test database for react-native app development - database

I'm in the early stages of developing an app with react-native, and I need a DB implementation for for testing and development. I thought that the obvious choice would be to use simple JSON files included with the source, but the only way I see to load JSON files requires that you know the file name ahead of time. This means that the following does not work:
getTable = (tableName) => require('./table-' + tableName + '.json') // ERROR!
I cannot find a simple way to load files at runtime.
What is the proper way to add test data to a react-native app?

I cannot find a simple way to load files at runtime.
In node you can use import() though I'm not sure if this is available in react-native. The syntax would be something like:
async function getTable(tableName){
const fileName = `./table-${tableName}.json`
try {
const file = await import(fileName)
} catch(err){
though like I said I do not know if this is available in react-natives javascript environment so ymmv

Unfortunately dynamic import not supported by react-native but there is a way so to do this
import tableName1 from './table/tableName1.json';
import tableName2 from './table/tableName2.json';
then create own object like
const tables = {
after that, you can access the table through bracket notation like
getTable = (tableName) => tables[tableName];


React Load Binary File / URL scheme "file" is not supported

I built an app, which converts files from type A to type B (a binary file). I want to import and use a dummy file of type B to fill the data of file type A. The dummy always stays the same. The app has no backend. I want to share the html, so anything which requires turning off browser security etc., isn't an option.
At the moment, I load the files as I found here, but this works only with a backend server:
Requesting blob images and transforming to base64 with fetch API
import dummy from '../templates/Grid2.shp';
let hex = await fetch(dummy)
.then( response => response.blob() )
.then( blob => new Promise( callback =>{
let reader = new FileReader() ;
reader.onload = function(){
const serumShp = atob(this.result.substring(37)); // 37 strips the base64 info data:...
} ;
reader.readAsDataURL(blob) ;
}) ) ;
It works in my development but not at the built stage. As the browsers requests from the filesystem.
I found a solution over a file loader, but this solution also throws an error:
Using file-loader to load binary file in react
Also, I don't see any configuration files for Webpack. As far as I have seen I would need to eject them, which is also not recommended.
How can I import binary files into my app without a backend server/any changes, etc.?
Sorry, I cannot help, but pointing out that there is a general discussion in CRA to support a more elegant way of importing binary/raw data. Sadly there doesn't seem to be much progress, the proposal is from 2018.

Programmatically create Gatsby slug from Excel data. Want to change getNode(node.parent) line, but this does not work

I use Excel data as a data source. I want to create slug dynamically and use Gatsby docs as an example. https://www.gatsbyjs.com/docs/tutorial/part-seven/
But this does not work, because I don't use Markdown files. I changed 'MarkdownRemark' to 'ExcelData'.
exports.onCreateNode = ({ node, getNode }) => {
if (node.internal.type === `ExcelData`) {
const fileNode = getNode(node.parent)
console.log(`\n`, fileNode.relativePath)
When You look at Gatsby docs, code print to the terminal two markdown files relative paths:
Mine code prints out same path multiple time, because there is only one Excel file.
I try to change the code and use data that is in an Excel file.
const fileNode = getNode(_9)
But this does not work and I get an errors like:
"gatsby-node.js" threw an error while running the onCreateNode lifecycle:
_9 is not defined
const fileNode = getNode(node._9)
Cannot read property 'relativePath' of undefined
Is it possible to change (node.parent) or not?
I assume you're using https://www.gatsbyjs.com/plugins/gatsby-transformer-excel/ already?
Gatsby has a new filesystem routing API that means creating routes like this is much easier called the File System Routing API — this links to the section on Collection Routes which automatically creates pages from every node in a collection without needing to create slugs manually in gatsby-node.js.
E.g. your type is ExcelData so you'd just need to create a collection route component at src/pages/{ExcelData.title}.js (assuming your spreadsheet has a field named title) to create pages for all your spreadsheet rows.
This works with any type and any field.

Can we use excel functions in reactjs or jquery?

I need to use all excel functions which return the calculation result. eg. "AverageIf","Decimal".Is there any API or something cdn file which returns all excel functions?
I will be very grateful if someone has information regarding this.
There is a NPM module called hot-formula-parser which may be the thing you're looking for.
import { Parser } from 'hot-formula-parser';
const parser = new Parser();
parser.parse('SUM(1, 6, 7)');
If you need a list of all formulas supported by the module you can just do:
import { SUPPORTED_FORMULAS } from 'hot-formula-parser';

How to encode/compress gltf to draco

I want to compress/encode gltf file using draco programatically in threejs with reactjs. I dont want to use any commandline tool, I want it to be done programatically. Please suggest me a solution.
I tried using gltf-pipeline but its not working in client side. Cesium library was showing error when I used it in reactjs.
Yes, this is can be implemented with glTF-Transform. There's also an open feature request on three.js, not yet implemented.
First you'll need to download the Draco encoder/decoder libraries (the versions currently published to NPM do not work client side), host them in a folder, and then load them as global script tags. There should be six files, and two script tags (which will load the remaining files).
<script src="assets/draco_encoder.js"></script>
<script src="assets/draco_decoder.js"></script>
Then you'll need to write code to load a GLB file, apply compression, and do something with the compressed result. This will require first installing the two packages shown below, and then bundling the web application with your tool of choice (I used https://www.snowpack.dev/ here).
import { WebIO } from '#gltf-transform/core';
import { DracoMeshCompression } from '#gltf-transform/extensions';
const io = new WebIO()
'draco3d.encoder': await new DracoEncoderModule(),
'draco3d.decoder': await new DracoDecoderModule(),
// Load an uncompressed GLB file.
const document = await io.read('./assets/Duck.glb');
// Configure compression settings.
method: DracoMeshCompression.EncoderMethod.EDGEBREAKER,
encodeSpeed: 5,
decodeSpeed: 5,
// Create compressed GLB, in an ArrayBuffer.
const arrayBuffer = io.writeBinary(document); // ArrayBuffer
In the latest version of 1.5.0, what are these two files? draco_decoder_gltf.js and draco_encoder_gltf.js. Does this means we no longer need the draco_encoder and draco_decoder files? and how do we invoke the transcoder interface without using MeshBuilder. A simpler API would be musth better.

How to efficiently organise firestore methods and connections

I'm current working with Firebase firestore and Next JS. I've googled how to organise a firestore project but most of them (all actually) aren't scalable.
What I have tried to do is to have a folder containing all the Firebase-related components such as configurations and utility methods. I found the most challenging part is to write a general-purpose function to get the collection/document ref that applies all the supported methods, namely .orderBy(), .limit(), .where() and .doc(). It's also really tough to write a transformer that transforms the data returned by the database to another format.
Here's what I have implemented:
Where getDocRef.js is a helper function that puts all those methods mentioned above together, getOnce.js and observe.js expose methods that interact with the database and db.js contains the configurations.
Also, for anyone who interested, here's my naive solution for the .getDocRef() function:
import db from '../db';
- ref: Specify the ref of a document
- collectionName: Specify the collection name
- queryArgs: Specify the arguments to be passed down to .where()
- orderByArgs: Specify the arguments to be passed down to .orderBy()
- limit: Specify the fetching limit
- docName: Specify the document name/id
export default options => {
const { ref, collectionName, queryArgs, orderByArgs, limit, docName } = options;
if (ref != null) return ref;
const initRef = db.collection(collectionName);
if (docName != null) return initRef.doc(docName);
if (queryArgs != null) {
if (orderByArgs != null) {
if (limit != null)
return initRef
return initRef.where(...queryArgs).orderBy(...orderByArgs);
return initRef.where(...queryArgs);
return initRef;
So, I would love to know if my current implementation of Firebase is okay. If not, what project structure should I apply? How should I improve my current structure to make it more efficiently? And last but not least is there an alternative to my naive JS solution posted above? Thanks in advance
My personal approach:
Extract all credentials to .env with dotenv package
A directory call /lib/db and two files here:
init.js to initialise the Firebase/firestore
Another class with some methods for CRUD
If your project is getting big, I suggest to extract every collection's related method to a file in /lib/db and organise them there(somehow like state managements).
