LabVIEW: Array didnt store data - arrays

i want to store data like that, i am new in labview so its create confusion for me, if someone please correct this and explain it in details. It works but it does not display store data in front panel.

I highly recommend that you take a moment to read about Shift Registers. All you need is to create two shift registers, each on one side of the loop (one for the input and the other for the output). After you will need to wire the incoming value from the shift register to your array, and wire the outbouding value to the output register, as shown in this image from the tutorial.

Arrays will not store the data,instead you can use shift registers to store data into arrays.


Labview - Array of fixed size to receive serial data?

I am receiving 128 byte data continuously every second from serial,
I just want to know how can I replace this data to the starting index for each iteration in my byte array?
how can I do it?
I created an byte array and feed my serial string output to it via string to byte array converter
You could implement circular buffer in this way:
If I understand correctly you want to see the current iteration in the Array Indicator
If so, just place the Array Indicator inside the loop
Note that the Array indicator and the wire connected to it is not the same data type, there is a convert, you can see that it's different colors (orange and blue) and there is red dot where it's connected.
But if you want to collect all the data you received you should right click on your loop output and select Indexing
You would also need to change your indicator, just delete the current one and than right click on the wire -> create -> Indicator.
Or Hirshfeld
Control SW Engineer

How to use iddata type structure

I want to resample an array of elements using the command idresamp(). The input arguments for idresamp function is an array x. So I should get the output as an array. However, I am getting a structure iddata. I don't know how to access the elements /result of the resampling. Can somebody please show how to access the resampled values? Thank you.
x=rand(4000,1); %create some arbitrary data
x_resamp =idresamp(x,2); %resampling factor is 2
Here x_resamp is of iddata type. So, I am unable to access the result. On clicking the variable x_resamp this is what I got
How does one access the resampled values (output). Where is the array? The next step is to calculate the power after resampling and hence I need to use the resampled values.
I am using Matlab R2018a.
If you just want to resample by a factor 2, and have access to the Signal Processing Toolbox, use resample:
y = resample(x,2,1);
If you are insistent on using idresamp, you need to know that it returns an object of type iddata, which comes with a long documentation on usage. I think this complicates things more than you are looking for. It seems you should be able to do:
x_resamp = idresamp(x,2);
y = x_resamp.OutputData;
(but I can't test this because I don't have access to this toolbox.)

parsing a string then storing in array to recall into a variable arduino

i am sending the following data to the arduino over serial:
i need to separate this into 5 variables, so it will eventually become
so my first step would be to separate the incoming serial data into
then to parse the data so that it drops the correct integer into the correct variable so the int in c1 becomes val1 etc.
This will eventually let me set a value and so i need to be able to recall the value easily.
i understand i need to use an array but i have spent hours looking at how to do this and got nowhere, can someone show me how to do each of these steps, i am a NOOB so be kind! thanks
Not to give it all way, in basket, the following links of my projects have similar features that you are looking for. From there code you will find the pieces of the puzzles of how to build the array and dissect it looking for the desired components you are looking for:
Not to say there are better ways.

pybrain image input to dataset for Neural Network

I'm trying to write a neural network that (after being properly trained) identifies certain road signs and returns a different output for each type of sign.
Before I started to train my network, I noticed on the pybrain website that their datasets are always an array of values, each entry containing an input and a target. The images I have for my NN have been converted to grayscale pixel data (a simple array of numbers). To train each set of data, do I need to somehow add a target value for each pixel? And if so, how would I go about doing that?
No, you don't need target for every single pixel, you treat pixels from single image as your input data and you add target to that data.
What you trying to do is to solve classification problem. You have image represented by array of numbers and you need to classify it as some class from limited set of classes.
So lets say that you have 2 classes: prohibitions signs (I'm not native speaker, I don't know how you call signs that forbid something), and information signs. Lets say that prohibition signs is our class 1 and information signs is class 2.
Your data set should look like this:
([representation of sign in numbers], class) - single sample
After that, since it's classification problem, I recommend using _convertToOneOfMany() method of DataSet class, to convert your targets into multiple outputs.
I've answered similar question here, go check it out.

Quick Array Population

I have a application that will capture the screen and I want to write the captured information to an array, this takes AGES as the array ends up being +2million values. I am iterating and adding the values to the array, is there any way quicker (eg binary operations)? Should it be this slow? Why is it?
Assuming your GetPixel'ing the screen pixel by pixel, its the GetPixel call that's slow (it interrogates the display driver) not the (pre-dimensioned) array assignment.
You can instead use the getdibits() api which will copy the DC's colour info into a buffer in a single call.
Here is a C++ example, but the methodology & call sequence is the same as for VB.
Figured out why it was so slow, it was because I was using ReDim on every iteration of the loop - thanks for the help anyways
