In Messenger bot webview , How to know that user has completed registration form - facebook-messenger

In messenger bot i was showing a webview form here how can we know that user completed form and trigger a message a particular user about successfully form submitted

When the submit button for the form is clicked you can call requestCloseBrowser() to close the webview, and send an event to your webhook to notify it to send the follow up message in the conversation.


How to get specific action by tapping on push notification message?

The cn1 developer guide says
...but if you click "OK" in the dialog, your push() callback will be
run. Clicking OK is analogous to the user tapping on the notification.
This is in case if Ok button action was not set up and it just opens the app in a state that it was left.
But what if I want to have different, specific actions by tapping on the button and on the notification message itself? Regular buttons have .getActionId(), but what about the push notification itself?

How to continue old conversation in Cortana after user clicks on a card that invokes a URL?

As you can see from the below screenshot, we are able to create a Cortana channel based MS Chatbot that lists out certain information.
When we click on the card, we are getting navigated to the URL's as well but there are additional dialogues post this action. Cortana for some reason doesnt retain this information and we have to start all over again, as it loses its focus. Can someone suggest how to get Cortana to be at the same point where we invoked the URL click action?

How to hide chat icon in bot press?

I have implemented bot press in my react web application.It works well.But,the problem is i want to close the bot press chat icon when user logout from my web app.If i manually refresh the page then the chat icon is not showing for me.But,i want solution for destroy bot press when user logout the web application strong text.Please reply me.Thanks in advance.
you can have a state named isLoggedIn which is initially be false when user logged in it should set to true, and when user is logging out set that state to false, and render that bot press on condition if isLoggedIn state is true

Angularjs show chat notification in all pages

I have created a simple chat application in Angularjs using pubnub.
I would like to notify the user if a new message is received, right now I can notify the incoming messages only if the user is in the chat view.
I need to show the notification even if the chat is not in view.
I can use $rootScope.$on in all my controllers to listen the callbacks and then show the notification.
But I would like to know if there is any other efficient way.
I am using angular-toastr to show the notifications.

How to show loading image when to send an email in wpf application

Basically I send an email by clicking on send button. While clicking on send button, I want to show a loading image and it (the image) should automatically hide after the email was sent.
There is an article about here. I think it works for you. Just change visibility of progress bar according to sending mail and its completion.
