Where is linux kernel source starting point? [closed] - c

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Closed 7 years ago.
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Well, after finishing an advanced C programming course i decided to take a look at the code of Giants. I wanted to have a look at Linux kernel source but as much as it's complicated I can't get to the starting point ! The main function or the first line of code to be executed after grub loads.
Would you please help me locate the first line of code to be executed in linux kernel 2.6 ?



I need a BitBlt routine for SSD1306 driver c code [closed]

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Closed 4 days ago.
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I am using a monochrome display in an embedded project. The display uses an SSD1306 driver chip and my proc is an STM32F746. The driver does not have a BitBlt function and I need one. Is there some code out in the wild that I can use?
Many thanks!
I tried looking code for and found nothing

Where can I find the source code for pcap dump? [closed]

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Closed 3 years ago.
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I need to figure out the inner workings of the function pcap_dump (https://linux.die.net/man/3/pcap_dump) however I cannot seem to find the source code for it anywhere.
Does anyone know where I can find this (and possibly the starting line of the function's code, in case I have just missed it in the correct file)? Thanks!
Looks like it's from LIBPCAP library by "The Tcpdump Group". Sources of pcap_dump are here on Github.

Linux Kernel Libraries [closed]

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Closed 4 years ago.
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Is there an API/way to know what Linux Kernel headers replace what user space headers for instance: linux/string.h instead of string.h? All I found was this website:The Linux Kernal API but it didn't say what headers to include in my code in order to use the functions listed.
while no API found, a good way for me is to use :
and the following guide:
Kernel Guide

C - user level thread library example [closed]

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Closed 5 years ago.
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Is there any simple example you know? (with using getcontext, setcontext, makecontext)
I found some examples but they are a bit high level.
I just need to create threads and yield between them for now.
You didn't do any research. This is a pretty basic question.
How to "multithread" C code
Question on Getcontext function

How can I find the pbmpak.c file over the internet? [closed]

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Closed 6 years ago.
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I have a source code that included "pbmpak.h" and I need the implementation of this header(pbmpak.c) to run the program. I found the header and downloaded that but I can't find the implementation.
I believe you should be able to get everything from netpbm. That is the suite that contains all the relevant conversion routines and looking at pbmpak.h, probably contains all the function definitions. Notice that netpbm replaced pbmplus suite.
I'd take a look on github. I found this quite easily
There are quite a few references that might get you started here...
