How to hide chat icon in bot press? - reactjs

I have implemented bot press in my react web application.It works well.But,the problem is i want to close the bot press chat icon when user logout from my web app.If i manually refresh the page then the chat icon is not showing for me.But,i want solution for destroy bot press when user logout the web application strong text.Please reply me.Thanks in advance.

you can have a state named isLoggedIn which is initially be false when user logged in it should set to true, and when user is logging out set that state to false, and render that bot press on condition if isLoggedIn state is true


How to auto login other tab when one tab is logged in react js?

When I log in to the one tab, I need to login other tabs at the same time in reacjs.
If you:
set your auth data to localstorage
add an event listener on tab/window focus that check localstorage
in that listener you update you Redux/Local state're done.

Nightmarejs external popup

I am trying to login to a webpage through Facebook with Nightmarejs. When I click "Login" button a facebook popup pops where I should enter my credentials.
Is it possible to interact with this popup using Nightmarejs?
Thank you.

In Messenger bot webview , How to know that user has completed registration form

In messenger bot i was showing a webview form here how can we know that user completed form and trigger a message a particular user about successfully form submitted
When the submit button for the form is clicked you can call requestCloseBrowser() to close the webview, and send an event to your webhook to notify it to send the follow up message in the conversation.

In Angular how to clear browser history

My scenario is that, when user logs out, jump to the login page. In this case, if user clicks the back button of browser, he would go into the app again. But since session is killed, then he would have some problems to fetch data from server.
so my question is, how to clear browser history or how to disable the back button of browser so user cannot go back into the app again if he is at login page?
I have tried
$scope.$on('$viewContentLoaded', () => {
but it does not work

Ionic sidemenu login

I am developing an ionic app with firebase login .It has a sidemenu with pages when they click the sidemenu link , i want the user to be redirected automatically to login page if they are not logged in .
Any help would be greatly appreciated
If you are using ionic 1. Write a function in your controller which would check the state of your user. i.e Whether logged in or not and call the function whenever the user clicks on the side links. If logged in then you can do a $state.go('stateName of the link') else you can do a $state.go('your login state name').
