Is there a tool like CGDB for LLDB? [closed] - lldb

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Closed 2 years ago.
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I'm looking for a tool like CGDB for LLDB.
Make debugging in the terminal easier.

lldb has a curses based gui that you can switch to with the gui command in lldb. It isn't complete yet, and in particular doesn't have a command-line window. So you can step, view threads, frames, locals and source, but you have to switch out of GUI mode to type commands.


I need a BitBlt routine for SSD1306 driver c code [closed]

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Closed 4 days ago.
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I am using a monochrome display in an embedded project. The display uses an SSD1306 driver chip and my proc is an STM32F746. The driver does not have a BitBlt function and I need one. Is there some code out in the wild that I can use?
Many thanks!
I tried looking code for and found nothing

C IDE that lists the functions I've declared [closed]

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Closed 4 years ago.
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Anyone know of a C IDE that lists the declared functions in the code on a sidebar?
It would be nice to click to go directly to the function instead of scrolling a lot. The code I work with is unfortunately a bit monolithic.
Of course, Eclipse is capable to show your code outline in the outline view.
See here:

How to get list of impacted C functions from diff between 2 versions of file [closed]

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Closed 5 years ago.
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I am looking for a way how to get list of C functions impacted by the code changes.
Conditions: C project, OS Unix, CVS ClearCase.
Initially, I had planned to use unix diff with --show-c-function option like
diff --show-c-function oldfile newfile
but found that sometime result is incorrect and diff returns functions which were not really impacted by the code changes.
Don't want to write hand-made solution, so, is there any Unix tool which can help to solve this task?

OS GUI development learning:How to find the best recources to learn the GUI development for OS developing? [closed]

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Closed 6 years ago.
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There has some best resources to learn the OS GUI development?For example,books or documents or other things in respect of this fact.I want to read the books which are related to Unix:X Window System or C video programming and other things such as.Someone can guide me to learn the OS GUI development? Especially,guide to read a good book or point to something how should I begin for this.

Where is linux kernel source starting point? [closed]

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Closed 7 years ago.
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Well, after finishing an advanced C programming course i decided to take a look at the code of Giants. I wanted to have a look at Linux kernel source but as much as it's complicated I can't get to the starting point ! The main function or the first line of code to be executed after grub loads.
Would you please help me locate the first line of code to be executed in linux kernel 2.6 ?
