function (sites) {
scope.isLoading = true; = sites;
scope.isLoading = false;
You might need to add some timeout() calls in places if there are timing issues with this. Creating a Plunker to demonstrate this would help in that case.
I think i find solution. I created restore function in my directive (u can use it where you want). I just block executing next iteration until action is finished.
function restoreState() {
if ($scope.gridState.columns !== undefined && !isRestoring) { //check is any state exists and is restored
isRestoring = true; //set flag
$scope.gridApi.saveState.restore($scope, $scope.gridState)
.then(function () {
isRestoring = false; //after execute release flag
function saveState() {
if (!isRestoring) {
$scope.gridState = $;

How can I set up the browser size before my protractor test runs?

I have the following protractor test listed below. It runs fine. But I need to add some code that opens the browser to full screen since my test is sensitive to pixel location of gridster tiles. How can this be done?
describe('DragAndDrop Test', function () {
beforeAll(function () {
context = new Context();
it('should drag and drop Application Experience tile', function () {
//a = angular.element(document).find('h3')[1]
//target is where we are dragging the box to. Box is the Box
var target = { x: 300, y: 50 };
var box = element(by.cssContainingText('h3', 'Application Experience'));
var infoSpot = element(by.cssContainingText('h3', 'Application Experience'));
//scope is going to hold the scope variables that tell us where the box is located
//get the standardItems Scope
box.evaluate('dashboards').then(function(scope) {
//make sure the box we are using is initially set in column 0 and Row 0
//drag and drop the box somewhere else.
browser.actions().dragAndDrop(box, target).perform();
//get the updated scope
box.evaluate('dashboards').then(function(scope) {
//test to see that the box was actually moved to column 1 and row 0
var Context = function () {
this.ignoreSynchronization = true;
//load the website
this.get = function () {
I think the better practice is to do this in your config.
onPrepare: function() {
browser.manage().window().setSize(1600, 1000);
onPrepare: function() {
You already have this line in your beforeAll function, which will maximize your browser before any test is run:
However, on some operating systems, Chrome browser won't maximize the window horizontally, only vertically. You have two options:
a) Set the width explicitly to some predefined value, e.g:
browser.driver.manage().window().setSize(1200, 768);
b) Get the screen resolution with a Javascript function and set the window size accordingly.
var width = GET_WIDTH;
var height = GET_HEIGHT;
browser.driver.manage().window().setSize(width, height);

$ionicScrollDelegate locks the view on the scrolled value

When I'm getting the list of results in my cordova app, i want to roll it to the specified element with this function:
$scope.roll = function () {
//var rankScroll = $ionicScrollDelegate.$getByHandle('rank');
var meElement = document.getElementById('scroll');
if (!meElement) {
$ionicScrollDelegate.scrollTo(0, 0);
var top = meElement.getBoundingClientRect().top - 50;
$ionicScrollDelegate.scrollTo(0, top);
It works nicely, but I can't scroll to any other place in the list. I want to unlock scrolling in this solution or find better one. It should scroll on page loaded, not on click.
All the best
That function lock your scroll because of the $scope's binding.
If you only want that function to be invoked when the view is loaded, you should call it once at the the time the view is loaded.
You can do that by this way in your controller:
var roll = function () {
//var rankScroll = $ionicScrollDelegate.$getByHandle('rank');
var meElement = document.getElementById('scroll');
if (!meElement) {
$ionicScrollDelegate.scrollTo(0, 0);
var top = meElement.getBoundingClientRect().top - 50;
$ionicScrollDelegate.scrollTo(0, top);
$scope.$on("$ionicView.loaded", function (scopes, states) {
You can check more $ionicView events in this ion-view Document

Create and destroy Angular watchers

I would like to turn off this watcher because it keeps hitting "kendoWidgetCreated" event over and over again, and causes an infinite loop where I hit the kendoGrid.refresh() .
How can I turn it off, then turn back on ?
scope.$on("kendoWidgetCreated", function (ev, widget) {
var kendoGrid = widget.element.parent().find('.k-grid').data("kendoGrid");
if (kendoGrid != undefined) {
I tried something like this, but couldn't get the watcher to trigger :
var kendoWidgetWatcher = scope.$watch("kendoWidgetCreated", refreshKendoWidgets);
var refreshKendoWidgets = function (ev, widget) {
// widget compile/refresh code here...
Advice is always appreciated...
***** UPDATE ****
My initial idea for creating an anonymous function was NOT working; however, Pankar's answer below worked for me.
Here's the updated, working version :
// setup new 'kendoWidgetWatcher' object for Kendo widget watcher, compile/refresh Kendo grids/charts
var kendoWidgetWatcher;
function registerWatcher() {
kendoWidgetWatcher = scope.$on("kendoWidgetCreated", refreshKendoWidgets);
function refreshKendoWidgets(ev, widget) {
var ht = widget.getSize().height;
var wt = widget.getSize().width;
var kendoGrid = widget.element.parent().find('.k-grid').data("kendoGrid");
if (kendoGrid != undefined) {
if (kendoWidgetWatcher) {
kendoWidgetWatcher(); // disable watch
kendoGrid.$angular_scope.compileTemplate(); // recompile the html tempate, then refresh kendo widget
registerWatcher(); // re-enable
You could easily turn off your your watcher by calling the watcher reference as function, and re-register it whenever you want it.
var kendoWidgetWatcher;
function refreshKendoWidgets(ev, widget) {
var kendoGrid = widget.element.parent().find('.k-grid').data("kendoGrid");
if (kendoGrid != undefined) {
function registerWatcher (){
kendoWidgetWatcher = scope.$watch("kendoWidgetCreated", refreshKendoWidgets);
//you could call below code for re-registering the watcher
kendoWidgetWatcher(); //to deregister it.
registerWatcher(); //re-register it.

How to get access to a window that is loaded into a panel

I'm loading an external script (that creates a new window component) into a panel, which works fine.
Now, I want to access the created window from a callback function to register a closed event handler. I've tried the following:
scripts: true,
url: '/createWindow',
callback: function(el, success, response, options) {
panel.findByType("window")[0].on("close", function { alert("Closed"); });
However, the panel seems to be empty all the time, the findByType method keeps returning an empty collection. I've tried adding events handlers for events like added to the panel but none of them got fired.
I don't want to include the handler in the window config because the window is created from several places, all needing a different refresh strategy.
So the question is: how do I access the window in the panel to register my close event handler on it?
The simplest solution would be to simply include your close handler in the window config that comes back from the server using the listeners config so that you could avoid having a callback altogether, but I'm assuming there's some reason you can't do that?
It's likely a timing issue between the callback being called (response completed) and the component actually getting created by the ComponentManager. You might have to "wait" for it to be created before you can attach your listener, something like this (totally untested):
scripts: true,
url: '/createWindow',
callback: function(el, success, response, options) {
var attachCloseHandler = function(){
var win = panel.findByType("window")[0];
win.on("close", function { alert("Closed"); });
// if there's a possibility that the window may not show
// up maybe add a counter var and exit after X tries?
attachCloseHandler.defer(10, this);
I got it to work using a different approach. I generate a unique key, register a callback function bound to the generated key. Then I load the window passing the key to it and have the window register itself so that a match can be made between the key and the window object.
This solution takes some plumbing but I think its more elegant and more reliable than relying on timings.
var _windowCloseHandlers = [];
var _windowCounter = 0;
var registerWindow = function(key, window) {
var i;
for (i = 0; i < _windowCounter; i++) {
if (_windowCloseHandlers[i].key == key) {
window.on("close", _windowCloseHandlers[i].closeHandler);
var loadWindow = function(windowPanel, url, params, callback) {
if (params == undefined) {
params = { };
if (callback != undefined) {
_windowCloseHandlers[_windowCounter] = {
key: _windowCounter,
closeHandler: function() {
Ext.apply(params, { windowKey: _windowCounter++ });
Ext.apply(params, { containerId: });
scripts: true,
params: params,
url: url,
callback: function(el, success, response, options) {
Then, in the partial view (note these are Coolite (Ext.Net) controls which generate ExtJs code):
<ext:Window runat="server" ID="DetailsWindow">
<AfterRender AutoDataBind="true" Handler='<%# "registerWindow(" + Request["WindowKey"] + ", " + Detailswindow.ClientID + ");" %>' />
And finally, the window caller:
loadWindow(#{ModalWindowPanel}, '/Customers/Details', {customerId: id },
function() {
#{MainStore}.reload(); \\ This is the callback function that is called when the window is closed.
