MVVM Light messenger service not receiving message in view model - wpf

Not sure if I am just doing this wrong or am misunderstanding some of the examples already on stack overflow here and here.
I am trying to take a selected item from my first view model and pass it to another view model I am navigating to. The purpose of this is so I can display the item that has been passed and allow the user to work with it.
Passing from first view model
This is just a small snippet of the first view model. Here I am first navigating to the new page/view model. Then pass the SelectedRule object using a messenger. Navigation is done using a ViewModelLocator class / navigation service provided with MVVM Light.
private ApprovedBomRule _selectedRule = new ApprovedBomRule();
public ApprovedBomRule SelectedRule
get { return _selectedRule;}
set { Set(ref _selectedRule, value); }
private void NavigateToUpdateRule()
//Navigate to Update Rule page
//Pass selected rule as a parameter using messenger service
ApprovedBomRule ruleToSend = SelectedRule; // Selected by user.
On receiving view model
Here is my second view model where I register the same type of SelectedRule from above and set it to the public variable.
public class UpdateBomRuleViewModel : ViewModelBase
private ApprovedBomRule _passedRule;
public ApprovedBomRule PassedRule
get => _passedRule;
set => Set(ref _passedRule, value);
public UpdateBomRuleViewModel()
//Register message type
Messenger.Default.Register<ApprovedBomRule>(this, GetMessage);
//Set the property to passed object
public void GetMessage(ApprovedBomRule rule)
PassedRule = rule;
My constructor is reached and the register method is set, but the GetMessage() function is never called. What am I missing here?
I narrowed down the problem to the fact that the register method is being called after the message is sent. Now the second problem I am running into is how do I have my second view model register before the send? I am using a viewmodel locator in my pages to determine the view models for each page. Even though I am doing the _navigation.NavigateTo() before sending the data, the view model is not initialized until after the send.
Example of viewmodel locator in page
<local:BasePage x:Class="YAI.BomConfigurator.Desktop.Views.Rules.UpdateBomRuleView"
d:DesignHeight="450" d:DesignWidth="800"
DataContext="{Binding UpdateBomRuleViewModel, Source={StaticResource Locator}}">
<TextBlock Text="{Binding PassedRule.Description}"

Okay so I sort of found a solution to the problem. I used my ServiceLocator to get the instance before navigating.
var vm = ServiceLocator.Current.GetInstance<UpdateBomRuleViewModel>();
//Navigate to Update Rule page
//Pass selected rule as a parameter using messenger service
ApprovedBomRule ruleToSend = SelectedRule; // Selected by user.
This caused my register to be called before the send. I don't necessarily like this solution because the var vm is not being used for anything, but it works for now.
thank you for looking at the question.

You need to wait for the page show up before sending the message. It is weird that MVVMLight doesn't offer any NavigateAsync method like Prism, so you have to roll for your own.
await Application.Current.Dispatcher.Invoke(
() => _navigationService.NavigateTo("UpdateBomRuleView");
ApprovedBomRule ruleToSend = SelectedRule; // Selected by user.
Slightly modified from my UWP code, but it should be fine for WPF.


Navigation between pages with model refresh

Question at the end
Information : I use Modern UI but I think that this problem might not be related only to this framework, hence I posted it under 'wpf' and 'data-binding'.
What am I trying to accomplish:
I have datagrid with some simple data in it (let's call this data products). I want to create a following feature.
After double click on row user is being redirected to a 'product edition' page (let's call this page ProductPage.xaml) where there will be more information about product. Before showing all data to user application is supposted to call SQL Server and ask for all info about selected product. Later on user can see all info about product where he can edit it. User accepts editions by clicking on the button, if button wasn't clicked but if he go to other page without clicking this button edits should be disregarded.
After a redirection to ProductPage.xaml with basic info about product hidden in Application.Current.Properties this page is not being refreshed.
Constructor is not being called (as I suspect this is expected behavior) hence I created method which is being called after page is loaded however even if model is being refreshed page is not. All bindings do work correctly during first page load (when constructor is being called) but when I go back to datagrid and choose different row old model is present.
How do I make a redirect? Firstly what I did was :
public void MouseDoubleClickMethod()
/// getting id by row Id = ...
var url = $"ProductPage.xaml?id={id}"
BBCodeBlock bs = new BBCodeBlock();
Application.Current.Properties["product_id"] = Id;
bs.LinkNavigator.Navigate(new Uri(url, UriKind.Relative), this);
///some code
My model simplified
public class Product : INotifyPropertyChanged{
private decimal _price;
public decimal Price
get { return _price; }
_price = value;
public event PropertyChangedEventHandler PropertyChanged;
protected virtual void OnPropertyChanged([CallerMemberName] string propertyName = null)
PropertyChanged?.Invoke(this, new PropertyChangedEventArgs(propertyName));
My binding simplified (Product is a public property)
<StackPanel DataContext="{Binding RelativeSource={RelativeSource AncestorType=Page}}">
<StackPanel DataContext="{Binding Path=Product}">
<TextBox x:Name="Price" Text="{Binding Path=Price, Mode=TwoWay}" />
My after-load method simplified
productId = (int)Application.Current.Properties["product_id"];
Product.UpdateFrom(Database.GetGetProduct(id)); // this method updates all fields in model
Model DOES change but it it is textbox not refreshing.
Textbox keeps the same data regardless being binded to a property.
I use ?id={id} to make sure that other row is being loaded, without it it keeps showing first double clicked row's data.
I suspect my bindings to be faulty.
What can I do with this binding? I want my textbox to refresh after page load not only when new object is being constructed. If you have no idea what to do with it just post some suggestions on how to debug it.
This is fixable by using GUID as parameter in url but I do not want to do that. Why? It forces to execute page constructor (hence rebuilding xaml).
If I recall correctly, MUI, when using it's navigation framework, it caches the data for the page. It doesn't construct the view (and subsequently your view model) each time it navigates. To support this, MUI has added navigation events for you to hook into to be notified when views are navigated to/from. in these events you could then update your data. From their wiki
Make your content navigation aware by implementing the IContent interface available in the FirstFloor.ModernUI.Windows namespace.
You can have your view model implement the interface and on load, refresh your data.

Design-Time setup of a ViewModel

I'm using Visual Studio 2013's designer to create my User Control in WPF, and I'm using a MVVM approach.
I'm trying to find the best way to have "Design-Time" setup of my viewmodel so that I immediatly see the effect in the designer of changing a value of a property for instance. I've used different designs and techniques to support this, but nothing is exactly what I want. I'm wondering if someone has better ideas...
Situation (simplified):
So I have a "Device" which I want a UserControl to show states and operations. From top to bottom:
I have a IDeviceModel which has a field bool IsConnected {get;} (and proper notification of state changes)
I have a FakeDeviceModel which implements IDeviceModel, and thus enables me to not rely on a real device for design-time and testing
A DeviceViewModel, which contains a IDeviceModel, and encapsulate the model's properties. (yes it has proper INotifyPropertyChanged notifications in it)
My UserControl which will have a DataContext of type DeviceViewModel, and would have a custom-styled CheckBox which is IsChecked={Binding IsConnected, Mode=OneWay
My Goal: I want to preview on design time how does the Model's IsConnected state affect my UserControl (So it could affect other things than just IsChecked)
I use the idea of the MVVM Light ViewModelLocator, returning non-static fields (so new instances of ViewModels). At runtime, the real datacontext will be given by the one instanciating this UserControl
d:DataContext="{Binding DeviceViewModelDesignTime, Source={StaticResource ViewModelLocator}}"
public class ViewModelLocator
private static MainWindowViewModel _mainWindowViewModel;
public MainWindowViewModel MainWindowViewModelMainInstance
if (_mainWindowViewModel == null)
_mainWindowViewModel = new MainWindowViewModel();
return _mainWindowViewModel;
public DeviceViewModel DeviceViewModelDesignTime
//Custom initialization of the dependencies here
//Could be to create a FakeDeviceModel and assign to constructor
var deviceViewModel = new DeviceViewModel();
//Custom setup of the ViewModel possible here
//Could be: deviceViewModel.Model = new FakeDeviceModel();
return deviceViewModel;
Solutions I tried:
Compile-Time solution
Simply code the setup of the ViewModel in the ViewModelLocator.
var deviceViewModel = new DeviceViewModel(fakeDeviceModel);
var fakeDeviceModel = new FakeDeviceModel();
fakeDeviceModel.IsConnected = true;
Pros: Simple
Cons: That's longer iterations of always going to change the value in code, recompile, go back to designer view, wait for result
Instance in resources and kept static in ViewModelLocator
So I create an instance in XAML and I try to push it in the current ViewModel used by the designer. Not the cleanest way, but worked for a while in simple situation (yes there's some wierdness with the collection, but was with the idea that I could have multiple devices and a current one)
<UserControl x:Class="Views.StepExecuteView"
d:DataContext="{Binding DeviceViewModelDesignTime, Source={StaticResource ViewModelLocator}}">
<viewModels:DesignTimeDeviceManager x:Key="DesignTimeDeviceManager">
<device:FakeDeviceModel IsConnected="True"
[... CheckBox binding to datacontext and so on...]
And ViewModelLocator.cs:
public class ViewModelLocator
private static MainWindowViewModel _mainWindowViewModel;
public MainWindowViewModel MainWindowViewModelMainInstance
if (_mainWindowViewModel == null)
_mainWindowViewModel = new MainWindowViewModel();
return _mainWindowViewModel;
public static FakeDeviceModel DeviceModelToAddInDesignTime;
public DeviceViewModel DeviceViewModelDesignTime
var deviceViewModel = new DeviceViewModel();
if (DeviceModelToAddInDesignTime != null)
deviceViewModel.AddDevice(DeviceModelToAddInDesignTime );
return deviceViewModel;
public class DesignTimeDeviceManager
private ObservableCollection<FakeDeviceModel> _DesignTimeDevices;
public ObservableCollection<FakeDeviceModel> DesignTimeDevices
get { return _DesignTimeDevices; }
if (_DesignTimeDevices != value)
_DesignTimeDevices = value;
ViewModelLocator.DeviceModelToAddInDesignTime = value.FirstOrDefault();
Worked super great on one project. the instance that I had in XAML, I could modify the booleans and I would get -immediate- feedback on how it affects my UserControl. So in the simple situation, the CheckBox's "Checked" state would change and I could modify my styling in real-time, without needing to recompile
It stopped working in another project, and this by itself I couldn't find the reason why. But after recompiling and changing stuff, the designer would give me exceptions looking like "Cannot cast "FakeDeviceModel" to "FakeDeviceModel""!! My guess is that the Designer internally compiles and uses caches for those types (C:\Users\firstname.lastname\AppData\Local\Microsoft\VisualStudio\12.0\Designer\ShadowCache). And that in my solution, depending on the ordering of things, I was creating a "FakeDeviceModel" which was assigned to a static instances, and "later on", the next time the ViewModelLocator would be asked for a ViewModel, it would use that instance. However, if in the meantime he "recompiles" or uses a different cache, then it's not "exactly" the same type. So I had to kill the designer (XDescProc) and recompile for it to work, and then fail again a few minutes after. If someone can correct me on this it would be great.
Multi-Binding for d:DataContext and custom converter
The previous solution's problem was pointing me to the fact that the ViewModel and the FakeDeviceModel were created at different moment in time (giving the type/cast problem) and to solve it, I would need to create them at the same time
<UserControl x:Class="MeltingControl.Views.DeviceTabView"
<MultiBinding Converter="{StaticResource DeviceDataContextConverter}">
<Binding Path="DeviceViewModelDesignTime" Source="{StaticResource ViewModelLocator}" />
<device:FakeDeviceModel IsConnected="False"
public class DeviceDataContextConverter: IMultiValueConverter
public object Convert(object[] values, Type targetType, object parameter, CultureInfo culture)
if (values == null || values.Length == 0)
return null;
var vm = (DeviceViewModel)values[0];
if (values.Length >= 2)
var device = (IDeviceModel)values[1];
return vm;
public object[] ConvertBack(object value, Type[] targetTypes, object parameter, CultureInfo culture)
throw new NotImplementedException();
-Works super nice! When the binding for the DataContext asks for the ViewModel, I take advantage of the Converter to modify that ViewModel and inject my device before returning it
We lose intelissense (with ReSharper), since he doesn't know what type is returned by the converter
Any other ideas or modifications I could make to solve this issue?
You may create a design time ViewModel that returns IsConnected = true based on your view mode (FakeDeviceViewModel) and then set it as a design-time data context:
d:DataContext="{d:DesignInstance viewModels:FakeDeviceViewModel,
Where viewModels: is the xaml namespace to the actual view model.
I've documented exactly how I managed to get the perfect setup to see live Design Time data in Visual Studio.
Look at Hint 9 - Design Time DataContext on this page:
ReSharper WPF error: "Cannot resolve symbol "MyVariable" due to unknown DataContext"
I would like to propose an alternative solution.
You could use that same view model for design time data and normal runtime, and check in your (single) viewmodel whether the designer is active and then load the design time data there.
In your view model you would do something like this:
public class ExampleViewModel : ViewModelBase
public ExampleViewModel()
if (IsInDesignMode == true)
private void LoadDesignTimeData()
// Load design time data here
The IsInDesignMode property could be placed in your view model base class - if you have one - and looks like this:
DesignerProperties.GetIsInDesignMode(new DependencyObject());
Please take a look at my answer here
This is how I am doing it one of my projects using MVVMLight.
Create interface for every viewmodel for which you need separate design time and run time properties and behavior.
Make separate viewmodels for every view - one for run time and another for design time. Derive both viewmodels from the same interface defined above.
Create a static class that has two static methods - one for registering services for run time in the IOC container and another for registering services for design time in the IOC container. I use the same SimpleIOC.Default container. Register appropriate viewmodels in both the methods bound to their interfaces.
public static class MyServiceLocator()
public static void RegisterRunTimeServices()
ServiceLocator.SetLocatorProvider(() => SimpleIOC.Default);
SimpleIoc.Default.Register<IAboutViewModel, AboutViewModel>();
public static void RegisterDesignTimeServices()
ServiceLocator.SetLocatorProvider(() => SimpleIoc.Default);
SimpleIoc.Default.Register<IAboutViewModel, DesignTimeAboutViewModel>();
In constructor of ViewModelLocator, check if the app is in DesignMode and accordingly call the static method to register services.
public ViewModelLocator()
if (ViewModelBase.IsInDesignModeStatic)
else MyServiceLocator.RegisterRunTimeServices();
Now, your Views just have to set datacontext as corresponding viewmodel interface instead of viewmodel object. To do that, instead of exposing viewmodel objects to each view from the ViewModelLocator, expose viewmodel interface.
In ViewModelLocator.cs
public IAboutViewModel About
return ServiceLocator.Current.GetInstance<IAboutViewModel>();
In AboutView.xaml
DataContext="{Binding Source={StaticResource Locator}, Path=About}"
Wherever needed in code, cast the interface to ViewModelBase type to convert it to ViewModel object and use.
In MainViewModel.cs
public class MainViewModel : ViewModelBase
private readonly IAboutViewModel _aboutViewModel;
public MainViewModel()
_aboutViewModel = ServiceLocator.Current.GetInstance<IAboutViewModel>();
CurrentViewModel = (ViewModelBase) _aboutViewModel;
So, basically I use DI to inject appropriate viewmodels to each view depending on whether the code is in run time or design time. The ViewModelLocator simply registers either design time or run time viewmodels in the SimpleIOC container. The benefit of this is that there is no mixing of code in viewmodel files and one can also setup the code for multiple design time data without much interference. If you want designtime data to show while the application runs, then also its possible with one line change in code.
I would create an instance of Fake View Model in a separate xaml e.g. DeviceViewModelDataSample.xaml (see example below)
Set Build Action to DesignData
Reference the file as such
<UserControl x:Class="YourNameSpace.YourControl"
d:DataContext="{d:DesignData Source=/DataSample/DeviceViewModelDataSample.xaml}">
<!-- Skiped details for brevity -->
<vm:DeviceViewModel xmlns:dm="clr-namespace:YourNameSpace.DataModel"
<vm:DeviceViewModel.DeviceManager> <!-- Assuming this is a collection -->
<dm:DeviceModel DeviceName="Fake Device" IsConnected ="true" /> <!-- This creates an instance at design time -->

Two way binding of a textbox to a slider in WPF

I am having the hardest time figuring out a way to solve a problem I am having with databinding on a slider and a textbox.
The setup:
the current value of the slider is displayed inside of the textbox. When the user drags the slider the value is reflected inside the textbox. The user can choose to drag the slider and release to the value he chooses, click anywhere on the slider track to set the value or enter the value manually in the texbox. In the last case, the value entered in the textbox should update the slider position.
The texbox is two way bound to a datacontext property while the slider is one way bound to the same property. When the user slides or click on the slider tracker, I use the dragcompleted event of the slider to notify the datacontext of the modification. When the user clicks on the tracker on the other hand I use the OnValueChanged event of the slider to notify the datacontext (and use a flag to ensure the OnValueChanged was not triggered by a slider move)
The problem: The OnValueChanged event fires even when initializing the slider value with the binding value so I cannot figure out whether the value is actually coming from the user or the binding.
Could you please suggest maybe and alternative way to do the binding to ensure we can distinguish between user update and binding udpates for the slider?
Thnak you!
UPDATE Sorry I forgot to mention why I am not binding directly both slider and textbox two ways like the below answers suggest. The update to the data context value is supposed to trigger a call to a backend server and retrieve data from a database. The problem is that when the user drags the slider it constantly fires updates. I go around the problem by only relying to the actual onValueChanged event to call the DoWhatever method. I hope that's a bit clearer. Sorry for omitting this...
I quickly put together the sample below for you to give it a try.
The xaml:
<Window x:Class="SliderIssue.MainWindow"
Title="MainWindow" Height="350" Width="525">
<Grid HorizontalAlignment="Center"
<Slider Name="slider" VerticalAlignment="Top"
Value="{Binding Count}"
<TextBox VerticalAlignment="Top"
Text="{Binding Count,Mode=TwoWay,UpdateSourceTrigger=LostFocus}"
The code behind:
using System.Windows;
namespace SliderIssue
/// <summary>
/// Interaction logic for MainWindow.xaml
/// </summary>
public partial class MainWindow : Window
private bool _dragStarted;
public MainWindow()
var item = new Item();
DataContext = item;
private void slider_ValueChanged(object sender, RoutedPropertyChangedEventArgs<double> e)
if (!_dragStarted)
var item = (Item)DataContext;
private void slider_DragStarted(object sender, System.Windows.Controls.Primitives.DragStartedEventArgs e)
_dragStarted = true;
private void slider_DragCompleted(object sender, System.Windows.Controls.Primitives.DragCompletedEventArgs e)
_dragStarted = false;
var item = (Item) DataContext;
A simple data class:
using System.ComponentModel;
namespace SliderIssue
public class Item : INotifyPropertyChanged
private int _count = 50;
public int Count
get { return _count; }
if (_count != value)
_count = value;
public void DoWhatever(double value)
//do something with value
//and blablabla
public event PropertyChangedEventHandler PropertyChanged;
protected void OnPropertyChanged(string property)
if (PropertyChanged != null)
PropertyChanged(this, new PropertyChangedEventArgs(property));
OK, now I see why you were trying to do it like that. I have a couple of suggestions that may help.
My first one is a bit more opinionated, but I offer it nonetheless. If the problem you are trying to solve is throttling requests to a back-end database, I would contend that your ViewModel need not concern itself with that. I would push that down a layer into an object that is making the call to the back-end based on the updated value passed down from the ViewModel.
You could create a poor-man's throttling attempt by recording DateTimeOffset.Now each time a call is made to the method to query the back-end DB. Compare that value to the last value recorded. If the TimeSpan between falls beneath your minimum threshold, update the value to which it was compared, and ignore the request.
You could do a similar thing with a timer and resetting the timer each time a request is made, but that is messier.
When the call returns from the back-end, this layer raises an event which the ViewModel handles and does whatever it needs to do with the data returned.
As another suggestion, I would also check out what the ReactiveExtensions give you. It takes a bit to kind of wrap your brain around how they work, but you could create an Observable from a stream of events, and then use the Throttle() method to return another Observable. You subscribe to that Observable and perform your call there. It would take more re-thinking the design and architecture of your software, but it is intriguing.
Paul Betts created an entire MVVM framework based around Rx called ReactiveUI. I first learned about throttling Observables in one of his blog posts here.
Good luck!
If I understand your problem correctly, it sounds like you would like both the Slider and the TextBox to reflect the same property of the DataContext (normally, a ViewModel). It looks like you are trying to duplicate what the binding mechanism of WPF gives you. I was able to get a quick prototype of this working. Here's the code I used.
For the view, I just created a new window with this as the content of the Window.
<Slider Value="{Binding TheValue}" Margin="16" />
<TextBox Text="{Binding TheValue}" Margin="16" />
Notice that both the Slider and the TextBox are bound to the same (cleverly-named) value of the DataContext. When the user enters a new value into the TextBox, the value will change, and the property change notification (in the ViewModel) will cause the slider to update its value automatically.
Here is the code for the ViewModel (i.e., the DataContext of the View).
class TextySlideyViewModel : ViewModelBase
private double _theValue;
public double TheValue
get { return _theValue; }
if(_theValue == value)
_theValue = value;
My ViewModel is derived from a ViewModelBase class which implements the INotifyPropertyChanged interface. The OnPropertyChanged() method is defined in the base class which merely raises the event for the property whose name is passed as the parameter.
Lastly, I created the View and assigned a new instance of the ViewModel as its DataContext (I did this directly in the App's OnStartup() method for this example).
I hope this helps get you going in the right direction.
Along the lines with Eric, but as a separate suggestion of operation.
Bind both controls to Count as two way as I suggested below.
Create a timer which fires off every second that checks two variables.
(Timer Check #1) Checks to see if a database request is ongoing (such as a Boolean flag). If it is true, it does nothing. If there is no operation (false), it goes to step 4.
(Timer Check #2) It checks to see if count is changed. If count has changed it sets the data request ongoing flag (as found/used in step 3) and initiates an async database call and exits.
(Database Action Call) Gets the database data and updates the VM accordingly. It sets the data request ongoing flag to false which allows the timer check to start a new request if count is changed.
That way you can manage the updates even if a user goes crazy with the slider.
I believe you may have over thought this. Remove all the events off of the slider and the textbox. If the first value (set programmatically) should not call your DoWhatever method, then put in a check in that code to skip the first initialization....
I recommend that you make the slider bind to Count as a TwoWay mode and have the Count Property do the other process you need (as shown on your entity class). No need to check for clicks or any other event. If the user changes the value in the textbox it changes the slider and visa versa.
<Slider Name="slider"
Value="{Binding Count, Mode=TwoWay}"
Maximum="100" />
<TextBox VerticalAlignment="Top"
Text="{Binding Count,Mode=TwoWay,UpdateSourceTrigger=LostFocus}"
Height="25" />

Register on specific changed property in MVVM Light on WP7

I've created a view with a listbox on it which shows a collection of Cars on it. If a user clicks on a specific car, he needs to be sent to a different view with some detailed information on it.
The binding properties are normal MVVM Light properties (with RaisePropertyChanged and all).
Some code snippets:
<ListBox ItemsSource="{Binding Cars}" SelectedItem="{Binding SelectedCar, Mode=TwoWay}">
While developing this application I've discovered I can register for property changed events using the Messenger object of MVVM Light, like so:
Messenger.Default.Register<PropertyChangedMessage<Car>>(this, (action) =>
Deployment.Current.Dispatcher.BeginInvoke(() =>
But if I'm correct, this will register for every changed Car in the whole application. It's probably possible to do something with the RaisePropertyChanged or Register so you can target a specific property, but I can't find seem to find it.
Anyone here got a clue or heads up?
In short: I want to register on a specific property, not a specific object in my MVVM Light application.
I think one alternative is to create a custom "message" to use only in connection with the desired functionality. For example declare a CarSelectedMessage and then instead of using the default broadcasting of PropertyChangedMessage<Car>, create and send the custom message from the view model:
public Car SelectedCar {
get { return _selectedCar; }
set {
_selectedCar = value;
var msg = new CarSelectedMessage(value);
On navigation in general
For implementing navigation in the application, I followed this blog post to make it simple to issue navigation requests from view models. I think it had to be updated a little for the latest version of MVVM Light though, see my version below.
New NavigationRequest class to be used as the message:
public class NavigationRequest
public NavigationRequest(Uri uri)
DestinationAddress = uri;
public Uri DestinationAddress
private set;
Register for requests in the constructor of the application's main view:
(request) => DispatcherHelper.CheckBeginInvokeOnUI(
() => NavigationService.Navigate(request.DestinationAddress)));
Finally for calling navigation from a view model
var uri = new Uri("/MyPage.xaml", UriKind.Relative);
Messenger.Default.Send(new NavigationRequest(uri));
Hope this helps,

How NOT to use an ObjectDataProvider?

I have my first WPF working fine with an ObjectDataProvider in the XAML:
<ObjectDataProvider x:Key="WaitingPatientDS" ObjectType="{x:Type local:clsPatients}">
However, I don't like using this because if there is a connection error, I can't trap it and the program just barfs out.
So, what I've been trying to do is to instantiate the collection object directly in the codebehind...
public partial class MainWindow : Window
ListBox _activeListBox;
clsPatients oPatients;
public MainWindow()
oPatients = new clsPatients(true);
...and then reference it in my databinding as so:
<StackPanel x:Name="stkWaitingPatients" Width="300" Margin="0,0,0,-3"
DataContext="{Binding Mode=OneWay, Source={StaticResource local:oPatients}}">
But, I'm getting "local:oPatients was not found".
So...what am I doing wrong in referencing this and/or how would someone else accomplish this data binding so that I can actually trap for connection errors and divert the main form to a user-friendly error form?
You're getting that error because oPatients is not a StaticResource. It would have to be defined in the ResourceDictionary the way your ObjectDataProvider was, but as a class member it is not. You could expose it as a public property:
public clsPatients Patients { get; set; }
Then bind to it directly:
<!-- MainWindowRoot is the x:Name of your Window element. -->
<StackPanel x:Name="stkWaitingPatients" Width="300" Margin="0,0,0,-3"
DataContext="{Binding Patients, ElementName=MainWindowRoot, Mode=OneWay}">
Assuming I haven't made some stupid mistake, that should work. However, it still doesn't solve your problem because you're loading the data in the constructor, which means that any exceptions will cause clsPatients construction to fail, which in turn will cause MainWindow construction to fail, which you cannot properly handle because it's a rats next of a stack trace that's indistinguishable from a legitimate construction failure.
Kent is 100% right: The data should come from an external provider.
You may have resource limitations, but you can still establish good design even if you can't implement a tiered architecture. At bare minimum, establish separation of concerns by loading the data in a separate data provider class then passing the fully-formed data into the window. That allows you to isolate failures where they occur, and keep your code somewhat more loosely coupled.
public class PatientDataProvider
public PatientDataProvider(WhatItNeedsToConnect whatItNeedsToConnect)
// this doesn't connect because the constructor shouldn't fail because of a connection failure
public clsPatients GetPatientData(bool yesOrNo)
// this can fail because of a connection error or some other data loading error
and invoke it as:
PatientDataProvider provider = new PatientDataProvider(whatItNeedsToConnect);
clsPatients patients = null;
try {
patients = provider.GetPatientData(true);
MainWindow w = new MainWindow { Patients = patients; };
catch (WhateverExceptionGetsThrownByProvider e)
MessageBox.Show("Could not load patients: " + e.Message);
Also, if clsPatients is self-refreshing, make sure it implements INotifyPropertyChanged or INotifyCollectionChanged as appropriate in order for the binding targets to update when the data changes.
I'd move the data access logic into a separate service, and perhaps into its own assembly entirely to enforce your intended separation of concerns. Then I'd have a view model use said service to retrieve data and expose it for the view. Then the view would simply bind to the view model and wouldn't care whether the data came from a database or whatever.
I would suggest reading up on separation of concerns, service locator/dependency injection, and MVVM.
