Maya file node query color space - file

Is there a way to query a texture file node color space in maya? i.e. raw, sRGB and etc. I know how to write it but not query it.

If you want to query the available color spaces:
color_spaces = cmds.colorManagementPrefs(q=True, renderingSpaceNames=True)

You can use listConnections to get a list of texture files connected to your material, then simply use getAttr to query it:
# Example of having a texture file on a Blinn's color property.
texture_files = cmds.listConnections("blinn1.color", type="file")
if texture_files:
print cmds.getAttr("{}.colorSpace".format(texture_files[0]))
# Result: sRGB


How to visualize LabelMe database using Matlab

The LabelMe database can be downloaded from
However, there is another link
The webpage has a toolbox but I could not find any database to download. So, I was wondering if I could use the LabelMe_gist.mat which has the following fields. The field names contins the labels for the images, and img perhaps contains the images. How do I display the training and test images? I tried
im = imread(img)
Error using imread>parse_inputs (line 486)
The filename or url argument must be a string.
Error in imread (line 336)
[filename, fmt_s, extraArgs, msg] = parse_inputs(varargin{:});
but surely this is not the way. Please help
load LabelMe_gist.mat;
load('LabelMe_gist.mat', 'img')
Since we had no idea from your post what kind of data this is I went ahead and downloaded it. Turns out, img is a collection of 22019 images that are of size 32x32 (RGB). This is why img is a 32 x 32 x 3 x 22019 variable. Therefore, the i-th image is accessible via imshow(img(:,:,:,i));
Here is an animation of all of them (press Ctrl+C to interrupt):
for iImage = 1:size(img,4)

storing images into to a cell in matlab

I understand that similar questions have been asked before but I have tried the other solutions and had no luck. Would really appreciate some help!
I want to 1.load a file of images, them with imread, 3.put that in a cell, my function stepwise on each array in the cell.
here is my function for 1 image/file
function sym_file(filename) %this calls for the image file name
%reads the image, turns int into grayscale and double
if rem(size(j,2),2)~=0,j(:,1)=[];
if rem(size(j,1),2)~=0,j(1,:)=[];
%this made sure the rows and columns are even
symmetry= (left-right)./255;
%runs calculations on image
title(['symmetry:' num2str(asymmetry)])
title(['imbalance:' num2str(imbalance)])
%printing results in a figure
So I would like to do this with a file of images rather than doing it file by file. What's the best way? Also, if someone knows how to store the data/figures in files that would be a bonus also.
Let me see if I got this straight: you have a set of images and you store them in a cell. You then want to apply a function to each image (in other words: to each element of the cell).
If so, just use cellfun()
X = imread('','png');
Y = imread('','png');
my_cell{1} = X;
my_cell{2} = Y;
my_fftcell = cellfun(#fft2,my_cell,'UniformOutput', false)
In this case I loaded 2 images X and Y and stored them into my_cell (the brackets {} indicate to MATLAB/Octave that it is a cell). I then created another cell called my_fftcell which is the fft2 applied over each image.
To get many files from a folder/directory, you can just loop over each file in that directory and store it into the cell. Something like this:
Loading multiple images in MATLAB

Manipulate SQL Server spatial data

I have a table containing a map. The data looks like this
ICES_AREA in ('IIIa', 'IVa', 'IVb')
results in this:
POLYGON ((11.45850012 58.98790008, 11.4651 58.98660003, ...
POLYGON ((7.00000056 58.05548352, 7.00010064 58.05550053, ...
The map have been updated, so the "step looking" border is now a straight line. This is visualized using this query:
DECLARE #g1 geography = 'LINESTRING (7.0480147 57.982986, 8.598667 57.112833)';
ICES_AREA in ('IIIa', 'IVa', 'IVb')
Original map with new border line
The result should be like this:
Corrected map
What needs to be done:
If you look at the first picture then the border beween the three areas (blue, purple and orange) looks like a staircase.
The areas needs to be changed so that this border between these three areas follows the thin red line instead (I tried to visualize the wanted result in the last picture).
I have coordinates of the red line (start and end point), so it must be possible somehow to make some SQL that could either update the geography object or help me manually create a new WKT string.

MATLAB - save image in structure array array{i,y} and retrieve with (image(i,y))?

My system:
Windows 8.1
My issue: When I save a JPG image in a structure array, in this case stiAll{i,y}
fileName = strcat('group_',strGr,'_',strVal,'.jpg');
fileNameStr = char(fileName);
stiAll{i,y} = imread(fileNameStr);
and I try to retrieve the saved image with image(stiAll(i,y)) I get the following error message from MATLAB:
Invalid datatype for Image CData. Numeric or logical
matrix required for image CData.
If I save the image without the {i,y} suffix, so that the image is saved in a normal variable, not in a structure array, I can retrieve the image. However, for my programme I would need to save images in the respective cells of a structure array or something similar.
Any idea how to get this done successfully?
stiAll{i,y} = imread(fileNameStr); looks like a cellArray. And you try to plot it image(stiAll(i,y)) now as Matrix. Try image(stiAll{i,y})

Using PyMEL to set the "Alpha to Use" attribute in an object of class psdFileTex

I am using Maya to do some procedural work, and I have a lot of textures that I need to load into Maya, and they all have transparencies (alpha channels). I would very much like to be able to automate this process. Using PyMEL, I can create my textures and hook them up to a shader, but the alpha doesn't set properly by default. There is an attribute in the psdFileTex node called "Alpha to Use", and it must be set to "Transparency" in order for my alpha channel to work. My question is this - how do I use PyMEL scripting to set the "Alpha to Use" attribute properly?
Here is the code I am using to set up my textures:
import pymel.core as pm
pm.shadingNode('lambert', asShader=True, name='myShader1')
pm.sets(renderable=True, noSurfaceShader=True, empty=True, name='myShader1SG')
pm.connectAttr('myShader1.outColor', 'myShader1SG.surfaceShader', f=True)
pm.shadingNode('psdFileTex', asTexture=True, name='myShader1PSD')
pm.connectAttr('myShader1PSD.outColor', 'myShader1.color')
pm.connectAttr('myShader1PSD.outTransparency', 'myShader1.transparency')
pm.setAttr('myShader1ColorPSD.fileTextureName', '<pathway>/myShader1_texture.psd', type='string')
If anyone can help me, I would really appreciate it.
With any node, you can use listAttr() to get the available editable attributes. Run listAttr('myShaderPSD'), note in it's output, there will be two attributes called 'alpha' and 'alphaList'. Alpha, will return you the current selected alpha channel. AlphaList will return you however many alpha channels you have in your psd.
# Result: [u'Alpha 1', u'Alpha 2'] #
If you know you'll only ever be using just the one alpha, or the first alpha channel, you can simply do this.
psdShader = pm.PyNode('myShader1PSD')
alphaList = psdShader.alphaList.get()
if (len(alphaList) > 0):
// No alpha channel
Remember that lists start iterating from 0, so our first alpha channel will be located at position 0.
Additionally and unrelated, while you're still using derivative commands of the maya.core converted for Pymel, there's still some commands you can use to help make your code read nicer.
pm.setAttr('myShader1ColorPSD.fileTextureName', '<pathway>/myShader1_texture.psd', type='string')
We can convert this to pymel like so:
pm.connectAttr('myShader1PSD.outColor', 'myShader1.color')
Can be converted to:
pm.connect('myShader1PSD.outColor', 'myShader1.color')
While they may only be small changes, it reads just the little bit nicer, and it's native PyMel.
Anyway, I hope I have helped you!
