I have a table containing a map. The data looks like this
ICES_AREA in ('IIIa', 'IVa', 'IVb')
results in this:
POLYGON ((11.45850012 58.98790008, 11.4651 58.98660003, ...
POLYGON ((7.00000056 58.05548352, 7.00010064 58.05550053, ...
The map have been updated, so the "step looking" border is now a straight line. This is visualized using this query:
DECLARE #g1 geography = 'LINESTRING (7.0480147 57.982986, 8.598667 57.112833)';
ICES_AREA in ('IIIa', 'IVa', 'IVb')
Original map with new border line
The result should be like this:
Corrected map
What needs to be done:
If you look at the first picture then the border beween the three areas (blue, purple and orange) looks like a staircase.
The areas needs to be changed so that this border between these three areas follows the thin red line instead (I tried to visualize the wanted result in the last picture).
I have coordinates of the red line (start and end point), so it must be possible somehow to make some SQL that could either update the geography object or help me manually create a new WKT string.
I want to use long/lat (EPSG:4326) coordinates in a bokeh plot and have a map in the Background.
I tried with the tile provider maps as suggested in bokeh: Mapping geo data.
But the format is in web mercator coordinates (EPSG:3857) and I don't want to convert my coordinates.
The general question how to do this is unanswered in Is it possible to set figure axis_type in bokeh to geographical (long/lat)?
My idea was to use extra axes:
from bokeh.plotting import figure, show
from bokeh.models import Range1d, LinearAxis
from bokeh.tile_providers import CARTODBPOSITRON, get_provider
tile_provider = get_provider(CARTODBPOSITRON)
p = figure(x_range=(-180, 180), y_range=(-90, 90)) # EPSG:4326
# add extra axis
p.extra_x_ranges = {"EPSG:3857x": Range1d(start=-20026376.39, end=20026376.39)}
p.extra_y_ranges = {"EPSG:3857y": Range1d(start=-20048966.10, end=20048966.10)}
# place extra axis
p.add_layout(LinearAxis(x_range_name="EPSG:3857x"), 'above')
p.add_layout(LinearAxis(y_range_name="EPSG:3857y"), 'right')
p.add_tile(tile_provider, x_range_name="EPSG:3857x", y_range_name="EPSG:3857y")
But the map is not visible.
Is there a way to use extra axis for a tile_provider?
If you are just asking about displaying lat/lng visually on the axes, then all you have to do is set the axis type to "mercator"
p = figure(x_range=(-2000000, 6000000), y_range=(-1000000, 7000000),
x_axis_type="mercator", y_axis_type="mercator")
This is demonstrated on the documentation page you linked.
If you are asking about using data that is in lan/lng coordinates to plot on a tile plot, then you will need to convert it to Web Mercator first. The underlying coordinate system for tiles is always Web Mercator.
If you are asking about something else, then your question is not clear (please update to clarify).
Is there a way to query a texture file node color space in maya? i.e. raw, sRGB and etc. I know how to write it but not query it.
If you want to query the available color spaces:
color_spaces = cmds.colorManagementPrefs(q=True, renderingSpaceNames=True)
You can use listConnections to get a list of texture files connected to your material, then simply use getAttr to query it:
# Example of having a texture file on a Blinn's color property.
texture_files = cmds.listConnections("blinn1.color", type="file")
if texture_files:
print cmds.getAttr("{}.colorSpace".format(texture_files[0]))
# Result: sRGB
I understand that similar questions have been asked before but I have tried the other solutions and had no luck. Would really appreciate some help!
I want to 1.load a file of images, 2.read them with imread, 3.put that in a cell, 4.run my function stepwise on each array in the cell.
here is my function for 1 image/file
function sym_file(filename) %this calls for the image file name
%reads the image, turns int into grayscale and double
if rem(size(j,2),2)~=0,j(:,1)=[];
if rem(size(j,1),2)~=0,j(1,:)=[];
%this made sure the rows and columns are even
symmetry= (left-right)./255;
%runs calculations on image
title(['symmetry:' num2str(asymmetry)])
title(['imbalance:' num2str(imbalance)])
%printing results in a figure
So I would like to do this with a file of images rather than doing it file by file. What's the best way? Also, if someone knows how to store the data/figures in files that would be a bonus also.
Let me see if I got this straight: you have a set of images and you store them in a cell. You then want to apply a function to each image (in other words: to each element of the cell).
If so, just use cellfun()
X = imread('http://sipi.usc.edu/database/preview/aerials/3.2.25.png','png');
Y = imread('http://sipi.usc.edu/database/preview/misc/5.3.01.png','png');
my_cell{1} = X;
my_cell{2} = Y;
my_fftcell = cellfun(#fft2,my_cell,'UniformOutput', false)
In this case I loaded 2 images X and Y and stored them into my_cell (the brackets {} indicate to MATLAB/Octave that it is a cell). I then created another cell called my_fftcell which is the fft2 applied over each image.
To get many files from a folder/directory, you can just loop over each file in that directory and store it into the cell. Something like this:
Loading multiple images in MATLAB
I have a set of Geo coordinate points with lat/lon values . I have plotted the points on a map. I want to connect the points by lines. I have tried the Points to Line tool in GIS but it just creates a polygon. I want to draw lines between the from(lon/lat) and to(lon/lat) coordinate points in this data set. Is there a simple way to do it? Here is some sample data.
From_Lon From_Lat To_Lon To_Lat
80.869178 16.357785 78.404167 17.383333
80.159683 12.981479 80.096817 12.992996
80.159412 12.981387 80.159422 12.981405
80.224847 12.975094 78.509808 17.441822
80.27 13.0839 78.509583 17.441693
78.4346 17.5088 80.203153 13.130134
80.201632 13.128197 80.201642 13.128202
80.201661 13.128212 80.037924 12.819227
80.021806 12.783412 80.168016 12.92074
I want a rather simple (and cheap) solution, just for presentation purposes (and just to show the task duration bars - no connection lines between them). So, I am not interested in buying some advanced custom control like this for example. Have any of you ever used something like this? Are there any code samples available?
I would have pointed to Buck Woolley's dwExtreme site for an example of how to do a gantt in native DataWindow. However, "simple" I don't think is in your future if you want to roll your own. In fact, I'll be pleasantly surprised if someone writes a posting that includes a full description; I think it would take pages. (I'd be happy if someone proved me wrong.) In the meantime, here are some DataWindow basics I think you would need:
You can create an external DataWindow whose data source is not tied to a table
Columns in the data set do not have to be shown on the user interface
Columns in the data set can be used in expressions to evaluate attributes, so you could have a column for each of the following attributes of a rectangle:
I'd expect this to be a lot of work and time, and very likely to be worth the purchase the component (unless your time is valued at next to nothing, which in some IT shops is close to true).
Good luck,
(source: illudium.com)
You can make a simple Gantt chart with a Stacked Bar Graph (BarStacked (5) in the painter). The trick is to create a dummy series to space the bar out where you want it and make the dummy bar the same color as the graph's background (BackColor). It turns out you also need another dummy series with a small value to sit on the axis. Otherwise when you change the color of the bar that's doing the spacing, the axis line gets cut off. I found that .04 works well for this value.
Create the DataWindow
(This assumes familarity with the DataWindow Wizard. Refer to the PowerBuilder User's Guide for more information on creating graphs in DataWindows)
Click the icon for the new object wizard. Create a Graph DataWindow with an External data source. Create columns task type string(20), ser type string(1), and days type number. Set the Category to the task column and the Values to the days column. Click the Series button and select ser for the series. Don't bother with the title, and select the Stacked Bar graph type. When the painter opens, save the DataWindow. On the General tab in the Painter, change the Legend to None (0). On the Axis tab, select the Category axis, then set the sort to Unsorted (0). Select the Value axis then set the sort to Unsorted (0). Select the Series axis and set the sort to Ascending (1). Save the DataWindow.
Create the Window
Create a window and place a DataWindow control, dw_1. Set the data object to your graph DataWindow. Place the following in the open event (or pfc_postopen if using PFC).
dw_1.object.gr_1.title = 'Project PBL Pusher'
dw_1.object.gr_1.category.label = 'Phase'
dw_1.object.gr_1.values.label = 'Project-Days'
catch (runtimeerror re)
if isvalid(gnv_app.inv_debug) then gnv_app.inv_debug.of_message(re.text) // could do better
end try
You would load the data for your chart where the comment says // LOAD DATA HERE
Script the graphcreate Event
Add an new event to dw_1. Select pbm_dwngraphcreate for the Event ID. I like to name these events by removing the pbm_dwn prefix so I use graphcreate. Add the following code to the event.
string ls_series
long li_color
// note first series is a dummy with a small value (0.04 seems to work) to keep the line from being hidden
ls_series = dw_1.seriesName("gr_1", 2)
if 0 = len(ls_series) then return // maybe show error message
// will return -1 when you set color same as the graph's backcolor but it sets the color
dw_1.setSeriesStyle("gr_1", ls_series, BackGround!, li_color) // the box
dw_1.setSeriesStyle("gr_1", ls_series, ForeGround!, li_color) // the inside
catch (runtimeerror re)
if isvalid(gnv_app.inv_debug) then gnv_app.inv_debug.of_message(re.text) // could do better
end try
Data for the Graph
Load the data with the categories in the reverse order of what you want. For each Task, insert 3 rows and set the series to a, b, and c, respectively. For series a in each task, set a small value. I used 0.04. You may have to experiment. For series b in each task, set the number of days before start. For series c, set the number of days. Below is the data in the sample DataWindow.
Task Ser Days
---- --- ----
Test a 0.04
Test b 24
Test c 10
Develop a 0.04
Develop b 10
Develop c 14
Design a 0.04
Design b 0
Design c 10
Sample DataWindow
Below is the source for a sample DataWindow in export format. You should be able to import into any version >= PB 10. Copy the code and paste it into a file with an SRD extension, then import it.
release 10;
datawindow(units=0 timer_interval=0 color=1073741824 processing=3 HTMLDW=no print.printername="" print.documentname="" print.orientation = 1 print.margin.left = 110 print.margin.right = 110 print.margin.top = 96 print.margin.bottom = 96 print.paper.source = 0 print.paper.size = 0 print.canusedefaultprinter=yes print.prompt=no print.buttons=no print.preview.buttons=no print.cliptext=no print.overrideprintjob=no print.collate=yes hidegrayline=no )
summary(height=0 color="536870912" )
footer(height=0 color="536870912" )
detail(height=0 color="536870912" )
table(column=(type=char(10) updatewhereclause=yes name=task dbname="task" )
column=(type=char(1) updatewhereclause=yes name=ser dbname="ser" )
column=(type=number updatewhereclause=yes name=days dbname="days" )
data("Test","a", 0.04,"Test","b", 24,"Test","c", 10,"Develop","a", 0.04,"Develop","b", 10,"Develop","c", 14,"Design","a", 0.04,"Design","b", 0,"Design","c", 10,)
graph(band=background height="1232" width="2798" graphtype="5" perspective="2" rotation="-20" color="0" backcolor="16777215" shadecolor="8355711" range= 0 border="3" overlappercent="0" spacing="100" plotnulldata="0" elevation="20" depth="100"x="0" y="0" height="1232" width="2798" name=gr_1 visible="1" sizetodisplay=1 series="ser" category="task" values="days" title="Title" title.dispattr.backcolor="553648127" title.dispattr.alignment="2" title.dispattr.autosize="1" title.dispattr.font.charset="0" title.dispattr.font.escapement="0" title.dispattr.font.face="Tahoma" title.dispattr.font.family="2" title.dispattr.font.height="0" title.dispattr.font.italic="0" title.dispattr.font.orientation="0" title.dispattr.font.pitch="2" title.dispattr.font.strikethrough="0" title.dispattr.font.underline="0" title.dispattr.font.weight="700" title.dispattr.format="[general]" title.dispattr.textcolor="0" title.dispattr.displayexpression="title" legend="0" legend.dispattr.backcolor="536870912" legend.dispattr.alignment="0" legend.dispattr.autosize="1" legend.dispattr.font.charset="0" legend.dispattr.font.escapement="0" legend.dispattr.font.face="Tahoma" legend.dispattr.font.family="2" legend.dispattr.font.height="0" legend.dispattr.font.italic="0" legend.dispattr.font.orientation="0" legend.dispattr.font.pitch="2" legend.dispattr.font.strikethrough="0" legend.dispattr.font.underline="0" legend.dispattr.font.weight="400" legend.dispattr.format="[general]" legend.dispattr.textcolor="553648127" legend.dispattr.displayexpression="' '"
series.displayeverynlabels="0" series.droplines="0" series.frame="1" series.label="(None)" series.majordivisions="0" series.majorgridline="0" series.majortic="3" series.maximumvalue="0" series.minimumvalue="0" series.minordivisions="0" series.minorgridline="0" series.minortic="1" series.originline="1" series.primaryline="1" series.roundto="0" series.roundtounit="0" series.scaletype="1" series.scalevalue="1" series.secondaryline="0" series.shadebackedge="0" series.dispattr.backcolor="536870912" series.dispattr.alignment="0" series.dispattr.autosize="1" series.dispattr.font.charset="0" series.dispattr.font.escapement="0" series.dispattr.font.face="Tahoma" series.dispattr.font.family="2" series.dispattr.font.height="0" series.dispattr.font.italic="0" series.dispattr.font.orientation="0" series.dispattr.font.pitch="2" series.dispattr.font.strikethrough="0" series.dispattr.font.underline="0" series.dispattr.font.weight="400" series.dispattr.format="[general]" series.dispattr.textcolor="0" series.dispattr.displayexpression="series" series.labeldispattr.backcolor="553648127" series.labeldispattr.alignment="2" series.labeldispattr.autosize="1" series.labeldispattr.font.charset="0" series.labeldispattr.font.escapement="0" series.labeldispattr.font.face="Tahoma" series.labeldispattr.font.family="2" series.labeldispattr.font.height="0" series.labeldispattr.font.italic="0" series.labeldispattr.font.orientation="0" series.labeldispattr.font.pitch="2" series.labeldispattr.font.strikethrough="0" series.labeldispattr.font.underline="0" series.labeldispattr.font.weight="400" series.labeldispattr.format="[general]" series.labeldispattr.textcolor="0" series.labeldispattr.displayexpression=" seriesaxislabel" series.sort="1"
category.displayeverynlabels="0" category.droplines="0" category.frame="1" category.label="(None)" category.majordivisions="0" category.majorgridline="0" category.majortic="3" category.maximumvalue="0" category.minimumvalue="0" category.minordivisions="0" category.minorgridline="0" category.minortic="1" category.originline="0" category.primaryline="1" category.roundto="0" category.roundtounit="0" category.scaletype="1" category.scalevalue="1" category.secondaryline="0" category.shadebackedge="1" category.dispattr.backcolor="556870912" category.dispattr.alignment="1" category.dispattr.autosize="1" category.dispattr.font.charset="0" category.dispattr.font.escapement="0" category.dispattr.font.face="Tahoma" category.dispattr.font.family="2" category.dispattr.font.height="0" category.dispattr.font.italic="0" category.dispattr.font.orientation="0" category.dispattr.font.pitch="2" category.dispattr.font.strikethrough="0" category.dispattr.font.underline="0" category.dispattr.font.weight="400" category.dispattr.format="[general]" category.dispattr.textcolor="0" category.dispattr.displayexpression="category" category.labeldispattr.backcolor="556870912" category.labeldispattr.alignment="2" category.labeldispattr.autosize="1" category.labeldispattr.font.charset="0" category.labeldispattr.font.escapement="900" category.labeldispattr.font.face="Tahoma" category.labeldispattr.font.family="2" category.labeldispattr.font.height="0" category.labeldispattr.font.italic="0" category.labeldispattr.font.orientation="900" category.labeldispattr.font.pitch="2" category.labeldispattr.font.strikethrough="0" category.labeldispattr.font.underline="0" category.labeldispattr.font.weight="400" category.labeldispattr.format="[general]" category.labeldispattr.textcolor="0" category.labeldispattr.displayexpression="categoryaxislabel" category.sort="0"
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